Chapter 10

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Ridge "Don't tell me you knew it was her all along?" I ask Roman. I somehow managed to come back to my room in one piece. "Ahh, you said that you didn't want to see her not even once before the wedding, so I just shut my trap" he says. "Seriously, or where you in on it along with my father, I mean, it isn't a coincidence that she came with us to the island and then just for her to end up in my bed and then now, I'm getting married to her soon after, well, I was cut off from vacation to begin with" I say, getting frustrated already. This seems like far much of a set up for me. "I had no idea what you are talking about, yes I agreed that we brought her along to the island but that was because she is one of Stacy's friends and I told you before hand that she is bringing some of her friends along" he says. He is right about that but that doesn't take him off the radar "But I never knew she ended up in your room, really, so tell me, did something happened between you then?" he asks, grinning at me. I feel like strangling him to death right now, I'm not f*****g kidding.  I glare at him. He raises his hands. "OK, don't tell me" he shrugs his shoulder. "Nothing happened, I sent her out" I say. "Seriously, you we're in a room with a handful specimen like her and you just chose to kick her out instead of taking your chances" he says, looking confused. "But seriously, did nothing happen?" he asks. "I told you, why do you keep asking, that's not even the most pressing matter here, I just hate the sight of the girl and I don't know why" I say. "Don't tell me you still haven't forgotten what happened since junior high, she even tried to apologized, get a grip" I say. Then it hit, all this feelings that I was feeling about the girl came to the clear.  So she was the one. Truth be told, I even forgot about the incident completely. It was when I was in my third year of junior high when some girl in grade 12 I think.  She has the guts to order me to be her boyfriend, like just order me.  I wasn't a nerd or some duff to be ordered around even at the time but she did it.  People said that her father was a very powerful man in the town and that you would be in trouble if you touch even a speck of his daughter's hair but I didn't care.  I told her no right away, in front of the whole school but she still didn't give up.  She kept on pestering me everyday and I just ignored her because I thought she was a fragile human and then one day, she will just forget about me.  The last straw that broke the camels back was one day when I was a standing by my locker. She just came over and pull me into a kiss and just like that, she stole my first kiss.  I had promised myself that my first kiss would be from my mate but she stole it and out of anger, I slapped her and she fainted right in the spot. I got into trouble, really big one after that. My father grounded me for about a month after that.  Even the school principal wanted to expel me but my father worked things through with the school but I got the harshest punishment ever. At that time, I kept on wondering who the girl was and who her father was but now I understood everything. OK, back to the story, luckily, she stopped bothering me after I got back to school and I year later, I graduated and left the school, forgetting all that had happened back then. But I got to admit that is has changed so much since the last time I saw her.  She almost managed to fool me with her face innocence. I thought it was by accident she ended up my room back at the island but now I think she did it on purpose and maybe even the wedding was planned by her, just maybe. "Hey, snap out of it" he snaps a finger in front of my face. "I'm not going to get married to that two faced b***h" that's what came out of my mouth. "What do you mean by that?" he asks. "What you just heard" I answer. I start heading over to the door but he yanks me back. "Are you out of your mind, if you leave here, then you are dead meat, not just your father, Angelica's father will kill you himself" he says. "I don't care but I ain't getting married to that, that thing" I say. I don't even know what to call her now.  Maybe, evil incarnate. She's a human but she is far more dangerous than a witch. I yank my hand away and rush out and I can hear him calling me out but I ignored him and head to the forest nearby. Somebody pinned me to the ground, making me hit my nose in the process. I start to fight back but two other hands pull my hands back. "Let go or I'll rip you apart" I growl. My wolf is at the edge, so close to ripping out of my skin. "I won't, well, until you f*****g cool down" Roman's voice echoes. The three of them pick me up and pin me to a tree nearby. "What are you doing?" I shout at them. They were supposed to be on my side up instead, they are holding me back from running away. "I'm making you realize the intensity of the situation and that running away will just make it worst" he says lifting my face up. "So you think that getting married is the only way out, are you f*****g kidding me?" I ask. "It's not like you life will end if you married her but it would if you if you refused, trust me" he says. I try to lift my hand and snap his neck into two but then again, Mark and Justin were holding my hands. The only way out of this situation is more me to change into my wolf form.  As if sensing my thoughts, the sneaky son of a b***h injected a wolfs bane into my body. I drop to the ground, groaning. "You son of a b***h" I growl at him. "You'll thank we later" he says and they all pick me up like a bag of trash. My body is becoming weaker by the second as the wolfs bane keeps kicking in and the next thing I know, I blacked out. I open my eyes to see me laying on a couch.  Where am I?.  And why am I dressed in a suit?.  Why do I feel so numb?.  That's the questions that comes rushing to my head. Wait! I think I remember.  I am going to get married.  Yes, that's right and I tried to run away but the back stabbing friend of mine poisoned me with a wolfs bane. I sit up instantly as everything comes rushing back to my head. "Oh! You're awake already" he says. I just glare at him. "You father came in earlier to check up on you" he continues. Well, that seems unlike my father. "He said to take you to the alter as soon as you wake up, you have wasted enough of their time as it is" Justin says. That's more like him now. "Can you guys give us a minute, I need to clean him out" Roman says. "Yeah, OK, we'll be outside just tell us when you're ready" Mark says and walks put along with Justin. "You better start explaining" I glare at his side. "If you don't get married today, we are all gonna die" he says. "What do you mean?" I ask, confused. "The Mayor is a very aggressive person when messed with and the worst you can do to him is touch his precious daughter" he says. Yeah, I know that already. "Now that he knew about all the secrets of your pack, he won't hesitate to end the whole pack of you refused to get married, so you see, your whole pack is in danger and he won't stop there I'm sure, he would most definitely wipe us out as well, so in a nutshell, the future of the werewolves lies in your hands" he says. All these words of his don't make any sense to me. "And how did you know about all that?" I ask. "I heard my father talking to the other Alphas about in a meeting the other week, you know, when you were busy sinking your ass in alcohol" he says. "He was afraid that if you refused that we would all be doomed, this town was originally wolfs territory but the humans came and now they have more power than all of us combined and with the Mayor knowing all our secrets, our strength and weakness, we are all the more weak now" he continues. "The other packs tried to warn your father but he said that he knows what he was getting himself into" he says. Yeah, he definitely know. He told me all his plan. "I didn't want to tell you this but two days ago, you father called us in and asked us to make sure that you don't mess anything up and if you do, then he'll have our heads along with yours, you know I have a family now and Mark and Justin too and we can't leave them just like that, so can you please do this for us?" he pleads. I didn't realize that this whole situation is totally messed up.  It's not only my life that is in danger but my whole clan. "Ok, do it for you" I say. "Thanks for letting me see the truth" I add. "Told you you would thank me" he says and laughs. Within ten minutes, I'm back to the groom I was supposed to be.  There is still this ache in the back of my heart to run away but I keep pushing it away. Finally, I'm heading over to the alter.  After all the sulking, all the anger, all the running away, I'm finally getting married. As soon as I step inside the massive hall, my heart skipped a beat or two, I'm betting on two.  Even the atmosphere seemed to have become dense. The oxygen supply stopped working for seconds there. I close my eyes, trying to ignore the new and foreign sensations but they kept on coming back. I took a deep breath and open my eyes once again and bumm, there she was, staring back at me.  My true mate is staring right into my eyes, my soul, my every particle of living.  Just when I thought that this day couldn't get any worse, it just did, like literally.
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