Into Our Wedding : Fifteen

1109 Words
LEAH'S POV ----- We ended up settling on an animated movie after Lauren suggested that we should. I enjoyed watching it since it was a long time that we had watched any movie. “Luke, get me some water, please,” I muttered. Luke was on my right and Lauren was on my left. Luke nodded and put a glass to my mouth which I gulped down. It was very late when we started the movie and even more late now that it was about to end. I pushed the glass aside and he kept it away. I had finished the popcorn and ice cream that Luke had got. But I was still hungry since we didn’t have dinner. “I’m still hungry,” I muttered to Luke as I rested my head on his shoulder. “I told you not to skip dinner. You want me to get it?” He asked and I hummed. He was about to leave when another voice stopped him. “I’ll get it for both of you. Leah seems in a comfortable position to move.” Lauren asserted and I sighed. It was indeed true. “Okay, we’ll be waiting here then,” Luke agreed. We both sat there waiting for Lauren to come back. I was hungry but I was more exhausted, I guess. Since I didn’t know when while waiting, I had fallen into a deep slumber. ----- "We're just here because of you, Lauren!" I almost yelled at her. I gave her a real killer look for which she just shrugged. "Leah, come on. Why is shopping making you sour? You used to love it." She quoted. I sighed since she didn’t know the real reason for my behaviour. "Oh, I still do. I just don't shop with Luke...for he is the most obnoxious guy while shopping." I just finished saying that and there he was by the trial room, looking at all the women who came out to show their dress to the person they had accompanied. "Don't you think you look oddly chubby in that dress?" He commented to another girl and she made a small face as she went inside the trial room. "See?" I said sarcastically. "Well, he was just giving advice." She took his side and I gave her a poker face. They both were a team, since young. No matter what, they were always a team. They might be the ones to bully me, but if anyone else did, Luke had shown them hell. I went in looking for some clothes, which would look good on me. "Well, you look sexy now," Luke muttered to the same girl as before when she changed her dress and showed him for advice. She blushed and ran away. "Did I forget to mention the word, 'flirt'?" I muttered sarcastically. Lauren chuckled. I went in taking some random dress and when I was out, instead of Lauren, I found Luke. "Very uptight." He commented and every girl around me looked at me. I walked closer to him almost with a pointed glare for his rude comment. "Where is Lauren?" I asked him and I bent down a little to his height, as he was sitting like a king on the sofa. "She said, she wasn't feeling well and had to flee, urgently." He explained calmly and I almost felt like choking myself. I rather not shop than shop with Luke. "Why did she leave you? Should have taken you, too!" I commented and took another dress inside with me for trial. It was a white full-sleeved, knee-length, frilled loose dress. I tried on the dress and it looked just fine, I guess. I was still not sure about it. I stepped out. Luke was my last option and he had a promising taste, unfortunately. " is this?" I asked him. He took a moment and then he started laughing, hard. "What...why do you want to tell everybody that you are a prude?! Stop dressing like one." He commented and again laughed. Everyone around looked at me and snickered again. "Luke!" I yelled and rushed inside. It was such a blow to my face. I did hate him! I changed into my dress leaving the other ones right there. I didn't wish to shop anymore. I rushed out to see Luke was gossiping with another girl...commenting or complimenting her. I sighed and exited the mall as soon as I could. I didn't want to stay here. I just yearned to leave, and that's what I did. I realised that Luke was my ride, but I didn't want to go with him. I walked down the path and then kept on walking. I needed a cab, but since this was a one-way, I had to walk until the main lane. I sighed. I was tired of walking on heels, so I just took a right and entered the park. I sat on the bench. I removed my heels and felt the grass. It felt calm. Still, I felt like something was going on which was awful. I looked at the kids playing and running in the field and my phone buzzed. Luke. Someone must've realised that I wasn't there anymore. I hung up his call. I didn't want to talk to him. He called again and I didn't answer again and furthermore. I was trying hard to get rid of this crazy feeling. After a few moments, I found Luke in front of me. How? GPS! "What is it?!" I asked him, still pissed about his previous comments. My heart was already not feeling right. Something was bothering me. "Leah! Are you insane?! Why do you have to be this stubborn all the time?! Sometimes, be matured!" He started yelling and I looked at him confused. I stood up, wanting to stand my ground. "Excuse me?! Stubborn? Me? You are stubborn all the time. Have you ever considered being less arrogant or less insensitive?!" I yelled back at him. He didn't look like himself. Something was off about him. "Shut up! I was trying to call you for so long, why don't you understand there was something important that I had to inform you?!" When he said that, my insides churned. "What is it, Luke? What did you want to tell me so bad?" I pleaded with him and instead of answering, he just hugged me tightly. And when the words escaped his mouth, I was glad that he was holding me or I could have sworn I would have plummeted. "Uncle James had a heart attack."
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