Chapter 9

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Lana's POV Well, the dang dog didn't have a chip and no one around really claimed her, so it looked like we had to keep her. "Have you decided her name?" Tyler was all too happy to have a puppy around "Belle". Ella was insistent about that. "Okay Belle, it is". Tyler finished up the pink rhinestone name tag Ella picked out to match her collar and leash. "Got the treats". DJ came running over with Grayson happily holding a large bag of dog treats while Belle sniffed around. After we checked out and headed back, we were stopped by Tony and Sally stating there was a block party tonight to welcome the new neighbors. Grayson thought it was a good idea to attend with everyone that way we didn't stick out and also, that way, we could see if any of the people from the bar were there. It was nice. There was live music and a ton of food. The kids even found other kids around their ages to play with, and they remembered their other names. Tyler, Grayson and I were keeping an eye out but we didn't notice anyone aside from Heather and Scott. Scott had a tight leash on Heather from the looks of it. She had looked over to us a couple of times but wasn't able to step away. "Attention everyone" Tony was up on the stage as everyone gathered around, and the kids ran back over to us. "I wanted to thank you all for coming and for the new neighbors we want to welcome home. I do know of a very talented family and want to open the stage up to them to see what they have!" Everyone cheered, everyone except us. "No, I appreciate that, but I'm not sure Cole is quite ready". I tried to persuade him. "Nonsense come on". DJ and Grayson made their way up first. Tyler, Ella and I cautiously followed. Ella and Tyler grabbed the mics, I took the guitar, DJ positioned himself behind the drums while Grayson grabbed the base but stayed closer to DJ. DJ had only learned two songs so far, one pop and one rock. He was better at pop, so we went with that, plus Ella absolutely loved the artist and song. "Thank you, Grove Lane, for welcoming us. We are the Sawyers!" DJ started out and was leading us strongly. Tyler and Ella were having the time of their lives singing, even if TY was a little tone-deaf. We finished up and everyone cheered as Tony got back on stage. "I see you are teaching him well" he said to Grayson, who smiled proudly as they all walked over to me. "That was an amazingly good job! Thank you Sawyers." We got down, and the kids continued to play as we ate. Sampson called my phone, so I called him back." You guys aren't being affectionate enough, the people are talking. They are some nosy bastards." I knew there were some agents mingled in, we talked but not enough to make it seem like we already knew them. "We just aren't into PDA Sampson" I said through gritted teeth. "You guys haven't been near each other at all, not a hand hold, hug nothing." Just then Sally and Tony walked over. Grayson was beside me and placed his arm around my waist after hearing the conversation. "That was wonderful, and I am so glad the kids seemed to have found some friends." "Yes we are as well." I smiled at her, then looked to Grayson. "Well, if you ever need a babysitter, please let us know. We weren't able to have children, so we watch the kiddos around here to help the parents and also get our baby fix." Grayson smiled at her. "We will take you up on that offer if we ever get a chance alone for just us." She smiled widely "Oh please do! How are you all settling in any way?" I noticed Tyler made his way over to the kids and noticed why. Scott was looking at them strangely. I wasn't sure if it was just watching all the kids or if he recognized them. "Well we were doing okay until one of his buddies drugged me at the bar." Sally gasped as I nodded towards Scott, who must have heard me because he quickly moved away. "What? Oh hunny are you okay?" I nodded "I'm fine now. Thankfully it wasn't too bad." Tony huffed. "Aside from you, I knew the new ones were going to be trouble you will keep me posted on any more nonsense they do, and I will make sure they are taken care of." Grayson and I nodded together, "Ah to be young and in love again though, you two enjoy your night okay? Be husband and wife, not just mom and dad, okay?" Tony handed us two bottles, "my own home brew". I was a bit weary. "Don't worry no fuckery here, the five of us are the town guards, right?" He winked to us. Okay Tony, I am looking more into you. "We will, Sally. Don't worry" Grayson said as he kissed the top of my head. I looked at him and smiled, best I could. Here goes nothing. I sighed slightly, and I think he knew what I was about to do because he also tensed up. I lifted my toes and kissed him. We both kind of relaxed into the kiss. We pulled apart and I looked into his eyes. f**k did I like that?
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