Chapter 5

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After we left the house, we first went to the supermarket as they girls still have more things to buy.  Gosh! I wonder what's with girls and all this shopping spree. Everyone of my friends had went off with his mate, leaving me with the three girls to deal with.  Why me of all to people?.  I'm not much of a girl's guy and I don't plan on being anytime soon. Just leave me with one bottle of vodka and a TV full of horror movies and I'm good to go but now here I was, shopping with girls I realized I still can't remember their names. I just can't wait for this day to end already and I'll be in the comfort of my bed. After about an hour of going up and down, the girls finally decided that it's time to stop and all that I got myself was a pair of new Nike Lebron 17.  Yeah, just going to add them to my load of shoe collection. If there's one thing I love more than vodka, then it's having all the shoes of the season. "Nice choice" the girl besides me says and I turn around to see that it's my room neighbour. What's that her name again?.  Who am I kidding, I know I've forgotten it the moment I walked out of her room. "Thanks" I say, forcing a smile on my face. Next stop, we went to the cape trail. It is a very refreshing site to watch. We all got out of our cars and moved to the road side. From there, you can see the combination of the mountains up to the ocean and the moors. The view point is so spectacular and the greenery forest makes it more refreshing. But what I love the most is that I can see the beaches down below. It just feels like I could just jump up there but unfortunately, I have no such power in me. "Rom, we love this place" Stacy squeals. One would think that she has never seen it before but she had on our previous trips here. "And the place looks more fabulous during summer, don't you agree?" he asks, still cuddling her like she's some sort of teddy bear. "Couldn't agree with you more" she answers and give him a peck on the cheek. We just stand there for hours, till it started getting dark that we decide to head back home and call it a day. I drove us back home and decided to head straight to my room after that. "Where are you going man?" Ralph asks. "I'm retiring for the day" I answer and yawn. "That won't do bro, we were just about to start the real fun now, you should join us" he says. "Nah, I'll pass, I'm still not relieved from my exams stress, so I'll play next time, promise" I say and I can feel him sending daggers at me. "Or you just don't want to hang out with the girls, that's all" he says, pulling his mate closer to him. "You know that's not true, it's just the first day, we'll have many chance to hang around but for now, good night" I say and head up before he decides to prolong the discussion again. I strip off my clothes and jump down the window of my room with a thud. I change into my wolf form, a silver colored wolf or like the colour of the snow. Most of the Alpha's in my pack had this type of skin colour, except for my Dad, who as a streak of black by the head. I run off into the forest nearby. My wolf and I were so happy to be free once again. It has always been one training or the other, or one paperwork or the other and all the stress from school that I haven't had the opportunity to de-stress myself. I decided to go back to my room after some few runs and I feel like it is almost midnight or midnight itself. Don't want to wake up looking pretty exhausted again. I silently jump into the window of my room so as not to wake the others. To them, I'm still asleep in my room.  I wonder of they have finished their games?. I walk to my bag and pick up a pair of clean boxers and put on. Then I walk over to my bed and lay down.  But something feels weird, it's like I'm placing my hand on someone else, like a body of a human. I reach put to the laying figure with my hand and yes, it's that of a human being.  Oh my goodness! Am I in the right room, that's the question that comes to my mind. I quickly get off the bed to go out but wait, I just changed into one of my clothing, so that means that I am in the right room and the person laying on my bed is the intruder. I switch on the lights to go and pull whoever it is that took my bed, it seems like they have drank too much for them to even forget where their room was. I was about to yank the blanket when I say a female's face laying on one of the pillows of the bed.  Great, what is she doing in my bed?. I hope that it is not one of the guys plans to get me to hook up with a girl because I am freaking not gonna. I slowly walk over to wake her up. It is the girl next to my room.  How didn't I recognize her?. She is the only human girl amidst us, I mean, she is not a supernatural. I tap her on the shoulder, and waking her up in the process. "Uhmm, what?" she asks in her sleepy voice. Had it been I am a womanizer or a man w***e, I'd say that her voice is sexy but I am not. "You are. Kinda in my room" I say. "Uhmm. What!!" she shouts, sitting up. "Ah, ah, I thought this was my room" she blubbers. She quickly gets off the bed. I can see that she is still in her evening attire. "Sorry I had to wake you up" I apologize. I really do feel bad for doing this to her but I am tired too and I need to sleep and get some rest too or else I would be hitting the walls tomorrow. "No, I'm sorry" she says, rubbing her elbow nervously. She starts to walk to the door. "Good night, uhmm, Ridge" she says. "Good night, uhmm..." "Angelica but you can call me Ange" is says. "OK, good night Ange" I say. She walks out of the room and closes the door behind her. Phew! I almost thought that it was my friends playing games with me but it turns out it's just a mistakes and how can you blame her, my room is right next to hers. I walk back to my bed and throw myself in.  Finally, I'm going to sleep.
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