Into Our Wedding : Nine

1028 Words
LUKE'S POV ----- I immediately rushed to her side and pulled her up in my arms and positioned her on the sofa. She was bleeding badly. It was a deep cut. "Leah! Jesus!" I screamed looking at her oozing leg. I was trying to examine her wound. "I'm not Jesus! I'm just Leah." She tried to c***k a joke and I gave her a poker face. She gave me a sheepish smile and I shook my head. "Okay, I'm bleeding!" She yelled at me. I gave her a blank face for telling me something I could already see. "Surprise! Surprise!" I mocked at her and she gave me a murderous look. I immediately rushed to the drawer and brought out the first aid kit. "It's completely your fault! You should've kept the toy inside." I yelled at her and she huffed. "It was a new toy for him. I was just checking it and I completely forgot." She confessed. We had brought that toy for Tyler, Jack's son, so he could play whenever he came along with Jack. We were supposed to give it to Jack but we forgot it. I slowly held her leg in my hand and pulled out her shoe. She was deeply wounded. I wiped away the blood and cleaned it. Then, the wound was visible. The transformer toy blades had indeed hit hard. “I think we should ban that toy for Tyler. What if he gets hurt?” Leah muttered. "That we will! We can't risk hurting him like this. I had told you to buy that Ironman toy!" I grunted and she scowled. "He likes transformers more!" She exclaimed. "He's six! What does the difference make to him? He likes toys, that's it." I said and she folded her hands and looked away. "Who advises you to run like a blind person?!" I yelled at her as I saw the gash on her leg. She hissed as I continued cleaning her wound as I blew air for it to sting her less. Her small hands kept a tight hold on my shoulder notifying me how much it hurt her. I felt guilty. "Luke! You were running behind me! I had to run." She pointed out and I sighed. "I wouldn't have murdered you if you were caught by me," I told her and she gave me a blank face. I pinched some ointment and applied it. "Oh, you would've. I got a male PA." She said looking at me with an innocent face. I finally wrapped it with a band-aid. Right! With the wound, I had completely forgotten what she had done. Her guess wasn't very wrong, in that sense. "Oh, right. I should kill you for committing such a crime. But, I wouldn't. I love you too much for that." I said to her and flicked her nose. She hated when I did that. But she just made a cute face and smiled. Leah stood up, or at least tried, she almost lost her balance, if not for me. I held her and helped her balance on one foot. “I think you sprained your ankle,” I said and she sighed. I sat her back in the same position. I pulled out the spray from the kit and sprayed it on her ankle. I went to the washroom in our cabin and scrubbed my hands. Once done with that, I picked up Leah and helped her settle in her chair. "Well, we should get to working." She suggested and I nodded. Leah pressed the intercom. "Mister Benson, get our files for the day, please." She notified and I gave her a weary look for which she just gave me a lovely smile. ----- It was a very long day, especially for me, considering I had to watch a man, fully clothed, enter our cabin to and fro. At least, every day, a hot sexy woman with revealing clothes made my day refreshing, but those days were now gone. "Luke!" I abruptly heard my name being yelled and I looked at Leah, who was sitting on my side. "Yes?" I questioned looking still lost in my thoughts. Leah looked angry. "God, Luke! It's not the end of the world or the end of the women generation. You act like your world just ended for having a male PA." She scoffed angrily. "Leah..." I started to say but she cut me off. "I'm a woman, too. Come on, look at me." She declared and I noticed her as I would to a woman, not my best friend. Leah was just that woman who can't be forgotten after one glance. Stunning face, high cheekbones, green eyes, plumpy lips, ginger straight long hair, prim proper cute side. Why didn't I ever notice her before? "You and women? The things you do, make you a man in a woman's body. Even if you were the last 'women' I'd never marry you!" I teased and she pouted. "Same pertains to you, too." That did hurt a bit but I covered up with a smirk, laughing along with her. "Can we order some food? I'm hungry." She grumbled and I nodded along with her. I called in the cafeteria and got up some food and coffee. We both dug into the food, once it arrived at our cabin. ----- "Let's go?" I asked her and almost felt like I was withering, staying here every second. This was very hectic for me to only work, throughout the day. Lauren was killing me calling, again and again, to get Leah home so she could surprise her. I was tired of ignoring her calls and Leah was getting suspicious of 'nobody important'. I was squeezed in the middle. "By the way, how is Lauren?" Leah asked as she packed away the files into their proper places. I was surprised suddenly and wheezed. I went to her side and stood by the table. "Oh, Lauren. She is fine and at the hotel. She'll come here tomorrow or later." I fabricated and her face fell. I could've instantly told her the reality to make her happy, but patience was the key.
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