Chapter 3

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Lana's POV I sped to the kids' school and checked them out. I told the school we were leaving for a while and would do remote work. Fortunately, they didn't put up a fuss. I got them strapped in, and we headed to our house. Sampson was parked out front with some of our coworkers dressed as various people around the house to check and make sure it was safe. "Mom, not that I am mad, but why are we not in school?" DJ was bugging me for answers. Once we got inside, "Kids go pack your suitcases, the big ones, grab everything you need, that means clothes and toiletries DJ." He was about to argue "dude just do as your mom says please". Tyler was rummaging through my office stuff to grab what we needed. He practically had an entire room of stuff here since he stayed so often, "I'm just going to grab my stuff from here that should work", he called as he went upstairs. Sampson came in with Grayson behind him. "NO, get him out Sampson, I mean it." I was grabbing my gun case and placing my guns inside. There was no way I wasn't going to be prepared. He put his hands up "he is just checking the surroundings to make sure there isn't anything inside." Grayson made his way to my living room and was looking at the pictures on my mantle. He picked up a picture of Daniel, Tyler and I celebrating getting into the CIA. "Was this your husband?" I c****d my gun and raised it to him. "Put it down now." He placed it back down, "I'm sorry, I know that saying I am sorry, won't bring him back but if it's anything I still have nightmares of that day. I remember him, I remember them all." I was shaking now "L" Tyler called to me carefully as he was shielding the kids behind him. s**t, I placed my things back in the case. "Who's that momma?" Ella asked, pointing to Grayson. DJ was staring him down. "Hey kiddos how are ya?" Sampson was trying to diffuse them. "Hey Sampson!" The kids loved him too, "You two, Tyler, your mom and Grayson here are going on a bit of a work vacation. I know how much you miss your mom when she's working late, so we decided to let you help out. We have a house all set up for you. DJ, your room has the coolest gaming system and Ella, of course, we have got you the best doll houses and toys we could find!" Grayson walked up to them. "Hey guys, I'm Grayson, I will be hanging out with you guys for a little while." Ella looked at him amazed but DJ if looks could kill damn. "Let's get to the car guys, your mom has to finish packing." Tyler took the kids and Sampson followed. I walked upstairs and Grayson followed behind me. "I will shoot you". He stopped for a moment. "I know, I am not here to hurt you, despite your feelings and what you know about me, I am here to keep you safe." I scoffed "yeah right" I said under my breath, "do not come in here." He stopped and stood by the door, "at least keep it open, please, so I can be sure." I rolled my eyes "I was in the special forces for 10 years, I worked on some of the most dangerous missions at my job. I think I will be fine." He crossed his arms and stared at me like I was a kid in trouble. I rolled my eyes at him "fine." I went to my closet to get changes out of my two-piece suit and into some jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed my to go bag that had money, electronics that can't be tracked, and I filled it with clothes and toiletries. I grabbed extra for the kids because I know they didn't grab theirs. Not exactly sure how long to pack for though. I got everything I needed and walked out. I sighed "let's go". Grayson did the after-you motion, and we made our way down the stairs. I handed my keys to another couple from work that Tyler and I hung out with often. "Don't worry Lana, you know we will take care of it for you." Sarah reassured me. I smiled and nodded to them. I quickly grabbed a picture of Daniel, Tyler, DJ and I on his second birthday and stashed it in my bag. Sampson was next to his car and Tyler was next to a new souped-up SUV they gave us, waiting for me. I walked to the back and threw my bags in. The kids were in their seats on their tablets happy and oblivious. "Holton, you are taking this" Sampson pointed to the most beautiful sleek matte black motorcycle. "Oh my God she is beautiful". I snatched the keys and threw on my helmet. "I thought you'd like a ride like this you little baddie", Sampson was laughing. "Grayson, you're with me, Tyler, you and the kids in that one, driving between me and Lana." He nodded, "got it" we did this to keep the kids between us in case anything went crazy on the way. I started my bike, and she purred like a newborn kitten. It had been awhile since I took a ride on a bike. It used to be me and Daniel. Sometimes they give me one for missions. We took off and after an hour we made it to a nice little lakeside cabin. The kids took off fighting over who got what room. Tyler came to my side and Grayson unloaded the bags. "I guess this is home for a bit." We looked around and the six other houses on the street had people standing outside watching us. We dropped Sampson off about twenty minutes back, so he wouldn't get recognized. A couple of them waved, and we fake smiled and waved back. Grayson walked over and placed his hand on my lower back, making me tense. He whispered low "remember we have appearances to make outside the house." This may be harder than I thought. I looked at him with the fakest smile I could muster, grabbed his hand and squeezed it a bit too tight. "Come on Ty, let's see our new house, remember as the little brother you got the basement!" I laughed as I pushed him. His face turned sinister as he chased me. "Come on, sis. I bet I am the fastest; the slowest gets the basement." Grayson shook his head and made a fake laugh "really you guys!" He called after us as we left him with all the bags. We laughed and stuck our tongues out as we ran away. There, hopefully, that was fake enough.
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