The mark

1115 Words
THEO'S POV After my call with Alpha zane and his rude daughter i needed to think of away to punish becky she knows better. leo also should have handled becky hes my beta i expect more from him. "leo get in here" i mink-linked him "coming alpha"  He walked into my office "i need an explanation on why you didnt stop the fight with becky and ella"  "well they started before from what i was told from her sister and then it escalated during gym when they were playing soccer, becky had been giving ella dirty looks all through the game becky decided to trip her on purpose then they broke out into a fight the teacher tried to stop them but me and max her beta held him back then becky pulled a knife on ella when she was losing"  "YOU DID WHAT WHY THE HELL DID YOU HOLD THE TEACHER BACK IT WOULD HAVE SAVED ME TROUBLE OF HAVING TO DEAL WITH BECKY A MEETING WITH THE ALPHA" I yelled at i was pissed i slapped him hard in the face "leave at once bring me becky now" he nodded and left Of course they leave me to clean up their f*****g mess like honestly i punched they wall many times why the f**k cant they use there brains.  "you wanted to see my babe" i turned and becky had poked her head in  "stop you arent my mate" "oh yeah then why do you have my mark hmmm" she smirked "i only have that stupid mark till i find my mate you marked me when i was drunk and then tried to make me mark you but my wolf wouldnt allow it" i snapped  "but i-"  "but nothing becky now for your punishment.. girls get in here" i yelled for my other pack member's becky wants to fight fine she can fight my most skilled girls  "fight" i yelled  "but babe i can" she was cut off by a punch to the face they fought for a while they made sure to go a little easy on becky but they kicked her ass and man it was funny call me heartless but i do what i do to get my point a crossed to my pack   becky was all blood "take her to the doctor" i said to the girls. ELLA'S POV  "dont call me kitty" i growled at theo  "ok then chill out whats got you all pissed of little human" "stop calling me that im a wolf i mask my scent"  "you dont want to find a mate" "i know who he is but he dont know yet im waiting"  he looked at me weird at my response went to walk away when i noticed he made a mark  ella mate didnt wait he wanted someone else my wolf whined rena its gonna be ok ill deal with this "so looks like you found your mate hmm" i pointed to his mark  "oh a i a-" i cut him off "i dont want to hear it" i went to walk away then he grabs me i felt the sparks he looked shocked  "why are you so angry that i have a mark" i didnt answer him i felt hurt my mate didnt want to wait for me "ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER ME" he raised his voice  rena what do i do. she was quiet then spoke tell mate maybe theres a reason i sighed "theo im your mate" i whispered he had let go of me i looked up to him he was shocked as was i  "what no way your my mate your human"  "im not" i unmasked my scent  his eyes widened as he sniffed the air and smelled me 'mine' he growled as me hugged me i wanted to hug him but he was marked i was pissed i pushed him away "dont pull that mine s**t when your marked by another you couldnt wait you had to be a man w***e and get mark by another she-wolf" i went to walk away and again he pulled me to him "ella please allow me to explain" i smacked him in the face "dont come near me or look at me"  he looked sad "are you rejecting me" "no i dont know, i just cant be around you right no"  "please elle let me explain" god i loved the way he said my name ugh snap out of it elle i shook my head and walked away my wolf cried in my head rena its for the best for now "mia im going home" i minklinked her i just cant deal with him right now i drove home i didnt want to go inside yet  how about a run rena its been a while oh my god yes ive been waiting to get out. rena was jumping for enjoy in my head ok chill girl. i ran behind a tree stripped out of my clothes and shifted my bones broke. once i shifted i ran as fast as i could i always went to a lake a few miles away from my house i looked in the water at my self my wolf was white with red paws and red tips on my ears i loved her. i was bigger then a average wolf i was an alpha so i was big. i layed down in the dirt i had fell sleep when i heard branched breaking i jumped to my feet "whos there show your self" i growled i was ready for a fight then a black and grey wolf walked out  mate mate rena said i rolled my eyes at her  theo made himself lower to the ground to show submission and that he wasnt going to hurt me i layed back down "what do you want" i growled at him  "i just want to explain my mark please ella" he begged  "fine then explain" i laid my head on my paws  "it was becky who did it i was drunk and she marked me she tired to get me to mark her but my wolf didnt allow it i didnt want her to mark me i was waiting for my mate for you" he walked over to me and nuzzled me then layed down next to me  "wait you said becky" he nodded at me  "im going to kill her tomorrow" "so do you forgive me" he asked me he was sorry  "one chance theo only one" we layed down for hours we fell asleep it was nice my wolf purred because we were close to theo she enjoyed it a little to much.
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