
1038 Words
ELLA'S POV Its been a few days now since becky stabbed me my father has been bothering me about it saying i need to better protect my self ugh no perks to have a over protective father.  It was early monday morning so i decided to get up early about 5 in the morning. i went down stairs to get food but i heard noise in the game room i walked in to see of course james and max raging over call of duty no surprise "stop cheating" james yelled "what you mean im using a sniper its called quickscoping not using usmg's" max yelled back. These boys and their game but man did i love to play just to kick one of their asses "hey move over i wanna play" they both turned to look at me, max raised an eyebrow at me "you sure you can quickscope with us"  "hell yes im beat yo asses" i might be getting cocky but i know i can ive always been good at the games so ye ima show them up "ok grab a controller and game on elle" james sounded cocky too. i sat down and grabbed the controller we started a new game it was the first one to 30kills. of course the guys screen peaked after 20 minutes of raging i did beat them but only by 3 kills max had 27 james 25 i mean hey i love beating them.  "why the hell are you guys so loud" mia had woken up welp there goes the fun  "well i just kicked you mate and max's ass at their own game" i laughed when i said it "ya ya whatever gloat all you want ill get you back" max smirked at me i knew he was gonna tackle me i ran  "no max not fair you have james too" i yelled back at him james was following behind us i towards the kitchen i ran through the swinging doors i held it open and hit max with it. i know a little cheap but hey a girls got to do what a girls go to do you know what i mean.  Max looked shocked i laughed then i realized that the pack was us whoops good thing my father wasnt around. "here ill help you us" "elle you are a dirty little cheat" he laughed i helped him up "lets go eat" he nodded and we sat down to eat after some time my father walked in "good morning everyone"  "morning dad" "morning alpha"  "so elle are you ready for school and please stay away from becky"  "yes father i know but still if i need to defeat my self i will" "i know but theo will be there today so behave please" i nodded got up kissed my father on the cheek "bye father see you later come on guys time for school" i waved by to my father and got into the car and left for school.  We pulled into the school we got out we decided to get here 30 minutes early so we could just talk and hang out. i sat on the hood of my car gloating of course because i kicked james and maxs ass in call of duty  "elle are you gonna stop yet" max asked  "hmm let me think no and oh hows your face feel lookin a little red" i laughed he has a huge red mark on his forhead "not funny elle you played dirty" he crossed his arms acting like a baby "hey come on now elle you did play dirty" mia came up and hit me in the back of the head "ok maybe i did but it was funny"  Another car pulled in that ive never seen before there were 6 others behind is of course it was theo i seen leo get out of the car "hey leo come over here" i shouted at him while waving at him i turned my graze to becky she looked bad. i swear she was beat for punishment or something. Then it hit me a intoxicating smell pine and chocolate it smelled so good MATE MATE MATEEE rena was cheering in my head i look around to see a guy then to leo black hair, brown eyes, tall and he had muscles god he looked good. he smirked at me as i checked him out "like what you see" i shook my head and snapped out of it i realized it was king theo.  Just great i get a playboy mate fantastic i rolled my eyes "anyways how are you leo"  "good how are you feeling better" "much better its still healing even with alpha blood a cut by a silver knife"  "oh where are my manners this is king theo or alpha theo" we all waved and said hello, then of course barbie came over and was hanging off theo "baby why are you here with these losers" she looked right at me  "they are pretty cool actually becky"  "whatever lets go" she tired pulling his arm but he didnt move  "i wanna stay here and talk for a little"  "ew with them" pointing to me "listen barbie you wanna go again and try fighting fair come look for me, but remember what you were told i wont hesitate to push you in your place" i got up right in here face ya i was a little jealous she was hanging off my mate but he didnt know.  "the next time i fight you little human im going to kill you and thats a pro-" she was cut off by theo smacking her in the back of the head  "dont ever steak to anyone let alone a alpha or human alpha" "ouch baby that hurt" "good bye guys see you around" he pulled becky with him she looked pissed of course i have to deal with barbie. i wasnt really feeling going to class i didnt like how she was hanging off me mate and kissing him i growled and punched the wall next to me  "easy kitty" i turn to see theo standing there i smiled inside only because he was with barbie
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