Chapter 4

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Lana's POV The house was really nice and had anything we could need. The kids each loved their rooms that were perfectly done to their styles. Sampson pulled out all the stops, that suck up. There were only 4 bedrooms though, so that sucked. The kids had a jack and jill bathroom, so that was perfect. The three of us were looking at the last two rooms. "You take the master Lana. That way you can shower and, what not, uninterrupted. Dumbass and I will take this room." Grayson huffed at Tyler's words, "Ty, you could always bunk with me, I don't mind. It will be like our deployments." He smiled, "nah it's fine, I will do some bunk nights though, because I know we will need them." He leaned in and whispered "I want to keep an eye on him anyway." I nodded. I got my things settled into the room. The bathroom was the size of my bed and the bathroom back home. This place was ridiculous. "MOM!, ELLA STOP. DJ GO AWAY!" Just one day of peace, just one, no? Okay. I walked out into the hallway to see the kids fighting over toys. "You want me to intervene?" Tyler and Grayson were standing behind me "nope, let's see how they do, not even three minutes inside, and they are fighting." They were pulling on some sort of video game device. DJ was bigger, so he managed to snatch it and push Ella down. "ENOUGH, DJ go to your room, no games for the rest of the day, get started on your homework. Ella, go play in your room and leave your brother alone." DJ stomped his foot "that's not fair, you always take her side. She came into my room and took my stuff. Just because dad died when you were pregnant with her doesn't mean she gets things easier. I knew him. I miss him. YOU DON'T!" I took a step back, trying to get the deep breath he knocked out of me. "DJ, that is quite enough. Don't talk to your mother like that. You have no idea how much your mother misses your father. She had him for years before you were born. They never left each other. I know you miss him, we all do, but your mother has done nothing but try to make your lives the best these past five years. She has given you everything you have ever wanted. She cries herself to sleep almost every night, she doesn't want you to know that because she wants you to see she is strong. Go to your room until dinner is done." DJ was crying and running to his room now. Tyler had to hold me back "let him think about it. He was just upset, this whole day was off. He knows the day is near and that is why he is acting out. Let's go get dinner ready." I couldn't let that feeling go though. Does he really feel that way? I mean I knew the anniversary was next week too, which was why I was more okay with getting the kids out of the house, so they could keep their minds off of it. "Will you play with me please?" Ella asked Grayson, who looked scared and had wide eyes look to me. "It's fine Lana there are cameras in the rooms we will watch the monitors." I smiled and walked downstairs "do your worst sweetie" knowing most likely she will have him dress up for a tea party. The kitchen was definitely a dream kitchen. It was large and open, and two islands, one with seats, the other for prepping and cleaning. We had to figure out where the fridge was because it blended in with the cabinets, same for the large walk in pantry. "I could get used to this", Tyler laughed at me. We got to prepping dinner. Before we were done, I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned to a tear-stained face. "I'm sorry mom. I didn't mean it." I dropped to his level and hugged him "I know baby, I know." I started laughing hysterically. DJ looked at me confused, "introducing Lady Gray", Ella said, with a terrified Grayson standing there in a hat, apron and very badly applied makeup. We all started laughing. "Just in time for dinner my lady", Tyler bowed to him and pulled out a chair. Grayson was fuming. I placed a plate in front of him "enjoy." DJ sat next to him and Ella next to DJ. Tyler and I each took a side chair. "Are you feeling better?" He asked DJ. DJ looked at him "I am now" and started laughing again. Grayson was so upset. "Ella sweetie, Lady Gray looks absolutely fantastic, but could Grayson please wash his face off for dinner?" She frowned but said yes. He bolted to the bathroom that was by us. "Did you at least get pictures?" She laughed and nodded her head and handed me her tablet. There were about 10 of him and her, "oh I am printing these off for sure." He came back and sat down. "Her window was open, so at least if there were any nosy neighbors, they saw, so that's in our favor." We ate in silence besides the radio that was playing the rock station. DJ was eating and drumming with his spoon and fork and Ella singing along. "You have quite the rhythm there dude," Grayson stated. "Really?" He nodded. "Yep, I used to drum when I was younger and the beats you are doing are right on with the music, you should try on drums sometime." "Mom can I?!" He was all excited now. "I don't know buddy, I don't know much about drums. Maybe we can see if you can try some at a music store." Grayson started drumming along with him. "I could teach him" he looked at me, "I mean, if you want, who knows how long we're here for anyway, and it will pass the time." DJ was bouncing. "Please mom, I will be good I promise, please" I looked to Tyler who just shrugged. Some friend he is. "I'll think about it okay, we don't even have a set, so we'd have to go get one." He fist pumped "Yes!" Ella just oblivious singing and eating. "Why are we here anyway mom?" Well looks like I am telling them now. "Uhm, well Uncle Ty and I have a mission with Grayson here to stop some really bad dudes. The bad thing is that we had to have new names to go with it, so when we are outside the home you both will need to remember your new names and ours okay. We won't leave for a few days to make sure we can do this without messing up. DJ, your name will be Cole, Ella yours will be Zoe. Mine will be Adison, Tyler's is Micheal and Grayson is Steven." They both scrunched their noses at that. "I know, but it's for our safety. Also, I'm still mom. Uncle Ty will just be Uncle M to be easy, but Grayson will have to be dad." I said that last part sadly. "WHAT?" They both shouted, "I know guys I know, that is only outside this house. We have to put on the face that we are all a family together. Believe me, I don't like it either. That's why I don't want to go out much. If we are just in the yard, it's easier to keep the names to a minimum, but we have to do things or people will get suspicious." They looked at Grayson again, who looked extremely guilty. Good dude feel guilty.
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