Breaking free

1177 Words
ELLAS POV  It was the next day ill save you all the boring details of the plain ride and what not. On the plain me and emma sat all by are selfs catching up on things and what not you know a typical girl thing. It was a  20 hour flight but seemed like it was FOREVER!!! We finally got off and met up with my uncle ken and aunt amy i really wasnt looking forward to seeing aaron hes always been a asshole and always teases me treats me like a child that kind of person.  i dont know i just really wasnt looking forward to see aaron. "so elle what you looking forward to doing while we are here?" emma asked me as she grabbed some of the bags "im just looking forward go getting away from theo and having a break honestly, but i am getting worried i havent heard from rena my wolf in a bit she wont talk to me" emma looked at me for a second and sighed  "you know shes just upset about her mate you did reject him is just hurts her not having them with you" i hated it but its true i did reject him but i did have i good reason for it i just hope no one knows or fugues out about me being theos mate  that wouldnt be good at all.  We grabbed the rest of are bags and walked around looking for my auntie and uncle then i seen them they had big smiles on their faces i ran towards them. Dropping my bags and giving them a big hug "oh elle weve missed you so much" my auntie started to cry what can i say i was her favorite "auntie ive missed you too you remember emma dont you"  i pulled away from them and turned to emma "of course i do come here em" amy pulled her in for a hug my uncle ken wasnt much of a hugger. i looked around and didnt see aaron "wheres s**t head" i asked turning to my uncle  "he decided to go to school you know him hes gotta be there just for his "girl" thing even tho shes not his mate" i rolled my eyes aaron is a bit of a man w***e im surprised him and theo havent met yet to be honest.  "alright lets go we need to get you girls home and get you to the school to figure out whats going on" amy said while grabbing the begs who knew maybe ill like this school better them Stone wood high. We went straight to the school which was Moon Blood high it was my aunts and uncles pack school they needed to ensure mine and emmas safely even tho we all know ima fire cracker. "ok elle em please be good while we are were i know about your rep ella" ken turned to me i smirked "whoops but im trying to change ive been doing good"  he looked at me for a second "how did you get that cut" pointing to where becky had stabbed me, "some girl stabbed me in gym class with a silver knife because she thought she had some clam over my so called mate" i had forgotten i was wearing a shirt were you could see the wound  "ok lets go in" amy had got out and started walking to the school i looked around this school was huge atleast 3 floors. "good morning im the principle Ms lockwood its good to met you"  "im alpha ella and my third in command Emma" we shock hands she lead us to her office, god how many times will i go to principles offices, opening the door for us we sat down. "well miss ella your cousins here have told me so much about you and let me say you have one interesting reputation my dear, wanna tell me a bit about your self" i nodded  "Well there really is nothing at my old school phoenix high i was known as the bad girl i played a prank and set the school on fire i went to stone wood high next some girl go into a fight with me stabbed me over my mate and ye thats about it" she looked shocked "but ive changed honest"  "well i hope we will not put up with anything here we run a tight ship and id like to keep it that way what about you miss emma" emma was twitting her thumps i nudged her "emma" "huh what yea" is all she said "she asked you to tell her about your self"  "oh i knew that" she chuckled and began "well i keep to my self im quiet i dont really do much unless its to get elle out of trouble"  "G-thanks emma" she smirked at me  "ok well we are happy to have you guys here, here are you classes they are the same everyday you both have the same classes and now ill show you around you both start tomorrow" we got up and she showed us all around the school it was break time so everyone was looking at us then i seen aaron in the corner of my eye.  I turned to face him he was walking towards me with his arms out. i ran and jumped on him for a big hug he maybe an asshole but i still love him "when did you get here ellie" he said putting me down  "we got in around 2hours ago"  "well i cant wait to have my partner in crime back again" he winked at me, me and him always were double trouble even more so as teens   "oh yes then i get in trouble no bull s**t when i come here you know that right" i playfully punched him  "oh god how can i forget this is my best friend and third in command Emma" i pulled emma over to me "hello aaron is it" they shock hands "yes it is nice to met you" i heard someone calling aaron i turn to see this girl who looked like barbie i rolled my eyes then turned to aaron and whispered "new flavor of the month hmm aaron" we laughed he nodded his head  "babe what are you doing who is this" some blonde girl came over to us and pulled aaron from us. "oh annie this is my cousin ella and her third in command emma they are staying with me for a few weeks" we both waved to her and no surprise she rolled her eyes and drug aaron with her "see you at home aaron" i yelled to him  i turn to emma "that girl reminds me so much of becky" emma told me laughing "yea she does but im not gonna let another barbie walk all over me again nope not gonna happen"  we both laughed and walked out to amy and ken then we went to the pack house. 
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