Saving Mate pt two

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THEOS POV  One month earlier  Its been about two weeks sense ella has been to school. I dont see her bestfriend their ither, and ace referees to talk to me. I was growing worried even if she did reject me i was going to do anything in my power to make it up to her and get her back.  It was going on a monday when i got to school becky still tried to hang all over me and i lost it with her one day. "baby whats wrong you havent really talked to me since that b***h left" i ignored her SMACK!!  Becky had slapped the back of my head knocking me of right in front of my pack, everyone gasped who the f**k has the balls to hit the alpha king, i turn to look at becky smirking at me. My eyes turned black "what the f**k is wrong with you" i growled causing everyone to bow their heads but not becky.  Man i tell you shes got balls to hit me "well maybe you should have answered me" she snapped "I DONT HAVE TO ANSWER TO YOU, I AM THE KING NOW BOW TO ME" i used my king command it was more powerful then a alpha command. Becky tried fighting it but bowed her head "you hit your king you will be punished for you wrong doings" i got my hand c****d it back and slapped becky almost as hard as i could. i know what you thinking why would he hit a women human rudes dont apply to wolves. Becky fell to the ground she grabbed her cheek and looked at me with tears, i could see where my hand i hit her there was a little bit of blood. I looked around to see everyone in my pack and the Phoenix pack looking at me. 'Let this be a reminder to anyone that decides or even think that its ok to touch or mess with me I WILL NOT HESITATE TO WILL YOU, SOME OF YOU HAVE FOR GOTTEN I AM YOUR KING AND YOU GUYS WILL REMEMBER YOU PLACES IT THAT UNDERSTOOD" i yelled at everyone  i got back "yes alpha" and "yes you Majesty" i nodded to them "Leo get her out of here NOW" i yelled towards his then went back to eat my lunch. i looked over to see the phoenix pack they looked scared good i thought. but still this doesnt help me the fact Elle isnt here i missed her so much.  I looked at mia she was looking at me "come here" i mind-linked her, being the King can mind-link anyone they can also mind-link me back "yes my king" she came of not looking at me but at the ground "come i need to speak with you" she nodded and we walked out of the school to were my car was. She was scared i could tell "there is no need to be afraid of me" i said calmly i knew she fared me. "y-yes of c-course your highness" she stuttered she was still shaking i lifted her chin up to look at me "your hig-" i cut her off "please just theo" "theo what did you need" mia asked "i need you to tell me where my mate is"  "i-im sorry but i can n-not t-tell y-ou" she started to shake again  "and why not" i growled  "she made me promise and she used her alpha command to make me swear not to tell you" she sighed and continued "she left because she couldnt bare to see you after what happened"  I looked down i felt pain again thinking about her rejection i fell to my knees. Mia bent down to me "i know you didnt mean to get the mark and i know what happened with becky it all, she was hurt and angry she will forgive you just give her time" Its been a month now and im losing my mind i need her now "leo we are going to the phoenix pack now" i mind-linked him i went outside and got into the car we sped off till we reached her pack.   I walked into the house "ALPHA ZANEEE" i yelled everyone looked at me "leave now" i commanded and they left. zane came down the stairs in a hurry "your highness what are you doing here" he asked bowing his head "WHERE IS MY MATE" i growled "im sorry i can-" i cut him off im tired of people telling me i cant know where my mate was "one going to ask one more time next time ill command you so WHERE THE HELL IS MY MATE" "shes in paris" "alone" "no of course not she is in the moon blood pack with my brother she has her third in command emma"  I walked out "leo we are going to paris tonight to the moon blood pack get my plane ready we leave in 1 hour". We headed for the airport i was nervous but i needed her back i was going crazy without her. A few hours later we landed. Theo, oh now who decides to talk ace. Im sorry i was mad i still am, get over it im the one who needs to fix this. no s**t, i growled at him and ignored him.  We got into my car and headed towards the moon blood pack, we were on the western boarder and i smelled ella god i missed her i looked around trying to find her but couldnt. THEO STOP MATE IS IN TROUBLE STOPPPP THE CARRR ace yelled in my head i pulled over i sniffed the air i smelled blood. Ace can you find her Let me take over I agreed to him, i shifted fast ace was in full take over, he sniffed the air growled and headed towards elle i hope. We ran fast when we came over a hill to see rogues and in the center was elle and a rogues alpha. He had bit her, HE BIT MY f*****g MATE causing her to cry out in pain. GROWL  Ace growled loud enough it made the rogue alpha stop and look at me elle looked at me and smiled, ace ran full force towards the rogues, he pinned the alpha down and bit his neck and ripping his head, then killed the other rogues.  i took over and walked slowly to elle being really low to the ground so she didnt need to fear me. i looked at her wound she tired to back away from me but cried out when she tired. Mates hurting theo do something, i blocked ace out. I licked her wound she flinched at first, i shifted back i seen the moon blood pack finally arrive. i held my mate in my arms as her eyes fell back into her head.  My eyes started to tear up "no baby please you can leave me im so sorry please baby no" i picked her small body up "please help her were is you pack doctor" i pleaded We ran to the doctor and placed her on the bed "please help her"  "your highness if you want me to save her i need you out"  "no im her mate" "GET HIM OUT NOW" Leo grabbed me and forced me out, please moongoddess dont take her from me ill change ill do anything but please help her. i pleaded to the moongoddess i was crying leo tried to comfort me but it wasnt working.  Hours later  "sir im doctor Lucy i have news on your mate" i nodded to her, then she began "it seems she is fine for now but shes in a coma she might wake up in a few days weeks or months for all i know, she has many wounds they will heal within time, also she seems very weak has she been eating"  i looked up at her "i dont know i havent seen her in a month" i turn to emma "has she not been eating "not right since the day we left, ever since the rejection" emma stopped then the doctor looked at me "you rejected her" i shook my head "no she rejected me because of this" i showed her the mark "i explain what happened to elle but she gets hurt ever time she sees it and i cant get rid of it" lucy looked at the mark it had been starting to fad "i might be able to take it away come with me" she look me to a dark room.  "lay on the bed please" i layed down looking around it was filled with potions and voodoo lookin s**t "what are you" i looked at her "im part wolf and witch, now this might hurt a bit" she said that as she poked me with a needle and started saying words i didnt understand and dancing around.  i felt during on my neck i screamed out in pain gripping onto the bed i felt like i was on fire i soon passed out. i woke in a different room "where am i" i asked leo "your in the room beside elle" i hurried to get up but fell "what happened how long have i been out" leo helped me to my feet "youve been out for 5 days now but that mark is got now" lucy said entering the room "thank you but where it my mate" leo helped me to ellas room. she layed there almost lifeless.  I sat down next to her taking her hand into my hand she was so small she looked alot more skinnier then before she lost all her weight, "god elle please wake up i promise ill be better to you please please come back to me baby" i cried again why did i left her leave why didnt i do more why WHY WHYY
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