the board game

1215 Words
As soon as the Alpha and Luna arrived, Dr Andrews took them into the hallway to explain the results of the tests in private. Aiden looked pissed off and had asked the doctor to ‘leave him the hell alone.’ To which Dr Andrews had nodded and had left the room. I was still frozen in my spot, unsure of what I was supposed to do, but then again, finding myself unable to move and leave this room, and leave Aiden. I sighed deep as his eyes looked at me, and I saw pain, so much pain. I needed to say something, anything to take his mind off of this. “You still have time.” I almost whispered to him, finding myself stepping closer towards his bed, to which he looked up at me again. Tears built up behind his gorgeous blue eyes. “Liar.” He whispered back at me, before he looked away. This was the first time he had ever looked away from me. And honestly, it hurt. “ OK fine, there’s no more time.” I shook my head, feeling that, for some odd reason, I was starting to build up some tears of my own. Elizabeth, what the hell is wrong with you? Aiden sighed hard, as I saw his shoulders rise and fall. “Well, that hurts.” I looked up and sure enough, next to the tears in his eyes, the man had actually managed to look at me with a smile on his face. “Is there anything I can do for you?” I asked him, not even being sure what I would be able to do for him inside of these walls. “Well, you could let me call you Lizzie for starters.” He smirked, and once again, playful Aiden had resurrected. I smiled at him, as I slowly nodded my head. “ OK, you can call me Lizzie.” I smiled at him as our eyes locked again. After what seemed like an eternity, I looked up as I saw the Alpha and Luna had walked inside of the room. They both looked inconsolable as they looked at their son. I excused myself as I stood up and made my way out of his room. Giving the family some well needed privacy. The rest of my shift happened in a blur. It felt like I was moving on an automatic pilot. My body somehow seemed to move and function, but my mind was still hooked on Aiden. How in the world is it possible that someone like him could be so sick? He has Alpha blood in his veins. For God’s sake, he should be more powerful than anyone inside this pack. After my shift was done and I had changed into my normal clothes, I found myself wandering around the hallway again… my body pulling me back towards Aiden’s room. And before I even knew it, that was exactly where I was standing. I looked inside, seeing that he was lying on his side, looking away from the door. But apparently, his wolf senses were on point, since he turned around and looked straight at me. I could feel my cheeks turn red as I looked down at the floor. “Hey Lizzie, come in.” Aiden spoke as he gave me a small smile. I sighed as I walked inside. His room was filled with all sorts of stuff; balloons, cards, books. It looked like he had quite the visitors today. “My shift is done, so I am heading home for the night. Just wanted to come and wish you a good night.” Aiden nodded as his smile slowly faded. “You know, this hospital is pretty boring at night.” I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms in front of my chest. “It looks like you received some presents today. Maybe there’s something in there that can keep you company until tomorrow morning?” Aiden rolled his eyes as he looked around his room. “Yeah, awesome. Balloons, like I’m a five year old. These are basically gifts to comfort their own souls, in case I would die, they wouldn’t have to feel guilty for not getting me anything while I was still alive. Here, I even got a freaking board game… which you have to play with two players. A true genius, the one who got me that.” I bit down on my bottom lip. Aiden wasn’t feeling OK, I could tell and honestly, I couldn’t blame him either. “Can you stay with me?” He then asked me, out of the blue. I was about to open my mouth to say something, but Aiden was faster than me. “Please, just for a little while, you’re the only one around this place who doesn’t treat me like I’m dying or already dead.” I looked up at him, and I just wanted to walk over to him and throw my arms around him. I thought about it for a quick second before I made up my mind and nodded. “ OK, just for a little while. Take that board game so I can kick your ass.” And there it was, that grin, my favorite grin. Shit, he is so handsome! He reached over to a table, where he pulled out a game, which was hidden underneath a dozen ‘get better soon’ cards. He gave it to me as he sat himself straight, making room for me to sit at the edge of the bed. “Ok Lizzie, prepare yourself to get your ass kicked.” I laughed, hearing his smart remark. As I felt truly happy to see Aiden a bit like his old self again. After a while, I was distracted as I felt my cellphone vibrate. I picked it out of my purse, seeing I had a text from Lori. -Where the hell are you?- I frowned, turning around to look at the clock which was hanging on the wall. It was already 9.30 in the evening. “f**k!” I hissed at myself as I turned back to look at Aiden, who was looking at me, all sorts of cute. “Aiden, you could have told me it was this late.” But he just laughed as he shrugged. “I liked your company Lizzie.” I sighed as I jumped from his bed and started to put on my jacket. “Well, this company needs to go grocery shopping and do her laundry, or I will not have any clean clothes left in a few days.” Aiden grinned as he started to clean up his board game. “Well, if that happens and you have to come to work naked, at least have the decency to come to my room first.” He smirked at me, and I couldn’t help but hold back a giggle. “Sure, Aiden will do. Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow OK?” I asked him as I took my purse and started to walk out of his room, turning back once to see his face as he yelled back at me while I was already out of his room. “Already looking forward to it, Lizzie!”
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