Chapter 24: Heavy heart

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Dylan stared back at Jessica's face and saw that she had applied new makeup to her face. Jessica immediately walked past Dylan, and she spoke to her kids, "Let's go." Caleb and Nina ran after Jessica, and they walked up to the old car that their mummy usually drives outside at the garage. Dylan stood outside at the mansion frontage and stared at Jessica. He watched her pull the car door open, and she got inside and drove out of the premises with her two kids. Dylan finally went back into the mansion and saw Florence. He told Florence, "Prepare my coffee and bring it." "Okay Sir," Florence couldn't believe that Dylan was now openly cheating on Jessica in their mansion. She loves Jessica, and she wonders what had changed between the previous lovely couple in her past-absence from their home. Not wanting to dwell on what's not her business. Florence went into the kitchen and prepared her boss coffee. ---- Rosie arrived at her home, and she went inside to gather all her things. She couldn't believe the luxurious mansion in which Dylan now lives with his wife and two kids. "Wow! So Dylan is the real owner of that house. How wealthy is he?." Rosie smiled at her thought, but she heard the doorbell sound that snapped her back to reality. Pulling the door open, Rosie met and gazed at Frederick Joseph. "What are you doing here?" Rosie asked him as she frowned and walked back into the bedroom. Leaving Frederick all alone at the door. "What do you mean by that question, babe? Am I not always welcomed here always?Or is it because of Dylan?" Frederick asked as he walked up to meet Rosie in her room. He pulled her left arm back and turned her around to face him, and he sealed his lips on hers first. "It seems that you don't want to greet me or congratulate me on my new job. As you're rather busy with Dylan," Frederick said, and Rosie frowned. "Hmm.. I am sorry, babe. About how you might be feeling, but I think Dylan is super rich. He's very wealthy. The reason why I want to be with him for now is to help you get all his money." "Hmm, but the money I have now is enough to establish the two of us. I want you to come back here, or what are you trying to do now?." Frederick looked around and saw that Rosie was packing her clothes. "I want to go and live with Dylan, Frederick. If you see his mansion, you will understand what I mean." Rosie turned away, not wanting to meet Frederick's gazed at her. He turned her back to face him and spat, "No, Rosie! Instead, we will blackmail Dylan with his nude videos to get more money from him. I cannot allow you to go live there with him." Frederick looked annoyed, as he had thought Rosie only followed Dylan to reach his house, and she would be back, but she slept there and now spoke to him about moving her things completely into Dylan's mansion. Rosie saw that Frederick was very annoyed. She loved Frederick so much, and she had been doing all those crazy things for him. "Calm down, babe, You know, I already told Dylan that I was pregnant for him. We agreed that he would divorce his wife and marry me, and later I would divorce him after getting all the money that I needed from him. Try and understand me, Fred." Rosie tried to touch Frederick's arms as she walked to his front. She assured him, "You know that I love you, Fred. I don't love Dylan, but once I am done with him, I will follow you back to your house." Frederick wasn't pleased with what Rosie said. He had thought once they were able to scam Dylan enough money that he needed, most especially the 1 million dollars. Rosie would quit seeing Dylan, and she would cut off all ties with Dylan and marry him. But Rosie still wants more pleasure from Dylan and to scam Dylan for more money. "I know you love me, Rosie, but what would happen when the news spread out fast that you're the new wife of DY Mobile CEO? Remember that Dylan has that high prestige because of his wife, and I didn't ask you to go to his house. Damn it!. How about Dylan's wife? Did she see your face? I mean, when you followed Dylan to his house, how did his wife react? I am not in support of all these extensions, Rosie; this is not what we agreed on." Frederick frowned, and Rosie hugged him. She stared up at Frederick's face and kissed him. "I don't care about Dylan's wife. She was angry at seeing me, and she ordered Dylan to send me away, but Dylan is the man of the house, and whatever he says stands." "Mmmmm" Frederick was speechless as Rosie continued to pull him close, and she kissed him more. Rosie spoke: "I need to start packing my things now, Frederick. Although I could have asked Dylan for money to go shopping, I want to be a good wife to him, which is why I told him that I still need my old things. Not to worry, all will be fine soon. After I am through with Dylan, he will learn to be committed to marriage." Frederick gulped as Rosie let go of him and turned to pack her things. Frederick knew that Rosie was a tough lady. He couldn't explain how he came across Rosie, but since they met, they understood and forgave each other easily. Rosie didn't care if he was cheating on her or not. So long, they were still in communication and cool. He had planned on having that threesome affair with Rosie, but he hadn't brought up the topic as Rosie was still busy helping him get money from her ex. "I bless the day that I met you, Rosie, but I would have preferred that you followed me to my company launching ceremony tomorrow. What do you want me to do now? Or who do you want me to go there with another lady tomorrow?." Rosie smiled as she continued to select her clothes from the wardrobe. She replied without turning back to look at Frederick. Rosie said, "You can get any lady to follow you there, Frederick. What if Dylan sees me there with you? What will you introduce me to as, to all your new company partners?." Frederick smirked and replied, "I will introduce you as my sister; what else?." Rosie frowned and asked, "How about your sister? She doesn't like me; won't she expose us?." Frederick replied, "Nuella knows it best to keep her mouth shut. So long as I give her money and she's not a social media freak, the coast is clear. Tomorrow, babe, by noon, you find whatever excuse you have and give it to Dylan, but I want you to accompany me to my company launching ceremony by noon." "Hmm, okay," Rosie replied. She continued packing her things while Frederick hugged her from behind and stopped her from continuing to pack her things. Frederick spoke, "Why not pleasure me first, Rosie? You know that I will miss you, this one that you're already going to live with Dylan now." Frederick kisses Rosie's neck and up to her earlobe. Rosie had been horny since the previous night, when Dylan seized her hand away from his shaft and told her that they had been stressed from going to the event. She missed having a good bang with Dylan as he was so hot in bed, and she knew that it was Jessica's doing. Rosie thought of how she would make Jessica leave the house quickly so that Dylan could be free to sleep with her. She saw that he was still affected by Jessica, and if Jessica continued to be with them in that house, it would be more difficult for Dylan and her to get along, also ruining more of her plans to scam Dylan. Rosie gives in, and she ends up pleasuring Frederick sweetly in her bedroom since she knows that she is already going to live with Dylan, and he might not touch her with Jessica being around. Frederick bit Rosie's neck, leaving love traces all over her body, as he's madly in love with her. He continued to make love with Rosie, turning her into different s****l positions even as he knew that Rosie was pregnant for him. Until they both got exhausted and retired to fall on the bed and get enough rest... Rosie shut her eyes, and soon she fell asleep on her bed. -------- Jessica arrived at her church. She drove into the parking lot and parked her car. She was already familiar with some church members whispering, and it didn't matter to her before, but now it broke her heart to listen to their gossip. "Look at her. She's pretending like a virtuous woman, and her husband went to his phone launching ceremony yesterday and brought another woman out on stage as his wife." "I have always known that marriage is a scam... May God never allow me to marry a scammer in the name of marriage. Some men are ingrate." "You need to see the bongar fish, tiny and short woman that her billionaire husband introduced as his new wife. Very stupid man." Another lady cussed, and Jessica walked with a heavy heart as she took her kids to the children's session department of the church first. Jessica almost collapsed listening to all those rants about her husband; some insulted her for being a nice woman to keep her marriage, while others insulted Dylan for being an ungrateful man. Jessica didn't feel bad about those who insulted her and condemned her name, but she felt extremely sad to hear all the bad words used to ridicule Dylan, and she wanted to sue all those crazy ladies that are abusing Dylan in front of her and on Dylan's behalf. But would Dylan care? Jessica knew that she would only end up being ridiculed, so she ignored them and went into the church to meet with her pastor.
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