Chapter four

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Chapter 4 Emma's teary eyes fixated on Leo, her Mate, as he slipped away from his w***e on the bed. Her heart pounded, and her body shook with sobs as she confronted him. They barely had spent half the day in the pack since they arrived and he was already cheating on her? She thought loved her. She thought he desire her just as she desire him to. Meanwhile, Leo put on his clothes with a cold-blooded expression, sparing Emma no glance like she was invisible. “Is this the worthless thing you told me about, my Alpha?” The w***e on the bed mocked as she stare at Emma condescendingly. “Yes,” Leo sneered, and he finally turned to face Emma. “Oh. I see the moon goddess decided to play a prank with you my Alpha. This pathetic omega can't possibly be our Luna, she's unworthy and undeserving,” The w***e maliciously commented. She sailed out of the bed half-nakedly and moved a few inches closer to Leo. Emma's heart dropped, and her eyes widened incredulously as Leo and his shameless w***e degraded her. The w***e deliberately kissed Leo in front of Emma, and Leo responded immediately as he spanked her butt sensually. “Oh my gosh! My Alpha!” The w***e moaned bitchily as she held his larger shoulders. “STOP!!!” Emma couldn't take it anymore, and she flickered at the w***e. She dragged her away from Leo and slapped her cheek thunderously. “Ah!” The w***e eyes widened with shock, as she clasped her stinging cheek. “How dare you kiss him?!” Emma vibrated with outrage and turmoil. “You are really a lowlife then I thought, how dare you slap?!” The w***e shot back angrily, she raised her hand and slapped Emma back. Emma groaned in pain as she held her cheek, she snappily looked over at Leo in disbelief who didn't stop his w***e from slapping her. She was hurt. Pained. Leo who enjoyed the show, held his w***e and kisses her lips briefly yet lovingly. “Good job,” he applauded her, “Leave us!” he commended in his Alpha tone. “Y-yes my alpha!” The w***e smiled seductively, and she bowed. She vanished from the room but not after she eyed Emma malevolently. “Watch your back!” "Leo, how could you...?!” Emma cried hurtfully, her voice shaking. “I… I thought you loved me!” "Love? Oh please don't be naive, Emma. Love has nothing to do with it!” He spat coldly. His callous words cut through Emma’s heart like a blade, and she found it difficult to breathe. “W-what did you just say?” Emma shuttered, and fresh tears slipped out of her eyes. The weight of Leo’s betrayal was heavy on her shoulder, that she could barely stand stably. “You heard me!” Leo snapped fiercely at her. "Oh really? Have you forgotten we're supposed to be mates? You're supposed to be loyal to me!” She shouted crazily at him. “Loyalty is earned if you must know, Emma,” Leo smirked as he strode closer to her. “And you, a wolfless girl, aren't worth my loyalty. You are not deserved to be the Luna of my pack!” Leo’s words crushed Emma's spirit, she lowered her head with a whimper as she remembered vividly she lost connection with her Wolf. Her connection with her wolf had been severed after that traumatic childhood accident. Up till today, the pain of that loss still haunted her. “I'm breaking our bond, Emma. What do you want the people to say? You are nothing but a lowly Omega, and you serve no purpose to me!” Leo growled as if adding salt to her wound. "You can't do this to me, Leo, you can't just discard me like trash! I am still your mate!” Emma couldn't help but yell at him defiantly. She won't let him see her as a weak, powerless, and vulnerable Omega. Leo eyes darkened, his outrage exploded, he gripped her neck and shoved her against the wall. “Ah!” Emma screamed painfully. “As your Alpha, you will show me respect, Emma!” Leo snarled as he asserted his dominance. Emma groaned and grunted, struggling to breathe as she felt anguish and disbelief wash over her. This wasn't the Leo she had known, the boy she had crushed on when they were younger. He had been a loving boy —not this transformed cruel stranger. Amidst the smoke of her pain, her friend Kira's words echo in her mind. Kira had warned her that Leo had changed, and that he wasn't the same person anymore. She never believed her, but now she has seen the truth in those words. Kira was right after all. Leo isn't who he was. What could change him? Why has he become so cruel and heartless? “Get lost!” With a final shove, Leo released her and stormed out of the room. Emma fell to the ground, her sobs resonating in the emptiness of the room. The reality of Leo's betrayal and disloyalty had broken her heart and the nightmare of the moment engulfed her completely. But she can't give up her love for him. Can she? *^* *^* It was nighttime already, and Emma couldn't sleep as she anxiously waited for Leo to come back. It was late night hours, the haze of sleep called her but she couldn't because she had determined into talking to Leo about his recent action. Maybe she did something wrong that must have warrant his action? Maybe just maybe… Emma was consumed by inner thoughts, the time ticked by, and it caused her heart to race with a mix of hope and uncertainty. After what seemed like forever, Leo finally staggered into the room, his state of intoxication was evident. He was supported by his two whores, they were laughing and singing drunkenly. The two scantily clad women giggled sheepishly as they led him to the king-sized bed, their moves were stagnant and unstable. After they’d placed him on the bed, the women chuckled intoxicantly as they walked past Emma. They reeked of alcohol, and one of them carelessly pushed Emma aside. “Little rat!” The w***e laughed, her long brown wavy hair scattered over her face. “She thinks she can rule as Luna, in her dreams. A wolfless omega is more like a human, what power does she have? She's a nobody!” The w***e said with a long yawn. “Let's go, she's not worth our time,” the other w***e urged her companion, and they chortled spitefully as they left the room. Emma stood and listened with a grim expression, her heart ached at their words. She was now a tool for ridicule and mockery. Emma sniffed back her tears, turned, and faced Leo who rumbled drunkenly on the bed. She approached Leo her voice, her fingers were trembling as she spoke, "Leo, please we need to talk. I beg you to give me a chance." “A chance you say?” Leo's eyes, clouded by drunkenness, snapped at Emma with an almost dismissive look. “What's there to talk about if I may ask, huh?” His slurred words were loaded with frustration. Emma swallowed hard down her throat. “I don't know what I must have done to you, but I beg to forgive me. I love you Leo, I love you ever since we were both kids. I don't know my wrong but I'm willing to work on them.” Leo scoffed, and his gaze turned icy. “Are you stupid that you can't see that ship sailed a long time ago, Emma? I don't love you, and I don't see myself being with a wolfless and pathetic nobody like you!” Fresh tears welled up in Emma's eyes, and when she spoke her voice cracked. “Please, Leo, I love you. I can't bear the thought of you rejecting me!” “Deal with it b***h!” Leo's expression shifted, and a flash of anger crossed his face. Without a forearm, he sprang out of bed and grabbed Emma's arm forcefully. “Please! You are hurting me!” Emma cried, his grip was painful. “I don't care!” Leo yelled heartlessly. “Look, don't you understand simple english. I don't love you, and you are nothing to me!” Emma winced hurtfully, her arm ached both from the physical pain and Leo's harsh words. “Follow me, I will teach you a lesson!” Leo growled, and Emma heart skipped as she wonder what he want to do her. Leo’s eyes were red and dark as his gaze bore into hers, he looked like a possessed demon. With a mighty move, Leo dragged her aggressively out of the room. “Please Leo, stop, you have to stop please don't do this to me I beg of you,” Emma was crying, but it only aggravated Leo. Through the long hallway of the pack mansion, he roughly transported her to the deepest cell. His steps were unsteady, unstable. It was completely dark and stinking inside the cell as Leo wickedly propelled her inside, and locked the door with finality. “No! Leo please!” Emma shrieked, she grabbed the door cell which made her feel trapped both physically and emotionally. “You will stay in here, and only my orders can have you released Emma!” Leo roared authoritatively. Emma whimpered powerlessly, and her heart was broken into million pieces! She watched helplessly as Leo stormed away, his steps unbalanced. Left alone in the dark and smelly cell, Emma crumbled to the damp floor. She wept silently and only her sobs echoed. She was doomed forever. If only she had listened to Kira. No. She had had enough! She must do something, something to free herself from this devil!
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