To Celebrate Our Love

1745 Words
Roman felt that he could smell Ethan's hair all day long; the citrus scent flowing from his hair was refreshing. It could easily wipe away his worries.  "This time, the session that the guests have been waiting for, there will be guests from table two who will sing a song."  Even though it was dark, Roman could clearly see the face of the man who got up and went up to the stage. Roman did not know the man, but he often saw him at the cafe, and he usually bought a different friend from the last time Roman saw him.  Roman had an assumption that this man had many friends. "This song is someone's favorite song that I love." But it was the first time he had stepped on stage. Roman never remembered that the man was attending the last live music about a week ago; maybe now he came on purpose, or perhaps he just happened to come. He sings an old song; He doesn't know what year it was released. But one thing Roman clearly remembers is that he hears it often, on the radio or on television shows. This song was viral at that time. You could say this song is still popular nowadays. And even some younger generation is still listening to it.  If you see the wonder Of a fairy tale  Does Ethan listen to it? Unfortunately, he is not as talkative as Ethan. If this song is the song that Ethan often listens to, maybe he will tell Roman about the history of the song's creation, or perhaps a funny incident related to it. You can take the future. Even if you fail  He doesn't know, Roman had a feeling that Ethan could have made up a story, and he'd be happy to hear it.  I believe in angels. Something good in everything I see Roman tilted his head so his nose was sunk in Ethan's hair.  I believe in angels When I know the time is right for me It's getting harder to let go when you already have this much happiness from him, doesn't it? Roman took another breath; Ethan didn't seem to notice what Roman was doing; he seemed too busy looking at their fingers.  I'll cross the stream Ethan moved his head, and when this happened, Roman would lift his head to give Ethan more space, then sink his face back into his hair, inhaling the citrus scent again, which he probably would never tired of. I have a Dream  "How cool is that, right? Are there other guests who want to sing on this stage?"  Roman enjoyed his performance. It's cool, like she says. He had to go on stage often and sing old songs. These songs somehow felt very pleasant, like meeting an old friend who had been separated for years. Some kind of pleasant longing, to be more precise. However, Roman was startled when suddenly Ethan pulled his head. Roman turned to Ethan to see what was going on. Ethan got up from his chair; he pulled the shirt he was wearing. "Opportunities don't come twice. That's right, Mr. Pearson?" Roman frowned while Guen turned to Ethan because Guen assumed Ethan wanted to go to the bathroom. She intended to take Ethan and also wanted to go to the bathroom.  All of Roman's unanswered questions were answered when Ethan stepped onto the stage, followed by Guen's voice cheering for Ethan as he drew closer to the stage. *** "It seems we have other guests who want to show off their skills." By the way, Ethan didn't know what song he would sing. In a few steps, Ethan cursed his foolishness for walking straight towards the stage and not thinking about the song first or asking Guen for some advice.  What else can he do? He couldn't hold himself back because of this impulsive thrill. Because Ethan feels that at least when they can still spend time together, he had to do something impressive so that Roman would remember him. Or maybe, Ethan wants to be missed. The singer grabbed Ethan and immediately gave Ethan the mic she held while taking another mic not far from where they were standing. "I've never seen you. Are you a new visitor to this cafe?" Ethan nodded his head. "Yes, I new here." The singer, who now also doubles as the host, applauded. "I admit you have great courage, young man. What song would you like to sing?"  Ethan was silent for a moment, glancing at Roman with the corner of his eye. "You'll see, and I'd like to borrow a guitar." joked Ethan. The singer laughed while the guitarist passed Ethan's chair, guitar, and mic. "You want to sing this song to someone, don't you?" tease the singer.  Ethan nodded his head, then everyone cheered for him, while he could see Guen patting Roman's shoulder, but the old man didn't even take his eyes off Ethan and ignored Guen. "Before you sing, can you tell me why you chose this song? Could there be a memory behind this song? Could it be something special about this song?" Ethan smiled. "Of course. My best friend once said that love is something we should celebrate. Love is something we should appreciate while it is still with us. The first time I heard that I got goosebumps. Then I think about it, I think about what kind of celebration I should do. But it doesn't need something big or hard to do. You should keep it simple."   Se seemed to be squeezing her chest, and some of the guests cheered, including Guen, who clapped her hand. He even saw Roman hit Guen lightly on the shoulder, telling her to stop clapping because she drew other guests' attention to them. Ethan laughed. "So I will sing this song to celebrate our love, even if I'm not the right person for you." Their eyes met. Deeper and deeper. "Actually, it doesn't matter to me. No matter how long and far this would be, let's celebrate this moment together."  *** Guen couldn't stop cheering, even though Roman had asked Alexine for help to stop Guen.  "Good job, kids! I'm really proud of you!" Ethan, who was checking his guitar, lost his focus and laughed at Guen. "I love you, Ethan! Whoo!" Roman had to force Guen to lower her arm that swinging upwards. Some guests also looked at them with strange eyes, and luckily it was dark so that they wouldn't see Roman's face too clearly. Not bad. At least there will be some random people who pointed at Roman and remembered him at this moment. It would be annoying to be called 'you were the guy who was sitting next to some crazy fans, right?' Ethan was clearing his throat in front of the mic, signaling to everyone that he was about to start.  His hands were already in front of the strings. "One, Two."  The sound of the guitar strumming was so soothing, light yet resounding, that he strummed the guitar with such a feeling as if the strings would break if he strummed with all his strength.  When the rain is blowing in your face And the whole world is on your case Roman was stunned to hear his voice. Maybe it was because Ethan usually grumbled in a slightly high-pitched tone, but he looked impressive with a deeper voice this time.  I could offer you a warm embrace But no matter which, Roman still couldn't take his eyes off his. He couldn't take his mind off his.   To make you feel my love  While Ethan looked ahead, he saw several guests smiling at him and enjoying his song. When the evening shadows and the stars appear And there is no one there to dry your tears I could hold you for a million years Ethan lowered his head to look at his guitar. Once he opened his eyes and lifted his head, his eyes met Roman's, then Ethan beamed. To make you feel my love  I know you haven't made your mind up yet He shook his head slowly. Maybe some people didn't catch this fleeting head movement because everyone was too busy to enjoy his voice, or some of them may be missed the person they loved. But I will never do you wrong  Their eyes sparkle in bright white light every time their gaze met. In fact, their eyes didn't need to meet; they even didn't need to see each other because just by thinking about each other, their eyes would still spark the same bright white light. I've known it from the moment that we met A flush creeps across his cheeks as he turns his gaze down. No doubt in my mind where you belong He rests his arm, and his palms press lightly against his cheeks I'd go hungry, and I'd go black and blue He smiled widely; it's like he smiled with his entire body.  There's nothing that I wouldn't do Go to the end of the earth for you  He laughed, seeing his head was about to fall from his hands, but the person had not yet realized it.  To make you feel my love Finally, his head fell, luckily he didn't fall on the table. To make you feel my love *** Guen couldn't help but stand up while welcoming Ethan, approaching him. Guen even hugged Ethan tightly, surprising Ethan, who couldn't breathe for a while. While Alexine just clapped her hands. The old man sat down in his chair if anyone wondered how Roman was doing.  With the corner of his eye, he glanced at Ethan, who was back in his chair. Ethan turned his gaze towards Roman; Roman could feel Ethan's sharp gaze directed only at him, like usual. Roman finally glanced at Ethan.  "What's wrong?" "Where's my compliment? Guen and Alexine even gave it before you." "What do I have to compliment about?" Roman swiftly held Ethan's hand, which almost hit his shoulder while laughing. Ethan used his other hand, but Roman also managed to stop his movement. "You annoying old man! I hate you!" But Roman's laughter grew louder while Ethan tried to free his hands from Roman, but Ethan failed, as expected. Ethan gave up, then landed his forehead on Roman's shoulder. A refreshing citrus smell greets Roman again. Roman buried his face in Ethan's hair. "Thank you. It's adorable, by the way."  
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