Chapter 8

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I'm in my room, sulking the life out of my pitiful self.  I've locked myself in my room for the past two days.  I just can't believe that in the next five days, I'll be getting married.  Me! Getting married. I've tried to talk my father out of it but every time I tried to talk, he keeps on shrugging me off. With each passing day, I kept hoping that mate would somehow show up but she didn't. I guess that she is never coming.  Maybe my father was right, maybe she dead already. I pick up the bottle of vodka I threw on the floor and chug the whole remaining sour liquid inside the bottle.  I almost chucked but luckily, I am an expert at drinking, so, I didn't but it really did burn itself through my bowels. This is what my life has turned into now. I've drank more than five bottle or more but I still didn't feel drunk enough to forget all my worried. Just then, someone knock up on my door. I just ignored it.  Whoever it is, I'm sure they'll get fed up gain and just walk away like they always did.  My so called father was busy getting ready for my so called wedding, so he doesn't care if I am still alive or not.  Perfect, maybe I should die and the wedding will never happen again. "Hey, get your drunken ass up and open this door for me" he screams, while banging the door as of he is going to break it. I tried to get up from the floor to open the door but I keep on falling back to the floor.  Guess I was drunk after all.  I kept on trying till I finally give up and crawl over to the door, literally. As soon as the door was unlocked, he barged into the room and cringe his nose. "Ahow, what the hell were you doing to yourself man, I hope you are not in a suicide mission now, are you?" he asks. I just smirk at him and look away.  He walks over to the edge of my bed and start picking up the empty bottles of my drinks. "Are you crazy dude, drinking ten bottles of vodka for the last two days, what's wrong with you?" he scolds. "I am getting married, that's what's wrong" I say, my voice sounding a bit slurry. "You are drunk as hell, get the hell up and clean yourself, I'm taking you out" he says. "I don't want to go anywhere" I argue. "Well, luckily I am not asking for your opinion" he says. He helped me up from the ground and walk me to my bathroom. "Come on, take a shower, you smell like garbage" he says and walks out. I sniff myself and it's true, I do smell but what do I expect when I didn't wash up for almost a week. I turn on the shower and the water starts to splash all over my body. I used all my body wash and I still didn't feel OK. I turn off the shower and walk over to the mirror. "Gosh! I look awful" I mutter. I feel a bit sober now that I showered but my face looks like a bush man's.  It's full of dirty unkempt hair all over. I open the cupboard on top of the mirror and bring out my shaver. I pluck it to the switch and start shaving my beard and then I trim my hair next. "That's more like it" I say after looking into the mirror again. The face is still gloomy but I'll survive now, won't I?. Next, I shaved all the parts of my body that needs shaving. I am finally coming back to my handsome old self again. I pick up a towel and wrap around my waist and then another to dry my hair. I walk out of the bathroom to see roam laying flat on my bed. "Goodness, I thought you were never coming out, I was about to break the door if you hadn't come out in the next ten minutes, you took more than an hour in there" he says, sitting up. He eyes me up and down, like I just came back from another planet or something. "I see you have finally decided to groom yourself again, great choice" he says. "Uhmm, when I just looked into the mirror, I was scared of what I saw, that's why I decided to change" I say, sitting on out of the couches in the room. Yeah, my room is so huge, with a king sized bed in the middle, I huge walk-in wardrobe that's capable of taking hundreds of clothes.  There are two huge couches by the side of the bed as well. But all this luxury isn't worth it for me now, the room is like a cage for me now. "Let me tell you what, no b***h is worth all this, you gotta look your best or else she'll even think that you cared for her so much" he says. Damn! He's right, why didn't I think of that. "Yeah, you're right, I gotta chill out and continue my life just the way it is, to hell with this wedding and the bride as well, they can go and f**k themselves for all I care" I say, throwing the small towel on the floor. My hair is dried enough as it is. "Uhmm, but still, don't you wanna see your bride's face before the wedding?" he asks. I frown at him.  It seems weird that this question is coming from him all of a sudden.  I hope that it isn't my Dad who sent him but then again, they are not that close and I'm sure he is the last person he will send to me on whatever occasion, good or bad. "No, if it we're up to me, I wouldn't even see her face on the day of the wedding and after that" I say. "You know you have to kiss the bride, right?" he asks. I almost forgot about that part. "Then I'll just lie that I have some mouth infection or something" I say, trying to figure out a way to get past it if I can. "You know that Daddy of yours would not like that now, will he?" he asks. "You are right, I guess I must do it then, but that's all" I say and determined to keep it that way. We both stay silent for a while.  I, sensing that he is trying to say something but he is hesitant. "Uhmm, dude...uhmm, there's some news I wanted to share with you" he says. "What?" I sit up, he looms rather tense. "Uhmm, yesterday, Stacy and I went to the hospital..." Well, this conversation seems rather familiar. "Well, the doctor examined her and well, she is pregnant" he says. Should I be happy for him now or should I be worried about the look on his face?. "Congrats man, you are finally going to be a father" I say. He smiles but still looks worried. "What is it, man?" I ask. "I'm just worried about Stacy, the doctor told us that the pregnancy has come with some complications and if she decided to go on with it, then she will suffer, she might even lose her life" he says, terror evident in his voice. "So now you are suggesting for abortion?" I ask. "Yes, but then she refused, saying that it's her cub and she wants it to live and to top it all, she even has to drop out of school if the pregnancy starts to show up and she wouldn't budge" she says. I understand how he feels, I felt the same when my Mom was sick. I just don't know to say to him. "I think you should give her sometime to think things through, you know it's hard for mother to abort her child just out of the blue even if it kills her" I say. "You are right, I'll give her time" he says. "You are pretty good at advising people even with this sour mood of yours" he says. For a minute there, I almost forgot that I was going to get married. Seeing the looks in my eyes, he decided to change the topic, I guess. We both are in foul mood now. "I've seen new bar on my way here, wanna go and check it?" he asks. "Yeah, let's get going, I want to have some drink" I say, getting up immediately. "First of all, no, you are not drinking anything, you are pretty filled up as it is and secondly, you are not wearing any clothes" he says. "Oh yeah, right, let me go and change" I say, rushing off to my closet. I didn't even bother to answer the first one as he and I both know that its not gonna happen. I quickly change into some black T-shirt and jeans, then I pick up a pair of sneakers from my collection and put it on.  I spray my perfume all over my body and head out. "Shall we?" I ask. "Yeah, let's get going" he answers and we both walk out together. I'll miss all this time, with me getting married forcefully and him dealing with a problematic pregnant mate, it's gonna be hard. Two days before the wedding I can't believe the time is moving so fast.  In two days time, I'll be a married man.  Me, the young and handsome Ridge, who has girls waving and calling out to his name in school everyday is now going to be taken.  This is insane but its still happening and there is nothing that I could do to stop it. We are now going for the wedding rehearsal now.  Due to some distance between the main city and where we live and also the fact that our parents are always busy, the rehearsal was to be done separately. Mine will be taking place in the pack's church and the bride and her family will do it in the city's church but the main event will be taken place in the main city hall.  So political, right?. My father was not able to make it so it was just me and my friends.  Roman being my best man as intended.  The dress code for the wedding was black and white for the men and whatever for the female.  My friends were all dressed in suits and tux but I decided to came in my ripped off jeans and crop top shirt.  If my father were here, he would have sued me but he isn't.  Even if he is, he can do his worse for all I care now, it's not like I am eager to get married any ways, so getting injured or sick will get the wedding postponed or cancelled all together. We spent an hour rehearsing and not even a word came out from my mouth.  My father was the one who had written my vows for me, I wonder when he got the time to even write it. After the torture was over, I turn to walk out of the church but my friends stop me. "Hey, where are you going, wait for us" they call out. "I'm going home, wanna join?" I ask. They all stare at me like I've sinned in a holy place. "What about the bachelors night, have you forgotten?" Justin asks. The bachelors what? They are kidding, right?. "The bachelors party is taking place today?" I ask. "It's your party and you don't even know when it is, are you even excited to get married?" he asks. Obviously no and they all know that but they keep pretending that it's going to be the best wedding ever. "You can go ahead, I'm heading back home" I say. "No Ridge, you have to go, this happens only once and you'll regret it if you didn't come, in the next two days, you are going to be a married man and that's the end of it" Roman steps in. I usually listen to him bit not this time. "You think that this I funny huh?, my life is going to be ruined and all you cared about is your stupid bachelors party, well then, go and celebrate my doom, I won't stop you" I growl at them. I'm becoming more violent by the day. "But we were just trying to cheer you up" Justin says. "Cheer me up you say, my mate is out there somewhere and I one day hoping to find her like all you guys but now it is not going to happen, she might even die when she finds out that I am already married, didn't you all think of that?" I scream at him. "But she might..." He didn't finish the sentence as Roman pulls him aside.  Good riddance, I am just on the verge of hurting them all. I storm out of the church and run straight to the forest, shifting mid run. I stand there in the middle of the forest in my wolf form.  It's hurting inside that I can't even hold. I howl, letting all the pain out, maybe some of it.
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