Chapter 10

1184 Words
Lana's POV "I'm telling you something is off with Tony and Sally. Either they are from this organization or they know something about it or us." Tyler was rolling his eyes. We had just got back in from the block party, and I was doing everything to keep my mind off the kiss Grayson and I had. "L, they are just normal people, they have lived in this tiny ass town for nearly 40 years. They practically own the town. There is no way they are apart from it." I huffed "I don't know Ty, I have this feeling they know something. The way they talk and the things he has said to me just gives me the vibes." He rounded the island to where I was furiously checking the internet for any clue. "I know your intuitions have rarely ever steered us wrong, but I think this maybe in that 3% chance of it being wrong." Then I smelled him, his warmth was clinging to my back as he peered over my shoulder looking at the information I had pulled up on Tony. "Wait, there!" He pointed to a picture of Tony with about 6 other men in a sauna style setting. It didn't seem out of the ordinary, it was taken maybe 15 or 20 years ago based on the lack of gray hairs. However strange it was that men took a sauna picture, it still seemed pretty normal. Tyler and I looked at him like he had grown another head. "Getting our steam on? What's wrong with that? Aside from grown men taking pictures in a sauna." I laughed because Tyler always said what I was thinking. "No to the regular eye, it's normal. To someone like me and possibly Sampson, this is a good thing. S.T.E.A.M, was an underground organization; 7 men from various branches; CIA, FBI, Special Forces, Military. They were the ones to get the information out of people, if you catch my drift. I recognized a couple of those guys. When I was in my "training", I had to memorize the faces of our biggest threats, STEAM being one of them." Grayson pointed to three guys. "Wait, so Tony was a part of this group?" Grayson shrugged. "Possibly, it seems like it, why would he pose with them, and also use that phrase?" "I KNEW it!" The kids paused their game. "Knew what momma?" Ella was staring at us over the couch "nothing baby, but I think Grayson and I will go pay a visit to Mr. Tony and Ms. Sally." DJ jumped up "Can we come?!" Tyler tried to get them to sit back down by playfully throwing them. "I don't know guys, it may be a not so good situation." I tried my best to not make it sound like danger as best I could. "Please Tony said I could come over and check out his studio any time, please, please." I sighed "feed your dog and let her out first we will go after that." Just then the little pup popped up at the word feed. She was an absolute glutton, and we had to be careful with how much we put in her bowl because she would eat and eat and eat. They both jumped up. Ella ran to the door to let Belle out and DJ filled her bowl. After we made sure that Belle couldn't get into or destroy anything, we made our way over to Tony and Sally's house. The short walk was nice though, with the kids and Ty. Even with Grayson. Although I hated my stomach as it would do flips every time I snuck a glance at him. I am blaming my stupid woman hormones. DJ rang the doorbell and bounced from foot to foot. Sally answered with a smile. "Well, if it isn't my favorite family. What brings ya'll by?" I smiled back to her "we need to talk to Tony." Her eyebrows shot up, she had a knowing look on her face. "Right in there, guys", she pointed to their living room that was all the way off to the right. The house was set up very open. There was a set of stairs directly to the left as you walked in, and the left side had a large open wall. The living room and kitchen were huge and connected. "How about you two come over to the kitchen with me to help me make cookies." Ella squealed and DJ smiled wide "Okay" they both ran off to the counter with Sally laughing behind them. "Took you three long enough" Tony said as he lowered the paper he was reading. "I take it, my hints got to you," he paused and looked at me "Adison was it?" He chuckled "or can I finally call you Lana, Tyler and Grayson." The three of us shared glances between us. "How?" I sat on the couch across from him. "It was my job to know all the details. I retired but after everything that has been happening I couldn't help it. This is my town, my home and I needed this place to be safe, for Sally and for my town." I nodded "so what do you know?" He sighed "not much, my connections told me about you three, however I was surprised you brought your kids along." He said while smiling at his wife who was having the time of her life baking with my kids. "I didn't have a choice. They knew where we lived, they knew their school, names and schedules. They weren't safe." "What are their names?" Sally set a plate of cookies in front of us and Ella and DJ sat down with their own little plates. They looked at me and I nodded. "I'm DJ and this is Ella." They both looked a little relieved to have told someone the truth. "DJ, only in our house and here with JUST Tony and Sally okay?" He nodded "I know mom, I promise" he said while hugging his sister. "DJ? Does that stand for something?" Sally was filling their milk cups and DJ's face fell. "Sal, maybe not right now". She stood up fast. "Oh I am so sorry." Looks like Tony knows all the history "Daniel Jr, I am named after my actual dad. He died five years ago though." Sally clutched her chest. "Oh sweetie". She engulfed the kids in a hug. Tony was glaring at Grayson. "You better not destroy this family any more than you already have son." Grayson's head dropped. "I will never, I promise." Tony huffed. "Well, I say we get together weekly to go over what we learn and what we already know." I stood up and nodded "yes that sounds great, how is tomorrow night?" Sally clapped "perfect I will do dinner then take the kids out back to help with my gardening while you talk." She hugged us all and we went back home. "This is getting more and more complicated" was all I could get out before I collapsed on the couch to relax.
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