Rejection or Acceptance

1491 Words
THEOS POV When i had woken i seen my beautiful mate she was still sleeping, she looked peaceful.  she does look good doesnt she ace asked me  yea she does but i know she isnt going to forgive me so easily for becky mark i sighed Theo you have to prove to her that she means the world you us shes mate she will understand soon enough Ella began to wake up i nudged her with my head we were still in are wolves "good morning little mate" she looked at me went behind a tree and shifted i did too. she walked out go shes perfect my wolf purred chill out ace she smirked at me "like what you see" i nodded "of course i do" she laughed at me i walked over to her and hugged her she was so tinny. i heard her purr being close to me  ELLAS POV   He hugged me i was short so i just reached his chest he was purring just like me. rena was going crazy in my head she enjoyed being close to are mate. until i looked up and seen beckys mark "whats wrong my love" he asked kissing me on the forehead "its just the mark becky gave you i dont like it at all" he sighed "i know baby but until we are ready to mate it will be there i know it bothers you trust me it bothers me to my wolf it still pissed at me for it"  "well im just saying im going to kill her today lets go we need to get to school" we shifted and ran to the school shifting back. theo took my hand leading us to the school we got lots of looks people started talking saying "look hes got a new girl" or "damn she gets around". i knew he was a man w***e but still i just ignored them they dont matter anyways hes my mate i need to accept him for what he is maybe he will change.  "BABE" a shout came from within the crowed of people barbie was pushing her was though i growled as she walked towards us. "calm down baby i got this" theo whispered in my ear rip her apart ella my wolf wouldnt shut up but i agree with her i wanted to kill barbie for touching my mate. i soon calmed down when theo pulled me close hugging me i smelled him i loved his scent.  "becky what do you want" theo raised his voice a bit i buried my head in his chest and shot barbie a evil smirk  barbie crossed her arms and c****d her head "what the hell why are you with her"  "she is my mate and you will respect her or there will be more trouble" becky laughed "good one baby im your mate not that little mutt plus you have my mark" i growled loud enough that everyone looked at us i walked towards her leaving theos side  "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HE ONLY HAD YOU AROUND JUST FOR HIM TO BANG YOU MARKED HIM WHEN HE WAS DRUNK THATS WHY HE DIDNT MARK YOU, YOU ARE NOT AND NEVER WILL BE HIS MATE" I yelled in her face she looked shocked the truth was out everyone gasped as i said the truth.  becky ran away crying i kinda felt day but yet i didnt theo pulled me to him i calmed down a bit "babe jealousy doesnt look good on you" he whispered to me i playfully punched him in the chest and rolled my eyes at him   I walked to the school swaying my hips to tease him a bit. i turned to smirk at him  THEOS POV i watched as ella walked towards the school shacking her tips damn she looked good nice ass to she knew i was checking her out she smirked at me. theo you whipped man ace said ya ya whatever ace shut it you like it too. i blocked him out want walked towards her she ran. ok little mate two can play this game. i ran after her she hid somewhere hmm where are you little mate.  Ace do your thing sniff her out. we caught her scent and followed it to an empty room i opened the door "come out little mate i know your in here" it was dark i felt her jump on me and kiss me. i reached to turn on the light when i looked to my surprise is was becky i dropped her on her ass "what the hell becky" the door opened i seen ella standing there she was about to cry "elle please let me explain" she ran i went to run after her but becky grabbed me ELLAS POV i started running into the school i ran to a class room to hide then i ran out hoping the throw theo off. 5 minutes has passed and he hasnt found me yet. i sniffed the air ti find his scent i got it and followed it to the room i had first hid in. i opened the door to see becky and theo kissing he had dropped her but he was kissing her tears started in my eyes i ran.  how could i be so stupid to think hed change and stop hooking up with her "ella please stop let me explain" theo yelled as he followed me i ran out of the school and shifted in the woods running towards my pack theo was hot on my tail. i howled letting my pack know i was coming but someone was following me. i passed the north boarder my pack was ready to fight "father i need you please" i mind-linked him "im home honey whats wrong" he responded i was close to the pack house when i heard a loud growl it was theo.  he can make anyone bow to him hes the king after all. i stopped dead in my tracks to look and my worriers bowed to him f*****g king command i kept running other pack members had blocked theo from getting to me he also made them bow. i shifted mid jump ran to my fathers office busting throw the door and locking it "ella whats going on" he jumped out of his seat "t-the k-king is h-here" gasping to catch my breath "what why is he here are meeting isnt for another 2 weeks"  theo started to bang on the door s**t s**t s**t i ran over to behind my dad "dont let him in" i pleaded to him "OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR ZANE RIGHT NOW" he used his alpha command no one can resist his command "i have to honey im sorry" my father ran over to the door and opened it. i looked at theo his eyes were black his wolf was going to take other  he ran over to me and pinned me against the wall. "MINE" he growled at me "let me go theo" i was about it hit him but he stopped him "what is going on" my father asked not knowing what to do "well your little daughter here is my mate" still having me pinned my father gasped "yea still you were kissing your w***e" i snapped at him while growling giving him a warning.  he sighed and yelled at me "WELL YOU DIDNT LET ME EXPLAIN"   i whimpered i was scared i started to shack i was scared he was going to hurt me. i swallowed the lump in my throat "mates arent suppose to hurt each other let along locking lips with the schools slut oh and i forget to mention" i paused to breath "BEING MARKED BY HER" he has dropped me i pushed him away  "its not what it looked like ella please let-" i put my hand over his mouth "shut up i dont want to hear it" i knew i was going to regret what i was about to say but i need to protect my self  "I, ELLA ANN COLLINS REJECT YOU THEO KENT KNIGHT AS MY MATE" i yelled it at him i felt a sharp pain in my chest my wolf cried in my head as i said it. i couldnt look at him.  THEOS POV  my world just fell apart she rejected me i felt like i was being stabbed my wolf cried out for his mate "ella please dont do this" i begged for her to take it back "just leave now" she cried i wanted to hold her but i knew she was hurt she didnt even look at me. i turned to leave her father grabbed me "we will talk about this later your Highness" i just nodded and left with out saying a word i just ran and ran not looking back i felt broken. 
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