Chapter 9

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Third person POV The city has been in a haywire since yesterday, each and every corner is celebrating and when asked, they all answered. "It's the mayor's daughter's wedding, so it's a thing for the whole city to rejoice". And finally, today, the day has come when two influential figures of the town will get their children married, forming a more stronger bond. Early in the morning, some renowned event planners were sent to decorate the city hall and the surrounding and seeing the view if the place, everyone was saying that they did a very good job.  It's like a princess was getting married at the venue but in a way, the daughter of the mayor was. Everyone in the town was eager and waiting for the wedding of the year, well, except one person, the groom himself. Ridge has locked himself in his room since yesterday night and refused to come out. Roman, Justin and the rest have been trying to bring him out of the room since yesterday night.  Roman, who was his best friend was worried that he might have hurt himself or something. They have even tried to break the door but it was too strong, it's like it was unbreakable, even to supernatural.  They tried to get in through the window but he has closed it as well. It's only Two hours the wedding, his Dad has been calling them non stop and they just told him that they already on their way there.  Roman almost snapped at Ridge's father the last time he called. He never cared about his son, ever since the announcement of the wedding, he has never asked how his son was feeling, all he cared about was the wedding to take place and get his supremacy over the humans as well.  But that's not the most pressing matter at hand now.  First, they have to find a way to bring Ridge out of his room before his father finds out what is going on, the least he would do is get them locked up. "Hey man, I am begging you to please open up this door, your wedding is in about tow hours and you know you father will kill us if he finds out about this behaviour of yours" Roman says, banging at the door. "It's not like it's the end of the world for you of you get married and to that hot chick, I'd give everything just to be with her" Justin says. Roman glared at him and he knows that it's time to close his mouth. "Look Ridge, we can figure this out but you have to open the door first" he says calmly. Deep inside, he is angry, afraid to say the least.  What if Ridge has really hurt himself in there?.  What if his Dad comes and vent his anger on them?. For about thirty minutes, they kept on begging him and he wouldn't budge. "Hey, his Dad has been calling nonstop, what am I gonna tell him now?" Mark whispers in his ear. He was about to answer when his father storm into the hallway. "What is going on here?" he asks, looking at us with suspicious eyes. They all keep looking at one another not knowing what to say to him. "Roman, why are you not dressed properly and where is Ridge, he isn't at the venue yet and the bride will be arriving in just thirty minutes?" he asks. His heart pounded like it's about to burst out of it's place when the door opens up. Everybody turns to the door to see Ridge standing in his three piece suit. "Finally, what took you so long to get ready?" Roman quickly asks. "Ahhh! I'm ready now" he mutters. "Make sure to be at the venue on time" his father says and walks away. Everything and everyone stays silent till they were sure the old man was finally out of sight. "Seriously, no I'm proud of you son, no hug, nothing" Justin says. "Dude, you have a really messed up father" Mark says. "What took you so long to open up?" Roman asks, changing the topic. "Let's go" he says and walk past them. They don't know what got to him but they followed him anyways.  Thank goodness their clothes were in the car otherwise they would have had to get ready again. They finally reach him in the car where he was sitting. Roman gets behind the engine and start the car. "If I didn't know better, I would have said that you look eager to get married" he says and drive. Ridge Everyone looks happy about this wedding but to me, it's like a death sentence. Talking of death sentence, I actually tried to kill myself yesterday night.  I almost went through with it but something deep inside me urged me not to. I decided to stay at my room till the wedding time passed and then my father can kill me with his own hand.  The only reason I came out now was when I heard my father talking to my friends.  I know just how heartless and inconsiderate he can be most of the times, he might even go as far as locking them up for this and I don't want my friends to be in any kind of trouble because of me. Now here we are, on my way to the wedding. I Just can't believe it is really happening. We reach the town hall and as expected and from what I've heard in the news and what I saw on line, the place is filled with thousands of people and hundreds of reporters. I never thought out town have this much people. "Let's go and get ready before heading into the hall" Roman says. I pull him back inside the car. "Thank you very for everything" I say. "What are you thanking for?" he asks. "You have been by my side through out all this drama, I'm really grateful" I answer and I really mean it. He pulls me into a hug. "Now, let's get going before you father comes looking for us again and this time, he won't be lenient" he says. We walk put of the car and head to the back entrance.  Thank heavens the media haven't noticed or we would have been doomed. I waited for the guys to get ready and at the same time, my heart keeps burning and uneasy. "Would you allow me to do your make up?" a woman asks. What, so now men have to wear make up too?. "No thanks, I'm good" I refuse. "But you look pale, wedding jitters?" she asks. Why is being so snoopy?. "You don't have to worry, your bride is so beautiful, I'm sure you know that but I'm just tell you how great she looked and she's a good girl" she says, patting my shoulder. If only you knew that I haven't seen the bride. "Dude, just let her do your make up, the bride will literally run the other side if she sees you like that" Roman says with pleading eyes. "You think she really would?" I ask, already forming the idea in my head. "Nah" he says and smirks. "Please let me do my work, the wedding is taking place ten minutes from now" she says. "I said thank you, ma'am" I kinda growl at her making her flinch. "What's going on in here?" I hear my father's voice. God damn it, why does he have to be everywhere?. "Ahm, we where just applying his make up" Roman quickly jumps in with the answer. "Yes Sir" I say. "You are wasting our time here, you were supposed to be ready long ago, I what you to speak with the media" he says. "We'll be done shortly, Sir" the woman says. And with that, he walks out again.  Is it me or is this man truly full of himself?.  He should have at least congratulate me for fulfilling his desires. The make up woman started doing her job and with minutes, I was all ready. "Now here is what we call a groom" she chimes in and I just smile at her. I just feel like one more word from her, and I'll completely lose it. "The media are waiting" Roman says. "OK, let's get going" I say. It's like he can sense my uneasiness. We both walk put of the waiting room and that's right, the media is all over the place and as soon as we walk out, they started taking my pictures. I can see my father is with them too, trying to take the spot light. "Oh! Here he is, my son" he says and pulls me to him. "How do you feel getting married to the only daughter of the mayor?" "How did you guys met?" "Were you truly in love?" "She is still in high school, won't this bother your marital relationship?" they kept on bombarding the question at me. But wait, she is a high school girl?.  How could my father stoop this low but then again, her father agreed to the marriage as well.  Come to think of it now, maybe the girl was forced into this marriage like I was. I really do pity us more now. "Son, answer them now" my father whispers in my ear. "Oh yes, we are really in love" I mutter. They kept on asking questions like mad people which they are. "Excuse me please" I say and before my father could even say anything, I rush out of the crowd. I feel so suffocated in there and I really do need some fresh air and maybe a bottle of vodka but that would wait for later. I check my wrist watch to see that it's eleven thirty and I am getting married by twelve.  Time, why can't you just stop already. I decide to take a stroll before I am being forced to get to the alter which will be soon. I start following corridors after corridors. I hear some voices coming out of a room and it seems like laughter, so I decide to go and check who of is that is so happy today. I open the door slightly when I heard Stacy's voice, yes, I'm absolutely sure it was Stacy. "Ange, I'm really happy for you, you are finally getting married now" she says. But why is she congratulating the bride and calling her by nickname or is that her name?.  I didn't even care to check the invitation. But the name sound familiar. The bride turns around and face comes to view. No, no, no. This is not happening, how is this possible.  Of all people in this world, why would she have been chosen to be my bride. I mean, I just knew her for a while personally but I have a feeling deep inside me that there is something about her. Something rather unsettling.
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