Chapter one

1147 Words
Chapter 1 Fifteen-year-old Emma slouched in the backseat, her hands were folded across her chest and her expression was grumpy. “Come on, sweetie, let’s see that gorgeous smile of yours, huh?” Her mother who was seated in front of the passenger seat, turned, and coaxed her daughter. She smiled playfully, but Emma refuse to heed. “Mom, seriously, just leave me alone!” Emma retorted at her, and her frown only deepened. Her mother chuckled softly, shaking her head at her childishness —her darling daughter Emma will never change. However, the conversation between mother and daughter was suddenly interrupted by a sharp gasp from the father who was driving. “What's wrong honey?” The woman faced her husband, and she saw him peered ahead with wide eyes, his knuckles turning white as he clutched the steering wheel. Only then did she face ahead, and her eyes widened as her gaze followed her husband’s. “Mom what's happening?!” Emma cried out as she saw the old truck losing control ahead of them. Fear filled the car mixed with alarm, the family helplessly watched as the massive oncoming truck hurtled towards them, its blaring horn echoing in the air. Emma held her chest, she watched as panic set in her father who stomped repeatedly on the brake pedal —but nothing happened. The brakes had failed! “D-dad do something now!” Emma urged her father terrifyingly, she was having a panic attack as she found it difficult to breathe. Emmaheart raced faster like a tornado as she saw the visible terror on her parents’ faces. Are they going to die? Tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice trembled as she spun to her mother, desperately seeking answers. “Mom, what’s going to happen, huh? I don't wanna die Mommy!” she wailed, her voice shaking. The older woman's eyes glistened with tears, her voice choked with emotion. She reached over and took her daughter’s hand, and pulled it to her lips for a tearful kiss. “Sweetheart, I love you so much,” she whispered, her words carrying the weight of a lifetime of love. Her father’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, his face a mask of despair. “You know what to do Amby, you have do it now and quick!” In a split second decision he said, and his wife nodded frantically at him. It was silent understanding passing between them. And with one swift motion, the mother flung open the car door. “Wha—” Emma was stunned and confused. “I love you, my baby girl,” the woman sobbed, kissing her daughter’s hand one more time before she pushed her out of the car. Arrrrghhh!!! Emma stumbled onto the pavement, bruised and disoriented, her eyes wide with shock. Her mother's anguished scream filled the air, mixed with the roaring of both vehicles as they collided! The wreck was devastating and within moments, flames engulfed the shattered car. “Mother! Father!” Emma watched in horror, her world seemed to crumble around her. The car was now a blazing inferno, the flames licking at the sky. Her hands shook as she clutched the sides of her jeans, her scraped knuckles stinging. But just before the explosion, strong arms reached out and pulled her away from the danger. “Hey—!” Emma gasped startlingly at the stranger with teary eyes, as she was been dragged away. *^* *^* “f**k!” Emma gasped loudly, she held her racing heart as she jolted back to the present. Her gasp of breath echoed in the confines of the car, and the memory of the fire accident still lingered in her head. Its vividness was like a scar etched into her mind, and it was disorienting her mind. Slowly, Emma blinked away the remnants of the memory, focusing on the reality around her Hence, she immediately remembered she was supposed to be heading toward the clubhouse where her friends were waiting for her. Emma’s fingers clenched and released the edge of her seat frequently as she made efforts to shake off the residual fear of her past. Tonight, she would be having fun with her friends at the popular club in the heart of the pack; a place where she could dance away her worries and engross herself in the vibrant energy of the night. Twenty minutes later, Emma arrived at the pack clubhouse and she stepped out of the car. The breeze whirled around her, kissing her skin chilly as she approached the building in front of her. The thumping bass and colorful lights of the club welcomed her, momentarily pushing the memories of the accident into the background. The whole space was swamped with people, and most of them were dancing to the tone of the electrifying music. “Emma!” Kira, one of her friends rushed over as she pushed herself through the crowd of people. “Hey Kira,” Emma muttered with relief as she saw her best friend amidst the unfamiliar crowd. Kira smiled infectiously as she hugged Emma tightly, then they exchanged greetings. “Where are Layla and Mireya?” Emma whispered into Kira’s ear so she would hear her over the loud music. “Oh! They were with me a few minutes ago, wait let me see if I can…” Kira was saying as she looked around the crowd in search of her best friends. Meanwhile, Emma suddenly felt eyes on her and she glanced around the clubhouse, her heart skipped millions of beats as her eyes met his… Leo. Her childhood sweetheart! Emma’s heart raced, after all these years they haven't seen each other she was still having feelings for him. Emma was extremely tense, and edgy as she gulped hard as their eyes fixated on each other. Leo's appearance hasn't changed even a bit… He was still that gorgeous guy; 6’2 ft tall with blonde hair and emerald eyes that made him look like an angel. Back in the past, it was his lustrous emerald eyes that allured a lot of women to him. She has always had a huge crush on Leo, despite being best of friends since they were kids, she’d have a burning and unexplainable affection for him. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. And behind their exchange of silences, there was something more, an unspoken connection that simmered just beneath the surface. “What is this?” Emma slowly thought. She felt an intense pull, an undeniable connection that she couldn’t ignore it. And then… it hit her with a jolt! That sizzling scent wafted her nose, it was so enticing that she breathed in sharply. Leo was her mate! The person she had been searching for all these years, and waiting for has always been... Leo. Her childhood sweetheart!
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