Can’t Get You Out From My Mind

1790 Words
Isaac tried to match Ethan's pace, but he felt his words were too late no matter how hard he tried. Dante responded to Ethan curtly, only 'hmm' or 'yes.' Meanwhile, Hunter was quiet. "So when I leaned my head on his shoulder, he sank his face in my hair, then moments later, he immediately said that I was adorable. You definitely can't imagine how amazing I felt at that moment!" Ethan chose the wrong time to tell the story because right now, they were overwhelmed by shooting at the zombies that were infesting around trying to attack their team. It's just three of them; Dante, Isaac, and Hunter. Because Ethan's character still defended pretty well, he even killed some zombies. In contrast, the three of them struggle even just to run. They wonder how Ethan can play games while telling stories but still play without any significant troubles. At the same time, the three of them who acted as listeners almost lost even though the three who just heard it almost lost. Until finally, They can't save Isaac's character. Hunter had helped Isaac shoot the zombies, and it's just that the number of zombies was way more than their capability, so Hunter couldn't handle it alone. While Ethan and Dante are on a mission, they clearly can't help. Minutes later, Hunter catches up, his flawed character being pulled in by a zombie who has a long, chameleon-like tongue that draws its prey with its tongue; The zombie pulls Hunter towards him. Ethan and Dante tried to help Hunter; Ethan even shot the long-tongued zombie dead. It's just that hordes of zombies suddenly attacked Hunter. Even though Ethan and Dante had shot the zombies, Hunter's character still couldn't be helped. Now only Ethan and Dante are in the game. But Dante did not last long. His character was swallowed by a giant zombie as tall as a power pole. Ethan initially saves Dante, but the zombie is too strong for Ethan to fight alone. Even after Ethan's blindly firing him, that giant zombie still rose and swallowed Dante's character. But in the end, Ethan made it to the safe house, and the game moved to the next area. In a tense situation like this. Even when Ethan is the last standing character, he still talks about the perfume Roman used. "The clothes he's wearing are so soft too! It feels very comfortable when you rub your face against that shirt." But Dante, Isaac, and Hunter didn't mind Ethan's story, which made it difficult for them to focus because, in the end, their team still won. In short, in the battle between their team and the zombies, Ethan tells about how Roman offered to drive his car, but Ethan refused because it would be a hassle for Roman the following day. "However, I want to be in the car with him. How do you think about that?" Isaac's character failed first because there was a zombie spewing poison from his mouth, and the poison made other zombies flock to Isaac, while his friend was not comparable to the number of zombies running towards Isaac. Even though it was only the first ten minutes, their team had already fallen. Not long after that, Hunter was accidentally dragged by a zombie who had long arms. Ethan goes to help him, but unfortunately, Dante's situation is pushed by many zombies. Dante fell even before Ethan and Hunter could do anything. "Hunter, you do the mission, and I will protect you, got it?" Hunter nodded his head. Luckily Ethan understood that their situation was critical because they had lost half of their cru even though it was halfway through. Ethan is overwhelmed by the onslaught of zombies, and Hunter's mission is over just as the zombies are about to reach them. The electric fence is on, and the zombies are electrocuted and move away from the railing. "Ah man, that was close!" Ethan sighed, wiggling his finger because it began to feel numb. Now they both went to the city. "You have to go downtown, go to an apartment and go up to the roof. From there, you have to fire a signal, and then a helicopter will come to help." Isaac nodded his head. "That signal will also invite more zombies to attack." Ethan shrugged his shoulders while Hunter sighed. Even though all they had to do was complete the mission here, and victory was in their hands. "Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to like playing games, even though it looks like it's fun to play games together." "Just teach him," Isaac said. Ethan laughs, now their characters enter a safe house while reloading ammunition and healing themselves. "He's a nerd, and I'm not sure if he likes playing games." "It's difficult. You have to find other activities that the two of you can enjoy," said Hunter while choosing weapons, this time, he would prefer a more significant weapon than before. Ethan nodded his head. Ethan and Hunter had finished preparing themselves. Carefully exit the safe house. Even though electric fences surround this city area, zombies still roam the city. The past mission aims to prevent zombies from outside from getting inside. The zombies started running towards Ethan and Hunter because they got closer to the apartment. "What if I ask him to ride a horse? Hunter can join us too. How about it?" Isaac laughed. "Good idea, you can show your skills in front of him, Ethan, then Hunter will pretend to lose." But Hunter didn't answer anything, and he was getting overwhelmed by the zombies that were starting to arrive. "I was planning to go just with him, though, but Isaac's plan looks a lot better," said Ethan. They finally got to the apartment. As the four of them had expected, the zombies had gathered there as if welcoming Ethan and Hunter. "Oh s**t," said Hunter. Their mission is to break through the emergency stairs to climb to the roof. The apartment, maybe forty floors or so. Ethan imagined that it was unlikely that he would climb that many stairs in real life. Ethan would have given up. And Ethan will be caught by zombies. They were not allowed to use rifles or grenades; if zombies confronted them in the middle their way, they had to utilize objects such as knives, baseball bats, or a pan. Because once they made a loud noise, the zombies would run into the apartment, which meant they lost the game. But so far, there have only been one or two zombies whose fate was unlucky, accidentally opened the door to the emergency stairs and met with Ethan and Hunter. Since only the two of them were left, Hunter was at the forefront, and he was also the one who had been killing zombies that had accidentally exited the emergency stairs. Meanwhile, Ethan walk-behind and sees if any zombies attack them from theirs back. This mission is different from the previous one, where they shouldn't make noise, because during the last area they always used guns and made noise. But for Ethan and Hunter, both are equally stressful. Ethan personally thinks that the current area is more tricky. Their journey was safe, at least up to the thirtieth floor. "Oh yeah, get ready on the thirty-fifth floor," said Dante. And sure enough, from the thirty-fifth floor to the roof, there was a horde of zombies pacing around blankly. If it was like this, like it or not, they had to use their rifles. This is where the real battle will begin. Ethan will shoot eight zombies, and Hunter will shoot the remaining seven zombies. They would shoot while climbing the stairs, it was a bit difficult, but they had no other choice. Because if they used a grenade, this rickety old ladder would be crushed instantly. Ethan immediately shot at the zombies, and the zombies who had been in a calm state became agitated. They ran towards Ethan and Hunter, who was still shooting at them. While from below, Ethan and Hunter heard the sound of zombies banging on the door, and it only took a few seconds. The metal door flew up and made an echoing thud. Those at the bottom burst in. When Ethan and Hunter managed to take down these fifteen zombies, they managed to climb onto the roof. Ethan locked the door to the roof while Hunter set off a signal in the form of fireworks. But before long, the sound of the zombies breaking through the roof door, Ethan took a few steps back. Surely the zombies in the apartment corridor must have also heard and been interested in the sound of their gunshots earlier. If the zombies from downstairs had arrived, they would have enough strength to break through the steel door. "Ethan, that's the helicopter!" It just happened that a helicopter with a cru member was on patrol. They saw the signal from Ethan and Hunter, then turned around. Meanwhile, the steel door behind them had bent in the middle. Ethan was ready to aim for anything that would come out of there, while Dante would make sure the helicopter landed in the right place by giving a signal if they lost Ethan and Hunter. Finally, the door cracked, with a hand sticking out of it. Ethan swallowed. While Hunter's heart began to beat wildly, even Isaac and Dante, who had fallen, were silent, watching the two of them. "Where are the helicopters? Why do they take so long?" Hunter didn't have time to answer Ethan's question when the hole got wider, and a zombie could escape from the spot. But Ethan shot him straight away, and he died. Ethan shot at the zombies trying to get out of the hole, but unfortunately. Even though dozens of zombies had fallen, their number had not decreased. Instead, they had increased. While the helicopter was getting over their heads, it dropped a ladder. Then Hunter went up first, followed by Ethan, who was still shooting at the zombies. The helicopter took them away just as the zombies rushed out of the steel door. Some of them even jumped to catch Ethan and Hunter, but Ethan shot the zombie before he could even reach the dangling ladder. Isaac and Dante shouted. Meanwhile, Ethan and Hunter slumped in their seats. "But it's a good game," said Dante, everyone agreed. "By the way, are you guys free this weekend? We haven't been to a bar in a long time." "Are you going to tell us about Mr. Pearson again?" asked Hunter. Ethan just laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. Meanwhile, Dante and Isaac say yes to Ethan's invitation. "Okay, Saturday night at nine o'clock."
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