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Ethan and Duke arrived almost simultaneously, followed by Isaac in the next few minutes, then Dante. The four of them had had a few drinks. Dante told how annoying his girlfriend was. "She really looks a lot like Ethan when she's angry. She won't say anything to me. How do I know what she wants if she kept shut her mouth, right?" Ethan took a sip of his wine, he smiled. "Of course, it's your job to know what she wants, you idiot." Dante widened his eyes at Ethan, then laughed. "Are you her lost twin brother? Why do you two look so alike?" Dante always thought he was suffering alone, but it turns out that Roman has to deal with the same thing too. It's just that it seems Ethan is much more confusing than his girlfriend. At least his girlfriend is not Ethan, who can tell a story in one breath; he will even keep telling even though no one is listening. Dante couldn't imagine having to be with someone who could barely match the noise of the radio whose switch was no longer working. Isaac also had time to tell about his friends, who got a strange package, like some kind of scary black magic. But fortunately, Isaac's friend immediately took that cursed object to someone capable of taking care of it. He didn't ask that person further because if his position was safe, it meant he had nothing to be concerned about. So what it was, what it was for, how, why, and most important question, who sent it was left with no answer.  Duke was amazed by what he did. He actually solved the problem without creating a new problem very quickly; maybe if Duke were the one who was going through it, he would find out who it was and break down the door of his house, if needed, and talk about this problem. "I'll hire a hitman," said Ethan. "But you know, usually people like that have abilities beyond human understanding; they might be able to figure out your intentions and attack you even before you wake up." Ethan frowned; after learning about what kind of the 'normal;' things of such people looked like, Ethan wanted to take his words back. Duke was about to ask about Ethan before Soren finally approached them. "I thought you weren't coming," said Dante. "I wasn't going to come, but it turns out that my work is done, and I had nothing to do in my home."  Ethan nodded his head. "What a pleasure," he said. Soren sat beside Ethan, all silent while smiling mischievously at the two of them. "Sometimes, I just realized that the two of them look good together." Dante was sitting right next to Ethan, even though Dante should have realized that his luckless position made it easy for Ethan to throw punches or pinches at him. One hit has landed successfully on Dante's thigh, but here Dante can still laugh with the others. "That's the past," said Soren. They all remembered about their college days, starting with how Soren always asked Ethan to go to the mall just for lunch, how Soren had also been looking for a book that Ethan wanted, and what Soren, Ethan, and the others couldn't forget the most was when Ethan stay at Soren's apartment. Soren didn't want to wake him up because Ethan was sleeping very peacefully, but he told the others that he would wake Ethan up after everyone had returned to their homes. "It's like a drama scene; you must be secretly doing something to Ethan, right?" joked Duke. Soren shook his head. "I'm not you." Soren was sleeping on the couch at that time. They also had time to remember how they studied together, played together, even did their final project, and graduated together. Ethan thought back then how easy he used to be to knock on Emma's room and tell stories all night in her room and come back in the morning. Or how Dante and Judith were thought to be dating because Judith was wearing Dante's jacket, when in fact it belonged to Isaac, who had accidentally left it in Dante's room. Then Dante put it on and lent it to Judith. That confusing misunderstanding is still confusing even today. Or how when Soren and Duke, who joined the volleyball team, won the inter-university match, Duke was incredible when he scored points at the last second and brought his team to victory. "Then what did Ethan do, Soren?" Before Soren could answer Isaac's question, Ethan glared at him. "I was at a student exchange event at that time. I came after the celebration was over." Too bad. Also, the time they misunderstood that Emma had died. So the story is, there is one of their friend's parents named Emma. At that time, Hunter was the first to know the news, and without confirming which Emma died, he hastily told Ethan. Ethan even cried, making Soren panic. Vivian burst into tears seeing Ethan cry; Judith tried to calm her down. Meanwhile, Dante and Duke just looked at everyone while confused about what to do. Finally, Emma, ​​who had just arrived on campus, approached them in the cafeteria. Ethan, with puffy eyes, immediately stood up and wanted to get closer to Emma, but his movement was stopped by Duke; Soren stood up too. Vivian and Judith hugged each other while Dante stood in front of Soren, Duka, and Ethan. As if they had memorized the habit of the eight friends who never read all the information they got, they just stroked his chest, then casually sat down beside Judith. "It was Emma Harlow who died, Jack Harlow's mother. Not her, Emma Jennings." Hunter hastily rechecked the announcement, and what Emma said was not a lie, while at the same time confirming that the person standing in front of them was Emma, ​​not the ghost of Emma who came to them to give them the farewell that she had not been able to say while she was alive. The funny thing is after that. Ethan, Isaac, Hunter, and Dante immediately started playing the game. Duke and Soren took their leave of the field while Judith, Vivian, and Emma chatted about women's issues. It's actually about make-up, but they often use the term "women's problems" to make what they talk about feeling like an urgent matter. "Why don't we ever use the term 'boy problem' when playing games? Wouldn't we look cool too?" But of course, Ethan, Isaac, Hunter immediately dismissed Dante's idea, which they thought was tacky. Duke had just started telling how a girl from another faculty sent him a bouquet of flowers while practicing volleyball. When out of the corner of his eye, Ethan caught the silhouette of someone familiar to him, someone he knew. How surprised Ethan was when she was sitting in her chair with her friends when Ethan could now see her face clearly. A face was similar to Liana's. "Oh god, is that Mrs. Pearson?" In addition to reading the news half-heartedly, it so happened that some of them had also experienced nearly fifty people's listening functions. "Mr. Pearson, where?" Then he got up and looked around in all directions. "Stupid. Mrs. Pearson, his wife, Mr. Pearson." Ethan couldn't tell if the people he was with were the same people they had met at the hotel at dinner. Ethan just pointed out that Mrs. Pearson is a woman in a long red dress. Some of them haven't even found Mrs. Pearson. That was when several men came to Mrs. Pearson. His mind was still hazy. He hadn't finished processing how Mrs. Pearson was at the bar.  But surprisingly, even Ethan squeezed Soren's thigh. One of the men with Mrs. Pearson placed a kiss on his cheek. The man even wanted to give her a second kiss, but Mrs. Pearson blushed. Soren immediately gave his hand for Ethan to hold. Soren was not her lover. Her love for Ethan was one-sided. But this fact can never beat the fact that Soren is also Ethan's close friend. "Are you okay?' asked Soren. In the end, true best friends always help each other. "She-she's cheating on him." Ethan shook his arm, which was holding Soren's hand. "He turned out to be cheating." Duke tried to break Ethan's gaze on Mrs. Pearson, who still didn't seem to notice Ethan's presence. "B-but so am I, right? I also hold his hand, I rest my head on his shoulder, he kisses my hair and I-I-meng." Ethan dropped his forehead on the wooden table in front of him. Shouldn't she be spending time with other men?  Ethan clenched his fists.  Wasn't she the reason why Roman doubted Ethan's feelings? That was also why Roman wanted everything between them to stop while they still had a chance.  His fists started to shake. His breathing began to sound heavy. Isn't he the person that Roman loves so much?  Tears were almost falling from his eyes. "Ethan?" The world is collapsed in front of his eyes.  
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