Chapter 6

1514 Words
Lana's POV We grabbed lunch from a café to go and made it home. As the kids were eating and playing in the backyard, the three of us sat on the patio and went over our folders. I was trying to find a connection to any of the neighbors and the organization, but they were excellent at keeping things covered. "I think Sally and Tony are normal, all their socials check out, their families socials check out. We can mark them as safe." Ty was going over the people we recently met to make sure we weren't walking into anything just yet. My phone was ringing, "hey Sampson what's up?" He was calling to check in and for any updates. "Well I am glad it is going well so far. We have some intel on a meeting at a local bar hangout tonight. I am going to need you guys to go check it out." I looked at Tyler "Sampson. We have kids. We can't just leave them to go out to a bar and scope it out." I could hear his breathing change "what?" "Not the three of you, just you and Grayson, it's an undercover date. The two of you will go out, mingle, see if you can get any information and then head home." I looked at Grayson, "no" I could hear Sampson get frustrated. "Lana please, my hands are tied here, we have to make this work, we have to get these guys and keep the world safe, keep your family safe." Tyler stood up and grabbed my phone "don't worry they will go, and we will report back in the morning." I shot the most deadly look at Tyler "Lana listen I know you don't want to do this," he paused "but we have to, this is what we have to do. I know it's easier to do when it's the two of us, but now we have Grayson. He knows what to look for, he may even recognize some of the people. I know it sucks but please, so we can get back to our normal lives, so the kids can." I looked at my kids as they were happily playing in their playhouse and swing set. "Fine" I got up and told the kids what the plan was for the night and went to get ready. I stood in my closet. What the hell do I wear to a bar "date" night out for intel? I need something I can still conceal a weapon. I went with a pair of black skinny jeans and a black crop tank. I put on my converse and ordered a pizza before finishing my makeup. I don't want to get dolled up, but I also know I have to pull this off. I went with a neutral eye and mauve lip and curled my long brown hair. Knock knock "come in" Tyler and Grayson walked in. "Are you ready?" Grayson was staring at me. "I guess I don't have much of a choice. Anything I need to know before we go?" Grayson was putting on a ring Tyler handed him. "No, not really, just don't engage in too much conversation." I was looking at his hand. "That's wrong." He looked at me confused "wrong hand" I said while holding up mine that had my bands on. "Oh does it matter?" "If you want to pass as married, yeah it does, ring finger left hand." He switched it around "better?" I nodded "sure, let's go." The kids were watching some superhero movie downstairs. I gave them each a kiss and a reminder that Tyler was in charge and that if anything were to happen then to run to the basement, as it was a safe room, and lock the door. "We know mom." DJ stated as he handed his sister a drink "not too much junk, pizza should be here soon, please behave my loves" they both gave me a kiss and we headed outside. "Not a hair on their head moved Tyler I mean it." He glared at me "you know I would give my life for those kids" I hugged him "I know, but I hate leaving them, especially now that we are all in danger" he squeezed me back, "I know, don't worry, your only going to be gone a couple of hours, try to relax and maybe just maybe you will have a little fun." I rolled my eyes "not with him, I won't." Grayson was standing by the car "not that one". I hopped on my bike and started her up. "Get on". I handed him a helmet and he looked hesitant. "What? I'm not going to kill you, at least not yet." He got on the back and I took off, making him jolt back a bit. He grabbed onto the strap on the back. Trying to compose himself. Once we made it to our destination, he placed his hand on my lower back, making me tense for a moment, but I pulled myself together enough to get inside. We sat at a bar table that positioned us close to the door but with a view of the whole place. I noticed a few people posing as couples looked our way when we walked in and sat down. Our server came over and we each ordered a beer and some wings. "Ya'll are new here right? We haven't had new neighbors in about ten years. This year has been the first where your whole street is almost filled up, aside from Sal and Tony, of course." She smiled sweetly at us, "Yes, we are, this is my wife Adison, and I'm Steven." She placed our things in front of us "well nice to meet ya'll and enjoy." We thanked her and got back to watching. This was extremely boring as it seemed many people were just here for a Friday night out for drinks and food. "Let's dance". Grayson was holding his hand out to me "over there". He nodded his head towards an area where a group of people had gathered together. I noticed a briefcase next to a couple. I scrunched my face to him but took his hand and headed to the area. He started dancing slowly. "Get ready to crash into the table" I looked at him. "Make it look real". I nodded, and he grabbed my hand and twirled me outwards and let go. I twirled into the table and made sure to do it hard enough to knock the drinks over. The three guys stood up "what the hell lady". Two of the women stood up too, while one looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Oh my, I am so sorry, my husband got a bit wild with dancing. Let me get replacements for you, that looks like four beers and one, sunrise?" I looked at the one woman who looked no older than 25, maybe, she just nodded. Grayson walked up to the guys and "apologized" but they weren't having it. "No thanks, were leaving, let's go!" One guy boomed and grabbed the case while one other and the other two women walked out. "Yea no were leaving too, I just need to go get wiped off" the last guy walked off to the bathroom "I am so sorry, to have ruined your night, I'm Adison." She looked me in my eyes looking terrified. "I'm Heather" she whispered "is everything okay?" I sat next to her "uhm yeah, I just didn't want to come out tonight, but Scott practically made me" he was walking back "Heather let's go now!" She stood up quickly I looked to Grayson who was getting the same vibe "maybe we can hang out sometime Heather," she smiled to me "Not a chance" Scott stated as he dragged her out. "Did it seem like she was being forced to be here?" Grayson nodded. "Yeah, Scott is definitely on my radar. None really looked familiar except the main guy with the case, but I can't remember his name." We sat back down to finish our beers and wings. I must have stood up too fast because I got really light headed. I started to sway "Grayson" I whispered, so he would know I was serious, "I think someone drugged my drink." His eyes widened, he stood up quickly and helped me walk outside. The moment I got out I puked and started to go in and out. "Lana, look at me, keep your eyes open, I am going to take you to the ER, where are the keys?" He was patting my pants "hey watch it, they are right here, can you even drive a bike?" He laughed "yes I can not hop on in front of me but facing me, so I can keep you upright." I was straddling him, and it made me a bit uncomfortable, I looked into his eyes, and they were riddled with worry. He sounded so distant as he was trying to keep me awake, but I blacked out.
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