Chapter 7

1141 Words
Grayson's POV Lana passed out on the way to the hospital, it took everything in me to not drive on the sidewalks to get us there faster, but risking her life and others was not okay. We finally made it, and I was rushing in when nurses were swarming us. "Someone drugged her drink when we were out. She stood up and threw up, then passed out, help her please." They pushed us into a room and I gently laid her down on the bed. "Only family is allowed in here right now". The doctor was putting on his gloves to check her out. Her breathing was normal according to the monitors, but she still wasn't awake, which worried me. "I am her husband", he nodded to me. How much could they have given her? She threw up. She shouldn't be out still. "Please hurry, I need to step out for a moment and call my brother-in-law, he is watching our kids." They were hooking her up to an IV now. Tyler was cussing me out on the phone but said he was on the way. When I stepped back in the room, they seemed to be finishing up. "She will be okay. It looks like they gave her quite a bit, but we have lots of fluids going on. Once we get the labs back we should know more. What's the name I should put this all under?" "Adison Richards" he nodded as I sat beside her. She looked peaceful. Not at all like she was drugged. I would bet a million bucks it was the guy that Scott dude was with. I was writing everything down in my phone to report back tomorrow when Tyler came in guns blazing. I was ripped by my shirt and pushed against the wall. As much as I wanted to fight him back on this, I understood where he was coming from. "What the hell did you do to her?" The kids were climbing onto the bed with Lana. "She was drugged, I didn't do anything, we interrupted a meeting. I think this was retaliation for that. We know at least two names of the six that were there. I am pretty positive this was the leaders doing." I pried his hands off my shirt. "Let him go Ty, he didn't do this." I looked over to see Lana snuggling the kids, finally awake. "You got us here in one piece, thank you. My bike had better not have a scratch on it". I couldn't help but laugh "not one scratch, ma'am". I saluted her, making her laugh. Her laugh was beautiful, it matched her beauty perfectly. "Will my mom be okay Gr." The doors opened, and the doctor walked in. "Dad" DJ said sadly. "Oh we have the whole family now. Yes your mom will be just fine. She uhm, ate something bad." I smiled, knowing he was protecting them from knowing. "Adison your labs came back, just a little left in your system. We will keep you for another hour on the fluids, then you should be free to go." Lana smiled and thanked him as she was kissing the kids. "Hey, kids want to go get some ice cream from the machine?" Tyler was getting them out of the room for us to go over what happened. "How do you feel?" I helped her sit up a moment. "Better with these" she stated, tugging on the cords. "My head still feels loopy though, but thank you for getting me here so fast." I shrugged "well I wasn't about to let you die." I already hated the thought of anything happening to this family, even Tyler. He was growing on me even when he was an ass to me. "Do you remember him?" That caught me off guard. I saw her fidgeting with her rings. Oh. "Yes, I remember all their faces. They have given me nightmares for years. I have been getting help, though lately it sort of works." She looked at me sadly "It will be 6 years this week." I wanted to wrap her in my arms to make her feel better, but I know she hates my guts, I don't blame her one bit. If that had been me, I probably would have killed the guy the moment I saw him. I knelt beside her bed and carefully took her hand. "Lana, I can't tell you how sorry I am. I know being brainwashed isn't an excuse, but it is true. I had no control over what I was doing. I will spend the rest of my time on this earth making it up to you and everyone else who was hurt by my actions. I promise you that. I promise you, you and your family will make it out of this." Her gorgeous blue eyes pierced into mine. I don't really remember Lana that day, but I do remember the ten others I took from their families. I remember the fight. I remember the chaos I caused in that building. The screams echo in my dreams. I replay that horror nightly. I've gotten better at screaming when I wake up, but that doesn't matter. I am just glad I got out before they made me do more to others. "I will protect you and those kids with my life. I know that won't make up for what I took, but that is one thing I can promise." Tyler and the kids came back in, and I reluctantly let her hand go. "Look dad, I got tiny ice cream dots!" Ella ran up to me and I looked at her but noticed the doctor coming back in. It pained me when they called me dad, but I also longed for it. I have always wanted to be a dad. My whole life I would talk about having ten kids when I grew up. Just being around these two these last couple days, though I am rethinking that number. "Oh great sweetie, those are some of my favorite kinds." The doctor was checking her over again "well looks like everything is back to normal, or as normal as it will be for the next couple of days, head home and rest as much as possible tomorrow okay?" Lana smiled and thanked him. Tyler helped her up, and I picked up Ella and grabbed DJ's hand. "Let's get going". I got the kids in the car and went on the bike, "not one scratch, hunny," Lana said with venom, as the nurses were around. I just blew a kiss back to her and started the bike up. The whole ride home all I could think of was Lana's eyes looking into mine. I was not sure why I was feeling this way, but I needed to fix it quick.
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