Into Our Wedding : Ten

1064 Words
LUKE'S POV ----- "Okay, let's go," Leah said. She stood up to walk and immediately landed on me. It was a surprise to me, too, so we both ended up falling on the floor with Leah on top of me. We both laughed looking at each other. "Oh, s**t!" Leah cursed and I remembered about her wound. I rolled us over and slowly stood up. I picked Leah in my arms and she held onto me. "Maybe, I should carry you over the threshold." I laughed and she shook her head. "Come on, little ant, I can take you right in my palm." I teased so she'd give up and let me carry her. With Lauren waiting at home, I had to take her home as soon as possible. "If you're insisting so much, I'll let you. Carry my heels." I shook my head and bent down and picked her heels, handing them over to her. I scooped her up in my arms and walked. I opened the door with my back and we were in the lobby. "Am I heavy, Luke?" She asked, playfully. "Nah...Not at all. You weigh a pound for me or nothing." I flattered myself and walked towards the elevator. Damn, she did weigh as much as a baby elephant. "What happened to her?" Asked Dad as he and Uncle James strolled out in the lobby. "She fell while she ran like a blind person. I'm taking her home. You guys coming?" I asked if they were leaving or not so I could rush. “Wait! You were supposed to go home after a while and not spend the entire day in the office, Dad!” She argued with Uncle James who wasn’t completely well. “I know but it ended up like this. I was anyway tired of staying home.” He commented. “It was one day, Dad.” Leah retorted and Uncle James smiled at her. “I…” Uncle James started but I cut him off. “We can talk at home. We need to change her dressing, too.” I inputted as I felt my arms would fall off. "Sure. Take care, sweetheart. We'll leave after a while." Dad said and Uncle James nodded. "I’ll come as soon as I could, okay?" Uncle James said and Leah nodded. The elevator pinged until then and we both got inside. "Leave me, if I'm heavy. I'll stand on one foot." She said and I felt guilty. "Told you, you don't weigh much." I tried to say as casually as possible. We, after an eternity, reached the garage. I unlocked my car and Jack rushed to our side as he opened the door for Leah. "What happened?" Jack asked, sounding worried as he saw Leah. I set her in the car and buckled the seatbelt, against her protests. I backed out of the car to see Jack standing next to me. "She hurt a little on her leg. She is fine, don't worry. Anyways, Uncle James might be coming in some time. I'll see you later." I said to him as I sat in the car and started driving towards the Parker Mansion. I was excited that Lauren had already reached the mansion and I, too, was taking Leah home. I was glad. “Is there something going on that I don’t know about?” Leah asked and looked at me in a suspicious glance. I cleared my throat. “No. Not that I know of. It might be a little planning that I was making to get a female PA, except that I don’t think there is anything.” I said to her trying to keep her diverted on this topic. It wasn’t a lie, anyway. “Luke, I warn you! If you dare to get a female PA, you better be aware that I’ll be the one firing her and not you.” She sounded angry. “But, I promised,” I whined. “The number of promises you have fulfilled can be counted on the fingers…of just one hand.” She taunted and I gave her a look. Seeing her not backing down, I sighed. “If you’re being that adamant,” I said, innocently, trying to melt her. “Well, I’m to stay adamant like this. You better leave the dreams of the female PA ever stepping on our floor. And Mister Benson is quite a capable man.” She praised that guy just after one day of work. She had never praised me for working and praised that newly dropped guy. It was more of a reason to not like that PA. But since she wouldn’t back down, I couldn’t fight more. “Okay, fine. I’ll adjust with this arrangement for one day when I work alone, I can have a PA of my choice.” I commented and smirked at her. “I wish that day comes soon. Anyways, when you’ll be having PAs according to your choice, they’ll be selected based on their body sizes and not the brain.” She commented and I let out a small gasp. “How…do you know me so well?” I implored with a wink and she snorted. ----- "Come on, Leah," I grumbled the third time. Leah had fallen asleep and she wouldn't take her heels. I was so exhausted. I took the heels and picked her up, too. "I don't require a gym for a lifetime! I picked up too much weight, today." I taunted her as I carried her into the house. “Master Luke, is everything alright?” I saw Rob; the housekeeper, rushing to me. I gave him one look of annoyance. “Just getting abused,” I grumbled to him and walked away leaving him in a daze. "You said, I don't weigh much." She said in a sleepy tone. I shook my head. My flattery was kicking my ass. "Yeah, you don't weigh much, dinosaur." I teased as I walked upstairs and then she shoved her door and as soon as I saw the women in front of my eyes, Leah was dropped to the ground, involuntarily. "What the...Lauren?" Leah questioned. And there went my surprise!
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