Into Our Wedding : Eight

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LEAH'S POV ----- We both walked to Luke's car and he stepped towards the driver's seat. He started the car but I stopped him before he could drive and he looked up at me with a confused face but only found my phone in front of my face. "Ready for your surprise-s***h-punishment?" I asked with a wide smirk. I was recording a video so I could laugh at him later. "As ready as I shall ever be." He muttered making a flying kiss at the camera and the car roared as he sped towards the office, where a big terror awaited him. We'll see, Luke. ----- We both exited the car, in the garage, as Luke parked there. He's been bugging me ever since so that I'd tell him what my surprise/punishment was, but I wouldn't budge. He seemed way too frustrated. I decided to tease until then. "Luke here has been bugging me for long, this is the living proof," I muttered in another video and then flashed the phone at Luke's face who scoffed. "Luke, you assure that you won't flirt with the PA today," I asked him, making an innocent face. He sighed and nodded. "I promise, I won't...flirt with the PA from now onwards." He said and I successfully recorded his statement in the video. We both waited by the elevator. Luke's phone rang and he immediately left the place to take his call. Secretive much! I tried to shake those thoughts away, but it wouldn't go. Luke discussed with his guy friends in front of me, also he trifled with women on the phone, in front of me, but why did he go away to take this call? My mind stuck on it. "Who was it, Luke?" I asked him when he returned. He gave me a face but didn't say anything. " one of importance. Let's go." He said as he pulled me with him into the elevator. I was still a little bummed after what happened. "Well, what is my punishment, may I know?" He asked again and I pushed the recent incident away and gave him a smirk. "You will like your punishment way too much, Mister Hemmington," I said in a baby voice and gave him a big smile. He tried to examine the expressions on my face so he could understand what to make of the situation. "When you put it in this way, formally, with that baby voice, I'm not the one trusting you." He said and I laughed. He knew me well. "Trust me, you shouldn't trust me," I said and our elevator pinged indicating it was our floor. I walked out and found a man standing there with a huge smile and practically full clothes. "Hello, Miss Parker. Mister Hemmington. I'm Roger Benson, your new PA." ~~~~~ LUKE'S POV ----- Since dawn, I was worried about Lauren, so I did check up on her. The weather was getting better and flights would start soon. I had Lauren come here in a private jet, it was better as per my say. She would be here by tonight. On the other hand, Leah had me going crazy about the punishment. We reached the office and I had a call from Lauren. I went away and took the call. I didn't want Leah to know about Lauren coming. It was a surprise for her. "Yes, Lauren? Got the jet?" I asked her. My friend who was the pilot of the jet had texted me that he was on the runway. "Just reached the airport. I'll get to the jet and probably reach there by night." She confirmed my assumption. I was glad. "Oh, good. Leah will be surprised." I informed her, thrilled. I peeked at Leah who was occupied thinking something. She looked cute. I was waiting to see the big smile later. "Yeah, she will be. I'll talk to you later, I'm taking the jet now." She informed me and I hummed and hung up the call after wishing her a safe journey. I walked back to Leah and she gave me a suspicious look. I avoided her somehow. We both were in the elevator when I mentioned my punishment and her mind diverted. We both talked and finally, the elevator pinged and we both exited the elevator. I looked behind on the desk to see my new PA. It was out of habit. Even though I promised Leah that I won't flirt, I can at least peek. My day was simply ruined because there wasn't any hot woman at the desk, instead, a man in a shirt and pants appeared in front of me and Leah. STOP RUINING MY DAY! I screeched in my brain but kept a composed face. "Hello, Miss Parker. Mister Hemmington. I'm Roger Benson, your new PA." As soon as those words exited his mouth, mine hung open. What?! "What!?" I exclaimed without care however unprofessional it would appear to be or anything. Dad casually strolled out with Uncle James, both had huge smirks on their faces. Dad! I strode towards him. "Dad, I had told you…no, warned you...strictly hot female PAs!" I almost yelled at him. He just looked at Leah and I turned back to look at her who stood there with a big smirk. "Leah, I said I wouldn't flirt, then why?" I whined like a little kid. I was one step away from stomping my feet. "Well, try flirting now, maybe I'll let you flirt this time." She smirked at me and I felt dejected and provoked. "Leah!!" I yelled and somehow she knew that I was going to chase her, so she launched running. We circled the sofa and the desk and then she rushed into our cabin and suddenly she was plopped on the ground. She ran into a transformer toy, Tyler's toy, and it hit her badly. She happened to step on the toy and the hand/knife of the toy came up and gashed her. Her leg bleed and my eyes widened.
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