
1215 Words
I woke up to the sound of my alarm once again. I rolled on my back as I growled to myself. Julian did have a good point. I had slept like a baby. Which made it seem, right now, as if I went to bed just two seconds ago. Ok miss moody, get your ass out of bed and start your day! I looked around my room, picking up some jeans and a tshirt. Reminding myself that I needed to wash my clothes as soon as possible, or I would be going to work naked in a few days. And a shower! I really need to take a shower tonight. I ran into the bathroom, thinking to myself that maybe it would be better to set my alarm just a bit earlier, so I would be able to have more time to get ready. But I shook that thought away quickly. If I could get five minutes of extra sleep, I would take them! And fifteen minutes later, I found myself walking inside of the hospital, chewing on a granola bar I had found inside one of our cabinets. Groceries! We definitely need to get groceries or we would starve. I was still debating on which task was more important. Food in your stomach or clothes on your body. Getting everything done just seemed impossible at that time. Dr Andrews opened the door, and as I thought, there was no sign of Lori, or the male nurse that had offered her coffee last night. ~I bet he offered her something else than coffee! ~ My wolf Kira smirked at me, and I had to fight the urge back to start laughing hard. Happy to hear from you again Kira, it’s been some time since I last heard from you. My wolf huffed and I could feel her roll her eyes at me. ~maybe letting your wolf out every once and a while would do the both of us some good!~ I sighed, but I had to agree with her. It had been ages since I had shifted into my wolf. Right now, I was almost starting to feel human. Ugh! Fine Kira, I’ll put it on my to-do list. I closed my locker as I walked up to Dr Andrews, who looked around the room, looking for Lori. And shaking his head when he couldn’t find her. “Morning Miss Davis. Miss Garcia will not be joining us today and, by the looks of it, Miss Johnson clearly had more important things to do. So, would you mind going to the lab and seeing if Mr Hyle’s results are in. If not, I think the Alpha will have our heads for breakfast.” I swallowed, thinking back at the Alpha. I had no intentions of becoming someone’s breakfast, so I almost ran down the hallway towards the lab. Hoping the results would be in and waiting for me. I was standing with Dr Andrews in front of me, while he was looking at the results in his hands. He hummed every few seconds before he closed the folder and gave it to me. “You go ahead, miss Davis. I have to go and grab something, I will meet you with Mister Hyle.” I nodded my head as I turned around and started to walk towards Aiden’s room, hoping that he would be alone. Once I made it to his room, no voices were coming out of his room, which comforted me. I didn’t want to see his stupid girlfriend, or hear her, for that matter. I cleared my throat as I walked inside of his room, seeing he was sitting on his bed, staring outside. My noise caught his attention, and as soon as he saw me, his huge grin came back. I couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Morning mister Hyle.” I hummed as I nodded my head at him. “Dr Andrews will be here soon, so he can talk about the results of your tests.” Aiden tilted his head, his grin still very present. “You are a stalker, aren’t you?” A frown formed on my forehead as I looked at him, seeing he was enjoying himself. “Well, can you blame me?” I grinned back at him. Why in the world am I always playing along with his silly little games? His eyes sparkled as he heard my answer, which only fueled his playfulness even more. God, he’s so handsome when his eyes sparkle! “No, Miss Davis, I can’t blame you. I am still a catch after all.” I pressed my lips into a thin line as I leaned myself against the wall, looking at him. “So, Miss Davis, since you are my official stalker now, I think it is only fair if I would know your first name.” I shook my head, wrapping my arms around his files. “I don’t see the need for using first names really.” I answered him, to which he laughed. Shit, his laugh is so adorable! “It’s not fair since you already know mine.” He spoke softly before he looked up at me again, his eyes piercing through mine. “Elizabeth.” I spoke out before I even thought about it. Cursing to myself once I had done it. Aiden’s eyes went open just a bit bigger. “Elizabeth, that’s a nice name. But I think I’ll call you Lizzie.” I laughed once, hoping it would sound sarcastic. “And why on earth would you call me Lizzie?” Aiden shrugged, still looking playful. “You just look like a Lizzie to me.” And before either of us could talk any further, Dr Andrews stepped inside the room. I leaned away from the wall as I stepped aside, giving the doctor his room. He cleared his throat as he looked at Aiden. “Mr Hyle, are your parents around?” Aiden shook his head slowly, all of a sudden looking serious. “No, they will be soon, though.” Dr Andrews nodded his head. “Do you want to wait for me to talk about it when they are here?” But Aiden shook his head. “Doc, I’m twentyfive years old, I’m not a child, say what you want to say.” Dr Andrews cleared his throat again before he started to speak. “ Your results came back in, and they are not good. In fact, they are worse than we thought. We need to get you a new heart immediately. Right now, you are at the top of the list, but the right heart still needs to become available in order for you to get it. And I have to be honest with you, Aiden, your heart will not last for another two months.” Aiden swallowed as he shook his head. I had never seen him so serious, and I almost wanted to say something to make him smile again. “So what doc, you’re telling me I’m dying?” Dr Andrews closed his files as he looked up, straight into Aiden’s eyes. “Yes Mr Hyle, if you don’t get a new heart within the next weeks, then yes, you will die.”
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