Night club

1073 Words
Chapter 5 A month. A month had fled away since that fateful night, and time slipped by like sand through an hourglass. After a month, Leo reappeared like the devil he was that morning, and he ordered her release. However, his decision to release her from the cell seemed more like a curse than salvation. As the pack guards unlocked the door, Emma was shoved forward, and Leo wordlessly motioned for her to follow, and she reluctantly heeded. The once-vibrant light in her eyes had dulled, and it was replaced by weariness. Hunger. Emma wasn't surprised when Leo led her to the pack house, and she has given a role she never could have imagined —a slave. Forced to work as a slave, day after day, she toiled away, her hands calloused from labor. The pack members weren't an exception as they took pleasure in her suffering. The cruelty and mockery, she received were agonizing but she endured. The place she thought would be her sanctuary had transformed into a living nightmare! Leo grew increasingly monstrous every day as he paraded with his whores through its halls, he paid no attention even when she was in the room. He disregard her and his hate for her stung like a fresh wound. Emma had hoped to change him, to melt away the ice that had enveloped his heart —but now it seemed like an impossible feat. The nights were the cruelest as his temper flared uncontrollably, he’d heartlessly beat her and torture her. He was ferocious and relentless, and her body bore the scars of his rising anger. On a particular day, Emma was on her knees in the court, scrubbing the walls with a rag in hand. The maids, her fellow servants of the pack, giggled and exchanged cruel remarks behind her back. "Look at her, the pathetic one!” One of the maids sneered, her voice trickling with meanness. "Can't believe she thought she was anything special," another wickedly jeered and they busted into a peal of mocking laughter. “Heard she's wolfless, and that kept me wondering how a human like her would rule over us,” A pack maid let out, an evil grin on her face. Their hateful words struck Emma like arrows to her heart, she’d bit her lip and tried to fight back tears. Her shoulders slumped as she continued her task, trying to block out their taunts flying into her ears like arrows. All of a sudden, as overwhelmed by an unseen force, Emma sprang to her feet, and the cloth dropped to the ground. “I have had enough!” She whispered to herself, and then she cast a glare at the maids. All these days of enduring pain and humiliation has to come an end, she can't take it anymore! Emma's heart pounded in her chest as a newfound strength gushed through her veins. And without a second thought, she stormed out of the court. The pack maids were bewildered, and confused as they watched her leave. Meanwhile, Emma made her way to Leo's study room, where he was been pleased by one of his whores. Emma was hurt seeing that, but she struggled to remain unconcerned. “I need to speak with you,” She demanded, and she watched the w***e finish her job. Leo was nonchalant as he buckled his pants, while the w***e catwalk out of his study after viciously rolling her eyeballs at Emma. “What do you want?!” Leo snapped, his emerald eyes darkened at her. “I want answers, Leo. I want to know why you have chosen to hate me, I want to know why you've treated me this way.” Leo scoffed as he sat on his huge chair, his leg crossed over the other on the table majestically. His expression hardened, and he started to tap his fingers rhythmically on the desk. "Why does it matter?" he retorted. "It matters to me!” Emma shot back, her voice gaining strength. "I loved you, Leo. I still do, despite everything. But I can't keep living like this, in this cycle of pain and torment.” "Answers? Do you think you deserve anything from me? You are nothing but a burden, Emma,” Leo sneered. Emma's anger unnaturally bubbled, and she fisted her hands, clenched at her sides. “If I recall I was never a burden to you before! We were close once, right? Tell me what changed?” Leo's eyes narrowed, and his face stiffened as he snarled. "I won't have you talk back at me like that you pathetic swine!” “And I won't have you treat me like s**t!” Emma shot back, and Leo’s eyes dilated with surprise. What has gotten into her? Emma spun and stormed out of the office with anger boiling in her veins. She has had enough! After Emma stormed out of Leo's study room, her frustration bubbled over. She wandered briskly and unconsciously, she had reached her breaking point, tired of being treated like a slave by everyone. Emma wandered around in the streets, her steps heavy with bitterness mixed with outrage, until she found herself standing in front of a clubhouse. She stopped. Breathing heavily, Emma took a moment to collect her thoughts. The clubhouse stood before her, the atmosphere inside was filled with laughter and electrifying music as the people mingled. Some were playing cards, some were dancing, and others were chattering. “Just for tonight.” Emma sighed as she wallowed in liquor and music. Emma became high and danced drunkenly, not until she felt cold eyes on her. She paused for a moment, and that was when she saw him! The gorgeous stranger. He sat at the quietest and dark part of the clubhouse, his eyes piercing at her as if desiring to stab her soul. Those radiant grey eyes of his, are bright as the stars in the midnight sky. Emma swallowed hard as the handsome stood, he was incredibly tall and his black hair made him look divine and unreal. He started to approach her! His steps were calculated, and majestic. A tide of heat overwhelmed Emma, and her thighs clenched when he finally reached her spot. The domineering and authoritative aura around him overshadowed the clubhouse, and his large-built body towered over her. “You are mine!” His deep voice boomed, like a bottomless abyss.
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