Chapter 4

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We board the plane to by six o'clock in the morning.  I can't wait to start enjoying myself for a while now. It took a little convincing from my father before he finally let me go on this vacation.  His excuse was that I had to start taking my Alpha duties seriously. "Welcome to the isle of freedom babe" Roman says as soon as we get off the plane. Yes, he brought his mate and her crew. It seems like this will no longer be our only boys vacation anymore.  Like I had thought, I was the only one without a mate here and it's starting to piss me off with each passing day. Hey mate, where ever you are, please come to me soon so that I won't get to lose my mind. As usual, when we got out of the airport, our car was waiting for us but this time around, there are two cars waiting for us. "I, Mark and Houston will take the red car and you, Ralph and and the other girls can take the other one" Roman says. "But we always get to seat together, why don't we let the girls use one car and then well use the other one?" I ask, annoyed. There are six girls in total and only four of us. The last time we came, only car was enough for us as only Roman and Houston had their mates with them and now, Stacy had decided to bring three of her friends along.  The two I recognized them as they are on the cheer leading group but the other one, well, I think I have seen her around the hallways of high school, walking with some girls I guess.  Whatever, it's been a while now any ways. "Uhmm, Stacy and the other girls wanted to stop by at the market to buy some groceries, that is why we wanted to take one car and you the other so that you can go with the others and get the place ready" Roman tries to explain. "OK, have it your way, I'm pretty exhausted as it is" I say. They board the car and drive off, leaving us behind, wondering how to fit in in one car. "I'll drive" Ralph cuts in. "OK then" I say. I take the front seat while the girls managed the backseat. The drive took us about half an hour and we are finally at the cabin.  It's quite big with about eight rooms.  We bought with our own income that we spent almost a lifetime saving but it's worth it since we still enjoy ourselves here. "Welcome to the men's lair" Ralph says as soon as he parks the car. The girls both start to giggle, so annoying. I wanted to just go up to my room but I was left to tend to the other three girls as Ralph and his mate Nisa rush off to the house.  I took them all to their assigned rooms and sadly but not sadly one of the girls ended up to be close to my room.  She's actually the girl I wasn't familiar with. "Seems like we are room neighbours" she says as I put her bag on the bed. "Yeah, it seems so" I say. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask" she says as I was about to get out of the room. "It seems like I should be the one saying this, don't you think?" I ask. "Ohh, yeah, sorry, just nervous about the whole journey" she says nervously. "That's OK, let me let you to rest for now" I say. "Bye" she says shyly. "Bye" I answer and walk put of the room. I head over to my room which is at the end of the hallway.  It's big with a king sized bed and three couches. It also has an en suite.  Well, enough with that, I lay on the bed and start to fall asleep easily.  I feel so down to the core, I think I will let my wolf out for a moment. He needs a time out after being trapped up in one place for a long time. Later in the evening, we all seat down to enjoy our dinner, all thanks to Stacy and her girls. I gotta admit that, for cheerleaders, they are really good cooks. "The food's delicious" I couldn't help but complement the cooks. "Well thank you, I'll cook for you everyday if you like" one of the girls says. She is a werewolf too, they all are, except for the new girl. "No, thanks" I politely reject. "I am a pretty good cook, trust me, even more than Stacy" she insists. "You know that's not true, Mia" Stacy argues. They keep on arguing about who's the best cook amongst. "You know what, we'll have a cooking contest for you two and see who's the best cook" Roman says before they bleed out our ears. "Yeah, that's a good idea, I'll show her who the best cook is" the girl called Mia says. "It's settled then, competition it is" Stacy says. "You know you are the best cook" Roman says to her. "I know" "He is only saying that because she is your mate Rom" Mia argues. "Let's all leave this till tomorrow, why don't we go out and have some fun in the mean time?" I ask, trying to change the subject. I don't want to get tangled up in this girls fight. "Sounds great" they all answer in unison. We all hurried up with our dinner and within the next hour, we out in the road.
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