Chapter 5

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Sitting in my office , back in Italy , I did my weekly paper work . Business has been picking up and I couldn't be happier . Well happiest I could be since my brother died about two months ago . I walked out into the store around five pm , watching my employees pack up and lock everything away in secure safes . " Alan , you guys almost done ? " I ask my manager as I stand in the door way . " Yes ma'am . " " Good , are you going to lock up ? " " As usual miss . " he nods . I never ask anyone else to lock up and his pay check is incredibly great because I trust him with my life's work . " Alan , you're the best . " I wink at him , " Thanks miss . " he smiles timidly at me . He has been the first and only manager of my business , will most probably be the last . He is my trust worthy second hand . " Goodbye . " I wave and walk out of the building , " Goodbye miss Autumn . " I walk down Street 45 and enter my favourite coffee shop . It's a small place , almost nobody is always here and it's perfect . The walls are painted pastel beige and there is flower art work that flows from the corners to the middle of the wall . They have wooden tables and stools and a small deli in the corner just in case you're in a hurry . They also make amazing healthy meals but also junk food that you can sit and eat the whole day . They have perfectly uncapped wifi for business hours and lastly , it's like my third home . It's perfect and I feel safe . I choose my normal spot in the corner where I can watch people from afar . I ordered an upsized cappuccino with a bacon and a cheese quesadilla . I took out my laptop , doing paper work when I look up and spotted my favourite abstract art in the little comfy coffee shop . I stare, escaping reality . FLASHBACK " Autumn it is so ugly ! " Caleb laughs , looking at the art piece every two minutes . " It's not ugly Caleb , it's creative ! You have no artistic vision . " I glare at him , " Oh come on, it looked like someone drew poop from a newborn . " he says , a disgusted look all over his face . I roll my eyes , taking a sip from my coffee . The waiter took our food order and left . " Caleb . " , " Autumn . " he says girly , " One day , I'm going to buy that piece to hang in my house just so you'd be disgusted by it every time you come and visit . " his serious expression turns into a sarcastic smile " And one day , I'll never visit you anymore just because it's hanging in your home . " I laugh " Such a sour thing . " , " Yes your vision is sour, must have been poisoned . " I laugh , " Perhaps " I say . " Miss Autumn ? " The waiter calls me out of my memory , " Sorry . Yes ? " " Would you like something else ? " " I'm good , thank you . " I smile sincerely . I sat in the coffee shop , working and saw a couple cozied up in a corner , drinking coffee and laughing . The girl is seated in her lovers arms , warm and they kiss passionately . A sweet passionate kiss that's almost more steamy than the coffee they are drinking . I sigh looking down at my work . I can't do this tonight , tomorrow is another day . " Your quesadilla ma'am " " Thanks " I took the plate and put my paper work away , closing my laptop . I sat and ate when I saw a person walking past the window almost looking like Daniel . It couldn't be him though . I wonder what he's doing right now . I wonder how he's coping without Caleb , they use to see each other everyday . I mean even with their own busy schedules , they made plans ten o clock at night just to hang and do nothing . They are - they were inseparable . I suddenly lost my appetite . I wait a few minutes , trying to catch the attention of the waiter . She comes over " Is everything alright ma'am ? " " Yes , I'd just like this for a takeaway . I'm kind of in a hurry . " I smile apologetically " Of course ma'am " she picks up my plate and leaves . Another few minutes she comes back with my take away box and the bill . Now this one is a smart girl . " Thanks " I smile sweetly and leaving her a fifty dollar tip . I leave it on the table and walk outside into the chilly breeze , I stand in the window watching her walk over and picking up the bill , she opens it and her eyes grow in shock , she looks around and I move out of sight . She smiles and carries on with her shift . It's pretty unlikely for waiters here to get that much of a tip since it's only a café . I drive into the driveway , a unfamiliar car parked on the grass . I furrow my eyebrows , the f*****g grass is going to die . Furiously I come to a sudden halt and switch off my car engine , I grab my bag , food and keys to the house and strut towards the front door as if I'm on my way to murder someone . A man figure sat on the stairs, face into his hands " Excuse me ! Is that your car ? Move your f*****g car off of my grass ! " I yell as I walk up to the balcony . The man looked up at me , I froze as I lock eyes with his honey brown eyes and my heart sank at his tear stained face . " Daniel... " I opened the door and turned to Daniel " Come on in . " I say in a softened voice , suddenly feeling bad for yelling " Amelia , I'm home ! " I yell . Silence . " I guess she's not home . " " Who ? " Daniel's voice came from behind me as I put my things down in the foyer . " My best friend . Close the door please . " I say politely " I'll be right back , " as I walk to the fridge , a note is posted onto it " Be back VERY late . " I smile , could help if she told me where she went . " Do you want something to drink ? " I yell . " I'm good" a soft voice came from behind me . Frightened at the distance I jumped as I turned , I fell back against the fridge " Sorry , " he mumbles as he steps back . " No I'm sorry . " I say , awkwardly laughing . I've never been alone in a house with Daniel before .
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