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“excuse me?” I asked him as I looked at him with big eyes. I didn’t even do anything to make him assume that. Did I? But he just kept smiling at me with his gorgeous and sparkly blue eyes and his gorgeous perfect teeth. “You are in love with me.” He said it, again, while he playfully ran his tongue over his bottom lip. Sweet Mary and Joseph… “And I honestly don’t blame you for it either. I mean, I am the son of the Alpha, but I don’t like to dwell on power and titles. I’m rich, but I’m not into money. I’m smart but not a prick, I’m funny and, overall, a really nice person to be around. I even love puppies and kittens, and let’s not forget the fact that I am incredibly hot. So yeah, I’m a catch really.” I just stood there with a needle in my hand, my mouth open and my eyes ready to pop out of my head. I honestly didn’t know how to react to him, so I just started to laugh. He is such a little prick, f**k that's hot! I tilted my head, happy to play along with his silly little game. “ OK, you caught me. It’s a shame really.” Aiden's eyebrows rose up as I seemed to have made him curious. “What is a shame then?” He asked me, his grin leaving for just a second. I looked down at him as I put on my gloves, ready to prepare him to take some of his blood. “It’s a shame because I absolutely hate puppies and kittens.” I grinned back at him, while I snapped my gloves, letting them make a slapping noise before I started to prepare him. He didn’t flinch when I injected him with the needle, I just kept feeling his eyes on me, every step of the way. When I was done, I placed a small band aid on the inside of his arm and went outside of his room, to send his blood to the lab. I ran into Dr Andrews in the hallway, who was on his way to go and get Aiden for his scan. “Does the boy still have a big mouth?” Dr Andrews asked me, his eyebrows planted high on his forehead as he looked at me in wonder. “Nothing I can’t handle, sir.” I smiled back at him, to which he nodded and started to walk back towards Aiden’s room. Once inside, I saw that he had fallen asleep. For f**k's sake, the man seems to grow even more handsome as he sleeps. Dr Andrews nodded at me, telling me to start moving Aiden’s bed towards the room where we would be getting his scan. Aiden never woke up during the tests that were performed on his body and his heart. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Nobody deserves to live like this. just waiting until someone else dies and decides that you get to have his heart, in order for you to have a chance at living a normal life. During the scan, I felt myself unable to look at anything else than mister handsommy. Shit, control yourself Elizabeth! Once the scan was done and we had to wait for the results, Aiden was brought back to his room, still fast asleep. After my lunch break, I ran over to see if the test results had come in already, but the lab was very busy, so I still needed to wait. I decided to walk over to his room and see if he needed anything or had any questions. Or I could just look at his gorgeous face once again. Once I almost made it to his room, I heard voices coming out, making it sound as if a thousand people were sitting inside of his room. I stopped at his door, leaning in just enough to see who was inside of Aiden’s room. I could see the Alpha and Luna, but this time, there were two more boys inside of the room. And a girl, sitting on Aiden’s bed. “So, what do you have to do here all day?” One of the boys asked. He was big, almost a bit like one of the two hotties we had seen on that TV show last night. He also had longer brown hair and brown eyes. “They keep testing me like I’m a f*****g lab rat. Claiming they want to find me the best heart possible. Why can’t they just give me one and send me back home.” I heard someone sigh and was almost entirely sure that that would have been the Luna, and with that, I heard a giggle. It almost sounded like someone who scratched their nails against a chalk board. I rolled my eyes just hearing it. “Oh babe, you’re so silly.” Babe? Why the f**k is she calling him babe? I bit the inside of my cheek. And why the hell am I feeling jealous because she just called him babe? I turned around, making a promise to stop my own brain right then and there and move away, leaving this room behind and focus myself on something else. Once my shift was done, I went back to my locker to change myself. Ever since this afternoon, my mood had been nothing but bad. I was bummed and I hated it. Luckily, the results of Aiden’s tests still weren’t ready, so I didn’t need to go back and face him again for the day. That would be a problem I would face tomorrow. I closed my locker and left in a hurry. I only had thirty minutes left before Julian would be standing at my door and I still needed to get ready. During our lunch break, one of the male nurses had come up to Lori, asking her if she wanted to go and grab a cup of coffee with him after her shift. The guy was cute, so Lori immediately said yes. She had changed quickly into a dress which she always had hanging around in her locker for some odd reason or in case of an emergency like today. I had grinned, seeing the change of Lori this morning. Leggings, a hoody and a bad hair day. And the evening, Lori, with a sexy dress and, somehow, a lot more volume in her hair. And knowing her, I would have our condo to myself until my next shift would start tomorrow morning. Lori always liked to get to know her dates, very detailed, and mostly very naked. I made it to my condo, almost running in. When I pulled off my hoodie, throwing it somewhere into a corner of my room, I opened my closet and picked out the first dress my fingers could find. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. Once again, feeling that I wasn’t looking forward to this date at all. You should though, You need to go out. have fun and giggle, like that skank who was sitting on Aiden’s bed. I sighed as I pulled my hair loose, letting it fall over my shoulders while my fingers combed through it. Right when I was stepping into my black heels, I heard the doorbell ring, knowing fully well who was behind the door. Julian.
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