Chapter two

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Chapter 2 Emma shook nervously as she watched Leo approach her in his calculate gaits, and his hands pocketed. Most of the ladies in the party had their lustful eyes on him every where he goes but his rested on her… Emma. Finally, Leo reached her spot with a warm smile, causing Emma to breathe in his scent hungrily. Leo took her by surprise as he gently peck on her cheek which sent a hive of butterflies fluttering in her stomach, and she blushed under his hot gaze. “Hey, Emma,” Leo greeted, his deep voice carrying over the music. “Uhm… Hi, Leo!” Emma replied uneasily, feeling a little flustered. “It's been years since we've seen each other,” Leo said as he sensually wrapped his hands around her waist. Emma gasped aloud, her eyes widened, her heart began to beat faster as she danced slowly with him. “Uh… Y-yeah, you're right,” She shuttered, feeling lured by him in the insides. This was her childhood sweetheart after all, the man she had always wanted, desired. And now, it was as if the moon goddess was on her side and she granted her, her wish. For a moment, they both danced like couples and Emma couldn’t contain her excitement any longer. Trying to strike up a conversation between them, Emma took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she finally let out the words she had been longing to say. “Leo, we’re mates.” Leo’s smile remained, but his eyes held a glint of something unreadable. He didn’t respond directly, which left Emma feeling a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. Before the moment could linger any longer, Leo stopped to dance as he made to excuse himself, and Emma watched as he left until he disappeared. She was lost. Dumbfounded. Why didn't he say anything? Emma's thoughts raced. As if on cue, her best friend Kira arrived with drinks in hand, and Emma welcomed the distraction. “Hey,” Emma heaved as she collected the drink Kira offered her. “Em! Looks like you and Leo were having a nice chat,” Kira commented, raising an eyebrow playfully. “Y-yeah,” Emma’s blush exacerbated, and she laughed softly. “You're right, we were.” Kira took a quick sip of her drink, her expression changed immediately into a light frown thoughtfully. “So, what were you guys chatting about? One would mistake you two to be couples.” “Hahahaha,” Emma giggled, excitement bubbled to the surface, and she nodded eagerly. “You are literally right Kira. Saying the fact, we both happened to be mates.” “What!” Kira gasped shockingly. “Leo is you're mate!” Emma nodded in wordless response, then she gulped her drink again. “I'm glad you've found you're mate after all these years best friend,” Kira smiled widely, but her smile suddenly faltered slightly, and her gaze turned serious. “And how did he… I mean Leo react?” “He didn’t really say anything. Just smiled,” Emma frankly answered, her enthusiasm slightly dulled by the lack of a clear response. “Hmm,” Kira’s lips pressed into a thin line, concern apparent in her eyes. “Emma, I think I need to tell you something about Leo.” Emma was taken aback, and her brows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean, Kira?” Kira hesitated for a moment, she was inwardly choosing her words carefully. “Leo... you see he’s not the same person he used to be. He’s changed, and not in a good way.” “What are you talking about?,” Emma’s eyes narrowed, a mixture of frustration and confusion swirling within her as she added. “I choose to believe you're just saying that because you don’t like him.” “No, Emma it's not like that,” Kira’s expression softened, and she placed a hand on Emma’s shoulder. “Trust me when I say I’ve seen things and heard things. I'm not against you're happiness, but I don’t want to see you get hurt.” Emma’s anger flared immediately, her emotions raw and twisted as she snarled. “You don’t know him like I do! Ever since we were kids, you never liked him. For goddess sake Kirs, we're fated mates. Nothing else matters!” Kira sighed deeply. “You're getting this all wrong, why are you so stubborn, huh? If you must know I’m only trying to protect you, Emma because you're my best friend! Look, I’ve seen too many people fall into bad situations because they ignored the warning signs you know.” “Whatever Kira!” Emma’s frustration jutted out, and she snappily pulled away from Kira’s touch. “Well, I'm sorry but I won’t listen to you. I won’t reject Leo just because of some filthy** rumors, okay?” She glared. “Leo and I are gonna be together, we are both f*****g meant to be together. We will live happily, he loves me and I love him too, and nobody is going to ever change that!” Emma added sternly. “Fine!” Kira sighed in defeat, but her worry for her friend was still evident. “Okay, I understand that you feel strongly about this. Just promise me you’ll be careful.” “I will, trust me I will,” Emma’s anger began to disperse, and she replaced it with a smile. “I will be careful, but I won’t give up on him. He's mine.” Kira’s eyes softened, and she nodded. “It's fine, just know I’ll be here for you, no matter what happens.” With their conversation hanging in the air, the two friends returned their attention to the lively atmosphere of the club. However, Emma’s thoughts began to drift inward. The conflicting warnings from Kira echoed in her mind but so did her deep connection with Leo. Leo is a decent and well-mannered guy. On the contrary, he's the opposite of how Kira depicted him. A wide smile returned on Emma’s lips, swaying her hips to the music blaring in the air as she thought about an extraordinary life with him. She found herself considering the idea of a fresh start, of leaving behind the shadows that clung to her past and embracing the potential of a new beginning —and that is by leaving behind her deceased father’s pack and moving into Leo’s pack as his rightful Luna. Leo is the right man for her, and he has everything she wants in a man. Kira warnings hit Emma’s head again and she felt troubled about it. No. She will prove Kira wrong. She will show her and anyone who thinks about Leo as a bad person; they are wrong!
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