Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of people talking or arguing I guess. "What could it be this early in the morning, can't a man have some decent sleep around anymore" I mutter as I sit up. I pick up my phone only to see that it is actually past noon. "Holy hell, I've really over slept" I shout. I quickly jump off the bed and head over to the bathroom. I first brush my teeth then I head into the shower. I take a quick shower and rush out. After that, I put on my clothes and head put. When I reach down stairs, they all stopped talking and look at me. "Finally, you have decided to wake up" Ralph says. "Why the hell didn't you wake me up, you know I hate over sleeping?" I complain. "We tried man, but you were sleeping like a log" Roman answers. "Uhmm, should have tried harder" I say, just so I could defend myself. "You were sleeping like the dead, so no excuses, I didn't blame you though, you were pretty worked up these days" he says. Yeah, he is right about that and I won't argue. "We still left you pancake for breakfast, its in the kitchen" Stacy says. "Umm, thanks" I mutter and head to the kitchen. I am starving as it is. I feel like I can eat a whole elephant right now. I see the plate on one of the kitchen islands and open it up. Without even putting on any syrup, I stuff my pancake into the mouth. Within ten minutes, I was done. "What are we having for lunch?" I ask. I am still hungry. "Uhmm, we wanted to ask you what me and Mia should cook for our competition today?" Stacy asks, ignoring me question. "What competition?" I ask. "Come on, the one we talked about yesterday during dinner, the food challenge" she says, as if trying to refresh my memory. "Ahhh, I remember now" I nod. "So, mia here was saying that she wants rice pudding and I want to do rice cakes" she says. "So do you like it?" the Mia girl asks. "Uhmm, I read of some food online, it is a pretty good Canadian food, what is it called again, yes, French Canadian yellow split pea soup, or something like that" I say. "Perfect, let's both do it" Mia shouts. Yeah, as long as they do it fast and fill up my stomach. "So we are gonna need tons of ingredients" Mia continues. "Not tons baby, just a bit" Stacy argues. "Whatever you decide, we'll go and buy them later" Roman says. Why later?. "OK, let's go and write the list" she says and gets off his lap. It's like it has become her permanent seat or something. After thirty minutes, they both come back with their lists. "So I'm gonna need 1 unsmoked ham hock, 1/4 lb. cooked ham, cube, some butter, 2 carrots, 1 rib celery, sliced 1/4” thick, 1 medium yellow onion, 1 3/4 cups dried yellow split peas, some bay leaf, dried savory, dried thyme, 4 cups chicken broth, Salt and pepper" Stacy says. "And I'm gonna need them to except I want potatoes instead of carrots" Mia says. "And how many hours will of take to cook all these?" I ask. I was the one who did the research by I forgot to check the time that it takes to be cooked. "Uhmm, the usually takes 4 to 5 hours at most" Stacy answers. "Oh Lord! This will take forever" I complain. "Don't worry, we'll start early" Mia says. Yeah, whatever. "OK, we'll be heading to the store now, you coming man?" Roman asks. "Nah, I'll pass" I say. "OK, we'll leave you with the girls then" he says. They all head out and as they had said, they left me with the girls, so I just headed up to my room with a pack of crackers and some drinks. Minutes after I was in my room, I heard a knock. "Come in" I say. They girl from yesterday, yes Ange comes in. "Sorry for disturbing you" she says shyly. Why do I get a feeling that this gentleness of hers is just a charade?. "I was getting bored with the girls so I thought maybe I could keep you company" she says. I just motion for her to take a seat and I continue with my work. She finally got out after getting bored I think. An hour later, they all came back. And soon, they girls are in the kitchen, and they are cooking. Thankfully. Luckily, the time passed quickly and now we are all seated for dinner. "So, tell us how did you cook this?" I ask. I am hungry and here I am, asking how the food was cooked. "OK, first In a slow cooker, the ingredients are layered first water or stock and do not stir the ingredients, then cover and cook on high for 4 to 5 hours or on low for 8 to 10 hours until peas are very soft and the ham falls off the bone, then the meat is removed from the bones and chopped, you can save some Save some of the chopped ham for a garnish, if you desire which I did, then the bay leaf is removed. And right before serving, I mashed the peas slightly to thicken the soup" she stops "What! You just copied my recipe, didn't you?" Stacy accused. "You know I didn't, they are all the same, except that you used carrots and I used peas" she answers back. "Yeah, she's right" we answer. "Ok then, let me continue" she says. "Uhmm, that's all" show adds. "Now taste and judge who's the winner" Stacy say. I take a spoonful of Stacy's and then a spoonful of Mia's. "They are both amazing" I say. "Yeah, but who's better?" Mia asks. "I can't tell but maybe Ralph can" I say. "No, no, no" he argues but its too late as they have all already turned to him. He said the same thing and the others do too. "I guess it's a tie then" they both agree. One week later It's been a week since we came to cape Breton island and truth be told, I've really enjoyed myself but I had to be cut short by my father as he keeps on calling and saying that there are works to be finished and he has something very important to discuss with me. Roman told me to just cut him off but I just couldn't bring myself to do so, so here I am leaving the others behind. I was supposed to spend two good weeks here but now I have to leave early. "Take care and make sure to call" my friends say and they drop me off the air port. "I just wish I could set your old man straight" Roman grumbles. What's with him and my dad. He hates him. "OK, I'll call" I promise. Around, eight o'clock in the morning, my plane takes off to Vancouver. I keep on wondering on my way home, what is my father going to discuss with me now?. I just hope it's not something selfish or stupid but I have to reach there to find out and soon I'll be landing.
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