
1282 Words
I opened the door, forcing myself to smile. “Hi Julian.” I spoke as I opened the door to let him in, I just needed to get my purse and we would be good to go. “Hi baby.” Julian smiled as he leaned in, kissing my cheek before he entered my small condo. “Lori not around?” He asked as his head looked at every corner of my small condo. I shook my head as I took my purse from the table. “She went out for coffee with another nurse, a male nurse.” Julian lifted his eyebrows as he smiled wide. Julian looked cute when he smiled. I had to give him that. He had short black hair, which somehow, always looked styled to one side, even with it being so short. He was very muscular, he was wearing a white shirt and the fabric was pressed around his upper arms. His dark brown eyes looked at me as if he wanted to eat me alive. “Well, if Lori isn’t around, maybe we can stay in for the night?” He smiled as he slowly stepped towards me, his hands slowly folding around my waist while his nose leaned in on my neck, his lips leaving a trail of kisses, starting from my ear and ending on my shoulder. Fuck no, we’re not staying in! “So, you made me run from the hospital to my condo, made me make myself pretty for you, to now just stay in?” Julian leaned back as he looked at me with big eyes. “Elizabeth, djees, I didn’t mean to offend you. If you want to go to dinner, we’ll go to dinner, relax baby girl. I just thought that maybe…” He didn’t finish his sentence as he smiled again and leaned in to my other side, his lips locking around my earlobe as he bit it playfully. “No, you thought wrong.” I sighed out, really starting to get annoyed now. “I want to go to dinner, I just had a 10 hour shift with a 10 minute break. I am hungry and honestly, I want to get drunk, so let’s go.” Julian looked at me, surprised. But he composed himself quickly as he took my hand and nodded his head. “Ok babe. Ready when you are.” I smiled, thanking him for not to keep on trying to get into my pants. I already knew he would try it again, later tonight. Julian took me to the city. The Hyle pack had built all of their restaurants and shops inside one big street, making it so that this place always crowded and cozy. If you needed some social contact, this was the place to be. Julian took me to a little restaurant, which was situated on the outside. The place was called 'fifth avenue'. It was the kind of place that young couples would go to. Nothing too fancy, but still better than a bistro or a fast food restaurant. Julian ordered a bottle of wine, which made me smile for the first time since this date had started. I want to get drunk and the man wants to sleep over tonight, I can tell! The waitress was looking at Julian as if she wanted to strip herself from her clothes and offer herself to him. I had to fight back a huge grin, knowing I was lucky that the man ever even asked me out on a date to begin with. Julian also worked at the hospital. But, in contrast to myself, Julian was studying to become a doctor. He also came from another pack, but was already working inside the hospital for over a year before I even arrived. We never really had a talk about what we would do, once both of us graduated. Would we stay here? Would we both go back to our old packs? Would we even continue to date? Because that is all that we were doing at this point, dating. We never got to the point where we started to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. I think that none of us really felt like we needed to either. What we had between the both of us, worked just fine without putting a label on it. We had some small talk during our dinner, mostly about cases in the hospital. Besides the fact that we both practiced medicine, and the man was a freaking model, we had almost nothing in common. If I needed to talk, I had Lori. Julian was better equipped for… other needs. Once our dishes were finished and we had emptied our bottle of wine. Julian paid for the bill as we made our way out. We walked back towards my condo. Julian lived inside another building, just a few miles down the road from me and Lori. I found myself being thankful for that on multiple occasions. Julian was nice, but he was very clingy. If it were up to him, he would be living at my place by now. And all hell could freeze over before that would happen. I didn’t want a relationship, I didn’t have the time for that. Just the occasional s*x buddy was all I could handle at the moment. That alone seemed to be too intense for me from time to time. Once we made it to my condo, I didn’t even have the chance to say something before Julian had pulled me in, his lips digging in to the flesh of my neck once again. “Julian, please, I have an early morning tomorrow.” I started to plead with the man, hoping he could just stop and leave. I knew I was acting like a b***h, but I was seriously in no mood. “I can be fast if you want?” Julian asked me, and I could feel his grin against my flesh. I sighed loudly, as his lips were starting to stir up a feeling inside of me. For f**k's sake, now I am in the mood… “You can’t sleep over tonight.” I sighed out as Julian’s fingers slowly went down over my body, not forgetting one inch as he went. His grin pressed against my skin, knowing that he had won this battle. His fingers curled around the bottom of my skirt as he slowly started to pull it up. “I don’t have to. I’ll go so you can sleep. But I can make sure you’ll sleep like a baby once I’m done with you.” He growled softly as his lips had found my ear. I sighed, knowing I had lost. “Fine, but if I’m tired tomorrow, I will personally kick your ass.” I growled back before all the alcohol in my body had started to work his magic, and my lips were pressing against Julian’s. “I think it’s hot, listening to how you would kick my ass.” Julian smirked as he leaned back. “Just shut up already and kiss me Julian!” I growled back before I threw myself at him. He picked me up as he turned around and started to carry me into my bedroom, a place he had grown to know very well over the last couple of weeks since we had met. But while his lips were kissing me, I caught myself thinking about something else. While his fingers were caressing me, and Julian’s body was making love to me. All I could see were blue eyes and spiky brown hair, with the biggest grin on the planet. Fuck, I’m so f****d!
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