Chapter 5

1260 Words
Lana's POV I slept terribly again last night. Apparently, I had a bad enough dream that Tyler and Grayson came running in with guns drawn because they heard me scream. Once they realized I was sleeping, Tyler sent Grayson back to bed, and he crawled in. I guess I went back to sleep fairly easily after that. I woke up around seven, so I got ready as quietly as I could so Ty could keep sleeping and made my way downstairs for coffee and to start breakfast. After turning on the news and seeing yet another attack by this organization, I changed it to some music and started on the pancakes, sausage and eggs. After everything was finished, everyone sluggishly made their way into the kitchen. "Mmm you made your special pancakes." Tyler was piling his plate high "dude save some for the rest of us". DJ was trying to snag some from his plate. I laughed "don't worry, extra batter in case there is not enough." "Oh wait, uhm Grayson, do you have any allergies?" He shook his head, not that I cared too much, but if we needed him for this to work, I wasn't going to kill him, at least not right away. "I made a pot of coffee too guys, since I know you probably don't drink cold coffee." Tyler grabbed the pot and poured his plain black coffee in his cup as I gagged. He handed it off to Grayson who did the same "eww" DJ, Ella and I said. They both laughed. "Mom, can we go to the music store today to look at drums?" I sighed, "I don't know bud, you remember we have to act differently in public. I don't think you and your sister are ready." "Please, please, I promise we are, aren't we Zoe?" He snuck that in there to prove his point. Ella looked at him and stuck her tongue out, "mom, I am almost 6. I can follow instructions you know, right Uncle M?" She said with disgust in her voice. "Yea, I am going to hate that". Tyler laughed. "It could be a trial run. I promise nothing will happen." Grayson was trying to help the kids "wanting to leave the house already?" He chuckled "no, well yes but no. If it can keep the kids happy and cooperative, I am on their side." I cleaned up the dishes. "Fine, we will TRY." The kids jumped up and ran to their rooms. "Kids brush your teeth please," I yelled up after them. "I see why these are famous, is it cinnamon?" I smiled "and my homemade vanilla, I remembered to grab some before we left." We all got ready for the day, Grayson pulled the car up and everyone got in "cant be a baddie today, gotta play family" Tyler teased as I looked at the bike "Ty I don't have to play family I am already a mom." "Have you been riding long?" Grayson was driving us to a nearby store. This whole little town seemed to be nosy, everyone stopping to look as we drove by. It was almost summer, so everyone was out. "Yeah, my husband and I picked it up when we first got together almost 14 years ago." I noticed his hands tightened around the steering wheel when I mentioned Daniel. Good. We pulled up to the store and the kids started to jump out. "Wait!" They shut the doors. "Please remember Cole, Zoe, Uncle M, please. We don't know who's bad and who is on our side." They tensed a little but nodded, got out and stood right by the car. Each took one of my hands. Grayson and Tyler are behind us on watch. We made it inside and the employee showed us the section we needed. Grayson took DJ over to the starter's set and showed him a few things. Ty came up to me with the most beautiful custom; Les Paul. The store clerk came up to us as I placed the strap around my shoulder "now that is expensive young lady, and not a toy". I looked him dead in the eyes and c****d my eyebrow as Tyler plugged it in, and I started playing a popular harder riff. The clerk shut his mouth. Tyler laughed and Grayson hopped on the drums to play along with me. Once we were done, I handed it back to the clerk and walked over to DJ. "What do you think, bud? Do you like them? Is it something you want to give a try?" Grayson, Tyler and I noticed a couple staring at us, and we became alert. I positioned Ella behind me and Grayson grabbed onto DJ. The couple walked up to us "sorry to interrupt". The woman started a little too sweetly, "ya'll are new around here? Just moved into that cabin at the end of our road, right?" Here we go time to see who she is "yes we did" I stuck out my hand "I'm Adison, this is my family." I didn't want to bring attention to them just yet. "Well, hi Adison I am Sally and this is my husband Tony." I smiled and nodded. They were in their late 40s to early 50s. "And who are these cuties?" Ella was peeking around me, Grayson stood next to me now with DJ "Hi I am Steven, and that's Micheal, Adisons brother." He pointed to Ty who just gave a head nod behind me, "these are our kiddos" my heart panged at that. They are not his, they are mine. I didn't notice I tensed until Ty put his hand on my back. DJ switched sides of Grayson and stood by Ella, "I'm Cole and this is my sister Zoe." I smiled down at him. "Well, what a lovely family. You all look like you will fit in just right here. We are the yellow house three doors down from you. If you need anything at all, please let me know." I nodded "thank you we will." Tony chimed in now "what are ya'll doing in here today?" My eyes met his. "Cole wanted to get a drum set to start practicing." He smiled to DJ "well drums that's a good choice little man, I heard your mother and dad playing in here when we arrived, and I am guessing you are talented like them." DJ beamed "I want to be, I really like the one we were using." "Kyle, those drums these folks were using, put my discount on them please." Damn they owned the place. I made a mental note to check the set when it came. I wonder if the whole town is just a set. Kyle nodded "sure thing". I looked at Grayson. "I'll go check out, you stay here with the kids and Micheal." I nodded. Ty picked up Ella and DJ clung to me this time. "Thank you, Tony, you really didn't have to do that." He smiled at us. "Nonsense. I got into the music business to help people become their best, and I am certain you all will help Cole here become his best." I didn't like the way he said that, like there was some hidden meaning behind it. Grayson came back: "Alright. Everything checked out, he said they can be delivered tomorrow, so that means we can start jamming." He rubbed DJ's hair "how about we go find a place to eat." I nodded, and we quickly left the store, with the feeling of being watched.
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