Story 9

641 Words
I laughed but i stopped because i felt like someone is here and there was. I teleported to the small forest at the backyard of the duchy house since it had monsters said by the butler, i often teleport here to polish more of my skills but this time its not a monster but a human,no wait i cant recognize it well. It has the presence of nature same as wizards but the scent of a monster, what is this creature. "Come out if you dont want to be blast into pieces" But there was still no sound even when i scattere my mana, not until i heard a whine from my nine o clock direction Whine.Sniff. I rushed to where the sound come from and then saw a cute worlf. It was a fenrir, a child and an adult. The adult was laying on the ground all b****y while the child was crying staying close to the adult fenrir. "who would do such a thing..!?" I was furious but still managed to control my anger and treated the mother fenrir. •Thank you... An unfamiliar voice ringed in lisa ears, it was the voice of the mother fenrir. •As you know i do not have much time in the world •Please look after my child but before that may i ask your name "...Annalise" •What a wonderful name for a child who is love by God, you have my blessings from above. •Dear, watch my child and his name is Ren. ".....No wait no i can save you wait hey!!" The fenrir died and water was coming down from above. I buried the mother fenrir and prayed, when i was done i sat down on the muddy dirt and look at the still a child fenrir that his name was ren. "Hey, your mom told me your name is ren. And she also said to take care of you, so do you want to go with me" I asked looking at the small fenrir thinking that he needs a bath. •I will go with you if you have awesome adventures we can do in the future. •And i also want to respect mother wishes •so lets form a bond. "sure, but i am not sure with the awesome future though but i hope that will be the case." And so we formed a bond. Me and the fenrir exchange mana's resulting the mark on my hand and the mark on the fenrir fur. I teleported the fenrir and me back to the house being drenched in water as soon as i got back i saw the duke in front of me and i was suddenly feeling scared. The duke look at me in the eyes and look at the fenrir in my hands sleeping. "Uh um know i was just playing around and everythings fine i also didnt kill the knight and the mage so its fine,right...." I dont know why i am saying nonsense or even opening my mouth. The duke just stared at me and said "Go bath" "Uh yes!" i blurted and ran to the bathroom. I was done bathing and was dressed up in a fancy dress again. And also the duke was still in the room. 'Why is he still here?!' "Sit here"the duke said as soon as the duke told the maids to go out i gulp and hugged rin in my arms. There was silence and it felt awkward but not too long when the silence was cut when the duke open his mouth. "If you want to go out you could have just said so" and "I know its new to you and boring but please dont go. I dont want you to leave me again, please just stay." the duke said while holding my hand gently.
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