Saving Mate pt one

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Today im gonna put up two chapters the second part with be up soon i hope im working on it right has this goes up it should be out in 2 to 3 hours, when i do parts i will put both out on the same day a few hours a[art from each other ELLAS POV  Its been about a month sense we got here my uncle and auntie have been doing their best to keep me busy and not thinking about Theo and it has been working most of the tine. key word most Honestly i really havent given it much thought how im going to talk to him and lets be real i really dont want to. He can go bark up a tree. But im not gonna lie i did miss him, yea i know weird right but i cant help it we have a bond but once and if we mate, we cant pulled against a mate bond. It was monday me and emma got up early for a run like we use to before i hit my wild faze. I couldnt help but think if i did the right thing or if i just over reacted. "ELLA LOOK OUT" I heard a faint voice be him i realized i was in the lake. I swam back to the shore while emma literally rolled around laughing at me. I growled at her "you really think its funny its freezing in there" i mind-linked her while i shock my wet fur. "come on Ellie its really funny"  "ok maybe it was but still its cold"    I pounced on emma her wolf was black white kind of like a cow. We played around for a while when we heard growls "emma how close are we to the boarder" i asked through are mind-link we both slowly backed up as four rogues stepped onto the Moon blood land "a elle we are really far out i though if we ran the whole pack land itd be fine im sorry"  "dont worry But we need to think of something we cant fight with just us to there are gonna be more coming" then i got an idea "emma look if we split up i will lead them away you run back and get help i keep the four on me" she tilted her head questioning me "em you just need to trust me once you get close enough to the pack house howl as loud as you can let them know there are rogues and i need help there is a clearing on the western side meet me there thats were im gonna take them now goooo!" Emma ran off they were trying to follow her but i growled and lunged at the smallest one cutting her face she backed away yelping  "Stand down little wolf" i alpha rogue mind-linked me  i growled baring my teeth "little wolf funny im bigger then you, why are you here"  "ive come to collect the kings mate you know king Theo" my eyes widened how did he know i would be there  "shes not here no leave" i took my ground  he circled around me but not making a move "oh but i think you do know" he paused "you see do you know annie"  "what about that b***h" i growled  "you see she was curious in why you just up and left from the phoenix pack in the middle of a year kind weird if you ask me" he laughed then continued "so some help with me my fellow rogues have been spying on the king for many months now trying to get a weak spot on him them his mate comes along perfect well almost perfect, my spy gave me the little hint you rejected oh mighty king theo then left your country but you see annie wants you gone due to your close to aaron now see"  "this is where i come into play i want king theos place and annie wants you gone so now im here to take you" "Not gonna happen" i clawed him then ran for the western field i heard him howl for more rogues s**t s**t s**t they were hot on my tail "EMMA WHERE ARE YOU" i yelled through the mind-link "elle we are almost there 5 minutes hold on" "please hurry they want me"  i ran so fast i felt as if my legs were on fire i hit the clearing when i fell my legs hurt so bad they slowly entered the field they stocked towards me "well well well little ella where is your big bad mate now ahah not here"   "my mate may not be here but i can still kick your ass" i growled at him for got sakes please hurry emma. "fair enough ok lets see what you can do" he lunged at me pinning me down i used my back legs to kick him off he went flying. i had enough time to get up when the other rogues jumped on me one was on my back biting me i yelped in pain one had got hold of my back leg and bit me i feel down yelping and whimpering in pain.  I had shifted to human form when the alpha came but and sunk him canines into my thigh i screamed out in pain they had cawed me all over. i looked down to see blood running down my leg. "not so tuff now are you little wolf some alpha you would have been can take me on" he laughed as he put his claws to my throat "well your to injured for me to take you now pity i would have loved to torture you"  "coward" i yelled "you put me against 4 wolves and yet you were to weak to to it your self" i growled i thought of how i was going to die i never though itd be like this. HIs eyes turned black his wolf was in full control he took my leg in his mouth in on bite he broke my leg i cried out in pain "Emma if i die please tell theo im sorry and that forgive him" i mind-linked her preparing my self for death. I heard a powerful growl that made me want to s**t my pants and man did i want to. i turned to look and it was a big grey and black wolf theo. MATE MATE MATEEE rena was happy plus it was the first words she said in a hole month. The alpha rogue looked scared but soon backed off  Theo charged at him, his eyes were fully black ace had taken over in one shot Theo tore the rogues head off the others tried to run but finally emma showed up the moon blood pack killed everyone. theo then turned to me walked towards me i was trying to move but couldnt. he bend down to lick the cut on my leg i whimpered as he did  I was glad to see him he shifted into human form "omg baby please no stay with me" he cried as i felt my eyes roll back into my head and everything went black    
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