Chapter 8

896 Words
Lana's POV It's been two days since I was drugged and Sampson has been sucking up bug time. Sending food, flowers and gifts. He knows I am pissed at him. I am taking it easy though at home with the kids. They are doing their work on their computers while Tyler and Grayson are out and about seeing who seems to be apart of this group. The camera systems catch movement in the backyard and I quickly get the kids in the safe room. I grabbed my phone to call Tyler to make sure it wasn't them. "No, we're still in town getting groceries, but we will drop everything and leave now and be there soon." I was looking through the security system to see what I could spot. "No it's fine, I am armed just finish getting everything and I will keep you updated." I couldn't see anyone out back, so I was confused why the cameras kept saying there was movement. I grabbed my gun and made my way to the backdoor. From the window of the door I couldn't see anyone. It's like it picked up the wind or something. Then there was a knock on the front door. I don't like stupid games, so I was getting pissed. I checked the doorbell camera and saw that it was Sampson. I holstered my piece and opened the door. "Sampson quite f*****g around you know I hate that shit." He looked at me super confused "weren't you in the backyard a minute ago?" He shook his head. I grabbed my gun again and ran the perimeter of the house with Sampson going opposite. Meeting on the back porch, neither of us saw anything. "Maybe the system isn't working right. I know sometimes they pick up random things." Sampson shook his head. "No, we went with the top of the line. Let me call back home and see if maybe they caught something." I left him to do that and went to get the kids. Just as I brought them back and got them settled, Tyler and Grayson stormed through the doors. "Woah down fellas, it was a false alarm. I think it caught something random, Sampson's out back, calling back to see if they had caught anything, but we both checked and couldn't see anything." They calmed down a bit and Grayson was checking over the kids, "we are okay dude". DJ was swatting him away. Why is he being so extra right now? "Under the deck?" They caught our attention. The three of us ran to Sampson, who held up his hand to tell us to calm down. Then I heard it. Soft whimpers. I looked at the guys to see if they heard it too and they did. I knelt down under the deck and there was the tiniest little bloodhound puppy, looking so scared and hungry. "Poor little thing must have caught a scent and got lost. Grayson crawled down and was able to grab her. "Awwww cute puppy!" Crap, once Ella set her eyes on a dog it was almost game over and this one wasn't in a kennel at a shelter. It was right in the backyard, which was going to make it that much harder to get her to listen to reason. "Ella baby, listen, I think this little one already has a home. These dogs are a bit intense when they smell something, they go all over to find it. I think she got out and has a happy loving home. Grayson, don't you dare!" It was too late. He had already handed her the puppy. "Dammit" he took two steps back as I gave him the biggest death stare I could muster. "Oh come on Lana, what's the harm? If she doesn't have a home, then it's fine." Grayson came back outside with some deli meat, and she started eating it like she hadn't seen food in months. "We will take her to the local vet tomorrow to see if she is chipped, and then we can go from there, Ella you have to listen to your mom though. Dogs are big responsibilities. Especially those, they take a lot of training and require a lot of work." Grayson was looking around the fence line, "here" we all walked over. There was a small enough hole under the fence for this pup to fit, Tyler was pushing some extra dirt back into the hole to fill it. "That's how she got in. How about we go to the store and get a few things to help get her through the night." The kids were cheering. "I'll go too, Lana you and Grayson stay here. It will be my treat on the stuff, especially since your still recovering." I rolled my eyes at Sampson. "Quite sucking up, I am fine but don't go crazy, she most likely has a home." The four of them took the puppy to the store. "Alright get in the kitchen your helping." I ushered Grayson in "we are making my famous homemade chicken Alfredo and garlic bread. You, my friend, get to cut the onions and garlic." The less onion I cut the better. He saluted and started in on the veggies. I turned on the music and got myself into the groove, trying to ignore this feeling I was getting towards Grayson.
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