Into Our Wedding : Seven

1247 Words
LAUREN’S POV ----- “Sean, I landed in Geneva due to the unexpected weather transition,” I muttered on the call. It was June and it was indeed very expected of this to happen but not so abruptly. “That’s why I advised you that you should've taken my private jet.” He muttered, sounding troubled. “I’d still land somewhere else, won’t I?” I quizzed and he chuckled. “Okay, you go rest and let me know if you encounter any difficulties at all.” He warned and I sighed. I missed him already and I wasn’t even home yet. “Sean, everything will go accordingly, right?” I asked him. I asked him not in the case of the climate but the thing I was going back home to do. His support meant everything to me. It was inevitable that everyone in the family would find out everything, sooner or later. I had to pull courage, nevertheless. “It will. And I don’t see anyone wanting to reject me.” He gloated with confidence and I chuckled. That was one of the reasons that I had fallen for him. “Don’t get too cocky. You haven’t met my father yet. He wants to reject every man on this planet. No one is capable enough for his lovely daughter.” I chortled. “I will be. Even if he opposes, I’ll win him over. Or, we can always run away.” He hinted and I laughed. “He should just acknowledge you well, then,” I said and he hummed. “He’s got no varied choice.” He insisted and I hummed. “Now, I’ll freshen up. Luke booked me a room near the airport and had a guy to take care of me until I was here.” I informed him and he sighed. “I could’ve done that for you, honey.” He said, sounding sad. “Dad had asked him to do it. Once Dad knows about you, all of my responsibilities are yours. Don’t get too jealous of Luke.” I teased him trying to lighten his mood. “It’s never a day I’m not jealous. He got to spend his entire childhood with you, isn’t that enough of a reason?” He questioned and I blushed. Sean had a way with words. “Okay, okay. I can never win over you.” I muttered with a pout on my face. “You already did. You won over my heart, long ago.” He muttered and I flushed once again. “Sean, shoo away now. I’m tired and would like some rest.” I told him and he chuckled. “Okay, I’ll stop now. I love you and already miss you a lot.” He said and I smiled fondly, thinking of his face. “Love you!” I made a kissing purr and heard him chuckle through the phone. I finally hung up the call and looked at my reflection which was tired but had blushing cheeks like a little teenager in love. I decided it was time that I should change and go to bed so I can be energetic when I would meet my family tomorrow. ~~~~~ LEAH'S POV ----- “Luke! Get the hell up!” I screamed at Luke who was in dreams with probably naked women rather than with pretty unicorns. “What?! You weren’t a morning soul so what snagged your panties in a twist?” He screeched. Well, Luke wasn’t much diverse from me. “I know, but, come on! Pretty please?” I said sweetly so he would listen to me. I sat upon him as I kept shaking him. “What about a nice morning coffee?” He said and closed his eyes. I grinned. I bent over to the table on his side and picked up the mug. “Here, your coffee,” I announced and he opened his eyes to see the mug. He groaned. “What about my cookies?” He asked and I smiled again. I put the mug back and picked up the tray. I poked him and he opened his eyes. “Bloody hell, Leah!” He said and took the tray and kept it on the table barely missing the mug dropping on the floor. I got down from him and he turned over, getting up. “What do you want?” He asked, ruffling his hair. He looked cute in the morning since his innocence had some space to be shown. “Going to the office?” I said-asked him and he huffed. “You are worse than a teen. Move now.” He muttered and wandered towards the bathroom. I smiled in content. ----- "Done? Let's leave or we're getting so late now!" I yelled at Luke who was still combing his hair for the last ten hours. I was done before him and he was still combing his hair. He was purposely doing everything slowly because I was trying to do everything with double speed. "Don't think I don't know what you're surviving to do!" I screeched at him and he smirked at me. "Who? What? I'm just getting ready to rock my beautiful day." He commented in a calm tone. Given that, he was very calm and I was the only one fuming over here. "Right." I mocked and he hummed in agreement. I knew patience was the only key. I'd hold my patience with him, then. Once he was done he walked towards me and I just stood on my tip-toes and messed his hair up. "Leah! Do you know how for long I was setting my hair?" He grunted. "Yeah, an eternity. Now, let's leave." I muttered and grabbed him with me as he made a sour face. "You look good with messy hair, now come on." I praised and smirked. He scoffed but didn't say anything. We had breakfast and a little chit-chat with Dad about our upcoming meeting. It was the first meeting that I and Luke were going to attend. We both were enthralled. "So, I wish you both do well and pay attention." Dad gave us the instructions and we both nodded. He still wasn't well but he just wanted to visit the company for some time and be back. "When will Lauren arrive?" I asked and faced Luke. He was keeping tabs on her. Mom and Dad's face perked up, too. "The weather's still the same. I'm keeping an eye, though." He informed and we nodded. As Luke had arranged everything, it was reassuring. He might not be the most responsible person but his connections did their jobs well. "Okay, you both come soon, I'm leaving with Jack," Dad muttered and left as I and Luke were still digging into our breakfast. After we were done, I drank orange juice and so did Luke. We both looked at each other with a satisfied look. We both got up and Mom looked up. "Okay, we're leaving, too. Don't worry about Lauren, she's safe." I ensured her as I kissed Mom's cheek. Luke kissed her forehead. "Have faith in me, Aunt Ella. She's fine. Bye." Mom nodded at Luke and smiled at both of us.
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