Mindless Saturday

1615 Words
Ethan woke up late on Saturday, which was supposed to be when he took Liana to the library. Ethan woke up at three in the afternoon with his heart racing. Ethan left his bed, and walk out of his bedroom, greeted his father, who was watching television in the living room, then walked to the main door of his house. He intended to ring the Pearsons' doorbell with respect, like a true gentleman. He would patiently wait for Liana to come out of her house, then explain that he had just slept in the morning after a night he had spent playing games with Dante, Isaac, and Hunter, and then he entered Soren, Duke, and Emma's group call. But Ethan wouldn't say that he played games and talked with his friend; instead, Ethan would say that he got some job to be done. Even though Ethan intentionally decided to tell what he went through with Roman with Dante, Isaac, and Hunter because they usually didn't pay attention to his stories. Actually, this was Ethan's fault because he didn't tell the three of them that they shouldn't say this to anyone. Hunter, however, casually sent a message to Emma. It was enough for Ethan to admit that Hunter had impressive writing skills; he could make Emma bombard him with just one sentence. "Hunter texted me that Ethan and Mr. Pearson are making out in a dark place." Suddenly, that sentence made Soren and Duke, even Ethan himself was stunned. In the end, from midnight to morning, the four of them discussed the incident in detail. They debated many things, but one thing that still remained even before Ethan fell asleep was Soren's argument. "Can you imagine if you were born a few years older, or Mr. Pearson were born a few years younger; maybe things won't be this complicated." Ethan had never come up with this idea. What if he and Roman were in the same generation. Maybe they were only one to nine years apart. The world where they met in the same phase of life; met when they were both looking for themself and looking for love to complement their life. Maybe they'd met in high school when Ethan was just a new student while Roman was now in his senior year, and they bumped into the same extracurricular. Or it could be that Ethan knew Roman because he was an outstanding student, whether it was sports or academics. Maybe they will meet in college. When Ethan had just become a freshman, Roman was the head of the student discipline team. Or they could have met because they were in the same organization or clubs. Or Roman could just be the most popular student, and many people will have a crush on him, and Ethan was no exception. Maybe they will meet at work. Ethan had just been selected to replace his father, while Roman had been the CEO for about two years. Their companies may work together accidentally or accidentally meet at the same event. Or maybe, Roman will become a friend of friends. Then their friend accidentally invited them to hang out together. Instead of calling him with a boring name like 'Mr. Pearson' or 'sir,' Ethan will call him 'Roman.' All these things Ethan imagined before he finally drifted off to sleep. Ethan hadn't had a chance to see himself or at least get his hair done before he left the house. Because he assumed that there would be no one in the Pearsons' yard, as usual. Ethan even staggered backward when he saw Liana, Odette, Miles, Niall, and Roman were in their yard. Like most children, Miles and Niall played with foam, and Liana joined them. Meanwhile, Odette and Roman are washing their cars and bikes. But what caught Ethan's attention the most was Roman, that annoying old man standing in front of his car, with a hose and sponge in hand. He was only wearing a knee-length tracksuit and no shirt. Let Ethan point out that he's not wearing a shirt one more time. Ethan's eyes protruded when he saw the five of them. Odette was the first to see Ethan; she splashed water at Liana to get her attention, then pointed at Ethan with her chin. Roman, who also saw that, turned to the direction pointed by Odette. He saw Ethan standing there, noiseless, still in his pajamas, with messy hair and eyes that couldn't open properly. "Good after — It's the afternoon for us, but I think It's morning for you," joke Liana. Ethan and the others laughed too. Ethan drew closer to the doorway of his house. "I want to apologize because I'm not taking you to the library today." Liana nodded her head. "It's okay." "Ho-how about we go tomorrow instead?" "I can't make it." "What about next Saturday?" Liana cast her gaze towards Odette. "I already have a plan." Ethan glanced at Odette briefly, then nodded at Liana. "I see." "How about next Sunday?" Roman turned his gaze towards Ethan; he saw Ethan nod his head without hesitation. "Good then," said Liana, while Roman scrubbed his car with a sponge. "Ethan, come and play with us!" Niall yelled suddenly, making Ethan laugh while shaking his head. "Why? It will be like taking a morning shower before going to school!" Miles shouted. Liana and Odette laughed; Ethan had never felt this down in front of a five-year-old. "See you guys, and I'm going back to my house." Of course not. He wasn't ready to see Mr. Pearson in such a form, it was too soon for him, and perhaps Mr. Pearson agreed. Before turning his body, Ethan had time to cast his eyes on Roman; his back to Ethan was wiping the front of his car. Ethan grunted. He's ignored Ethan by pretending to look busy. Before finally, he went back into his house, greeted his father, who was making coffee and went up to his room. A minute after sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at the floor, Ethan regretted refusing Niall's invitation. Ethan stomped his foot in the next minute, ruffled his hair, and scrunched his face. "Damn you i***t, Ethan!" Ethan cursed his mind for visualizing too broadly, even though they would only play with water while washing their car or bike. It wasn't time for Ethan to think it was time to get to that thing. Ethan, in the end, could only see them through his window while hugging a pillow. Ethan thought about going out again and told them he'd changed his mind after imagining how refreshing it would be to spray out some water in the afternoon. Ethan, in the end, gave up his intention because it seemed like he was going to fail. Plus, when Ethan walked into his main door, Roman didn't say anything. Instead, he turned his back on Ethan. Ethan sighed; what else this time? Does he not like someone who likes to stay up late? Ethan shrugged his shoulders. Without thinking furthermore, he took his phone. He opened the group chat, and then he discovered that today Duke would be joining the four of them at the bar later, while Vivian and Judith would follow if they had a chance. But they didn't have to wait for Vivian and Judith to come if they wanted to go home. Ethan just replied, okay, after all, the chat was over since one o'clock in the noon. Emma then appears in the group chat, asking if Ethan just woke up, and Ethan confirms Emma's answer. And in the end, Ethan told about what had just happened in the group chat, everyone laughed and even had time to say, joking by saying why you need to go to a bedroom if you can do it there too. But I'm still confused why Mr. Pearson was cold to Ethan. He didn't look like someone who could be mean for no reason; Mr. Pearson must have had a reason. Hunter suddenly came up with a question on everyone's mind. Ethan also replied by saying what he was assuming, that it seems he doesn't like people who like to stay up late because it's not healthy. Ethan guessed that because Roman wouldn't be able to achieve such a healthy body at such an old age if he did not adopt a healthy lifestyle, and it was clear that staying up late was against this healthy lifestyle. But Vivian felt that it was not a substantial motive for Mr. Pearson to ignore Ethan. Then followed by Isaac, who assumed there must be something else that made Mr. Pearson was cold to Ethan. Ethan took a deep breath and thought. Has he ever done anything wrong? I just met him, and the last time Ethan saw him, he even offered to drive, bu— Ethan's finger was floating on the screen of his cellphone, stopping his finger from typing, when he saw Dante sending a message. By the way, what day is the painting exhibition will be held? Ethan rashly opened the calendar on his phone. Exhibition date; Sunday, 15/06/20XX at Early Rise Coffee Bar. Sunday. SUNDAY. Ethan hurriedly erased his previous message; he couldn't even stop himself from spitting out a curse in the group chat. Oh s**t. Guys. Oh no. No. Shit. NO. Even Dante, who appeared the least in this group chat, replied to Ethan. This is clearly an emergency. It turned out that the painting exhibition was on a Sunday. His phone kept ringing while Ethan bemoaned his own stupidity. At the bar later, they would definitely not stop talking about this. "What should I do?"
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