Chapter 4

1093 Words
" We planned a trip . A huge one . " I look up at him , a small but sad smile on his lips . " We were river rafting after we got back from mountain climbing , I almost broke my neck . " he laughs , somewhat painfully , as if torturing himself . " Caleb was being a goof on the water , going where he shouldn't go because he wanted to take more pictures where it was prettier , to show you . " he glances down at me . " We were actually coming to get you the day after , it was suppose to be a surprise . " his sad eyes filled with tears . " Anyway ... " he sniffs , wiping away his tears " He went down a stream where a clear big ass sign said ' DANGER . NO ENTRY ' but you know your adventurous brother who doesn't listen , around the corner was a waterfall that he saw to late ... And well , the strong stream took him and I couldn't do anything . I called 911 and we searched hours for him . " He looks away from me , tears rolling down his cheek . A huge lump of screaming forms in my throat with oceans of tears in my eyes , begging to be released . I take a deep breath , tightly shutting my eyes listening to Daniel's soothing voice " We found him , floating in the water . I jumped right in , swimming to get to the only person who has ever understood me , turning him around to see his face wrinkled and smashed , bruises everywhere . The life was just drained out of him , he was so cold Autumn ... " he grips tight on my sweatshirt where his hand rests and it takes all of me not to grab onto his soft looking hands , even tough this was so dangerous , I could die right here . The first and only time my mom caught me laying like this on Caleb’s lap , she freaked , punished me for a week , a week without leaving the house , a week of just staying in my room , they called it protection , but I called it punishment . " It haunts me . I have nightmares . " I sigh at his words , not even being able to imagine the state my brother was in when Daniel found him . I felt sorry for Daniel , because the last memory of my brother was going to be a cold , lifeless and busted face , that is all that Daniel will remember . I sat up straight , holding Caleb's pillow to my chest . " I know he's my brother by blood , but he was yours by heart and you have every reason to cry Danny . " he looks at me , broken heartedly . " I... I feel lost Autumn . " He leans forwards , hiding his tear stained face into the palm of his hands . I was lost with words , not knowing what to say . " I'm just ... going to head to my room . " I mumble , slowly standing up . " Why ? " "Daniel , you've had your time to grieve alone , it's my turn . I just found out , two days after this happened ! What do you expect me to feel ?" I cry again . " I'm sorry Autumn .. ." " I know ! I know you're sorry Daniel but I need time alone ." I say , turning on my heel and walking out of my brother's bedroom door . My stomach is turning and my face is burning up , a headache forming right between my eyebrows . I got back into my room , closing the door behind me . I look at the mess on the floor , ignoring it and I climbed onto my bed . I snuggled into my pillows , throwing the small blanket at my feet over me and I cried . I cried for my loving dear brother , I cried for my stupid brother , I cried because my best friend was gone . I cried myself to a peaceful sleep , well that's what I thought . I look at my dear brother , sitting across from me at the dinner table eating his steak and chips with a salad . " You've got to be kidding Caleb . " I laugh as he speaks so in love of this girl HE MET LAST NIGHT . This has to be a joke . His eyebrows narrow , glaring at me " You don't know her . " he hissed at me , " Neither do you . " I chuckle at my own joke , taking a bite of my own steak . " Dan , back me up here man . " he says to Daniel . Daniel just looks at him , clearly not knowing what to say " Dude . " Caleb smacks Daniel's arm . I laugh , Daniel turns to me " She was really different from the other ones " he says seriously . I put my knife and fork down , swallowing my food " Oh my god " I look at my brother with the most serious face " So she's the one ? " I ask , trying my best not to laugh . His daggers are now shared between Daniel and I as we both burst out laughing . " How's the business doing Autumn ? " " Really good , " I say . We ate in silence as I look up , my brother and I are alone . Me sitting at one side of the table and him on the other . It stretches out , further away from me as the lights dim more and more . " Caleb ! Come back ! " I yell , repeatedly . " Autumn " was the last words I heard from him before the lights went out completely and he was no longer there . " Caleb ? Daniel ? " I yell as I started to cry . This has been my nightmare for two months and still on going after I found out Caleb has passed away .
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