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LOVEFUL RIGHT AFTER my classes, instead of going to the SC headquarter, I went directly to my own office. They already know that I will not join them there. I can be more focused here than there. I then started to write in my planner all the plans I have in mind in connection to our upcoming Intramurals. And as I said earlier, we are the ones who are going to organize the event and as SC President of the school, I am responsible for making the initial plan. This is not really my thing but I don't have any choice. When the clock strikes at 6 in the evening, I am done drafting the said plan. Afterward, I decided to keep all of my things inside my office and immediately go out towards the door. I still saw some students practicing their sports in their different fields. I don't know if Lawrence and others are already in their houses. I don't know also if they are doing what they needed to do to the headquarter. Soon after I reached the exit of the school, I noticed a group of men, looking at me. I yet ignored them and just walked towards the narrow street instead to grab a car. This narrow street is where I always wait for a car instead of the main road. I just want here because only a few people go here. Less hassle. Uncrowded. But oddly, many minutes have already passed, no cars are passing by. Out of my knowledge, the group of men is already few meters away from me. I suddenly felt nervous and scared as soon as I noticed them. I faced them with bravery because I know they are following me. "What do you want?" I asked them, preventing my voice to c***k. "You! HAHAHAHA!" said the muscled man, while still walking in my direction. Actually, all of them are muscular and I gulped many times when I hear their response and laughter. Where are the cars now?! Don't they need money? I moved backward. All I have in mind right now is to run but when I was about to do it, one hand suddenly grabbed me by my hand. I try harder to break free. "Let go of me!" I shouted in fear while still trying to free myself but they're just very strong. Until three of them are already holding me. "Urgh! Help!" I desperately shouted when they started to grab me forcefully. "No cars will be passing here right now because of the traffic scheme. No one will go here because all the people are now on the main road. HAHAHA!" one man, holding my shoulders, whispered followed by a laugh. And there I realized that they are five in total. "Let me go!" I screamed, shakily. I even try to nudge them hard by my elbow but they avoided it easily. Suddenly they forcefully lay me down on the ground. I repeatedly kicked my feet hoping that I can able to free myself from them but nothing happened. "Help!" I shouted in despair. Then suddenly I felt something on my neck and there I realized that one of them is already kissing it! Yuck! "Ahhhh!" I want to shove him away but I cannot move because of their tight grips on my hands and feet. Darn it! "HAHAHAHAHA!" Until one of them went above me and kissing me hard on my neck. I feel disgusted. He is about to kiss my lips but I managed to shook my head repeatedly to avoid it. But he gripped my jaw hard for me to stop moving! Urgh! "Hey!" They suddenly stopped as they heard another voice. The man who is above me stood up. I am panting very hard. My sweats are already visible and my heart abnormally beats fast because of fear and disgust. "Let go of her!" A female voice threatened them. Her voice is very familiar until her image gets closer and becomes clear. I swallowed hard when I recognize who she is. Chelsea? Why are you here?! My fear becomes double. "HAHAHAHAHA!" the men started laughing hard. "Look! God gives us another blessing! HAHAHAHA!" one said and continue to laugh. I want to tell Chelsea to just go but I just keep swallowing the big lump in my throat. "I said, let her go! One," she said in a firm voice. I did not hear the fear in her voice. I shook my head to her hoping that she will understand me. Chelsea... just get out of here! "Oh... scary! HAHAHAHA!" one man sarcastically said, touching his chest overly acting like he's scared. "Two!" Chelsea continued while walking closer in our direction. The five men just give her laughs. "Three---!" Soon after she reached us, she immediately gives a hard punch to the man who went above me earlier. All of them are getting bothered when the man started to wipe the blood on his lips. "Acting brave, huh!" soon after the man said that, I felt scared for Chelsea. They simultaneously attacked her! "Chelsea!" I sit on the ground and shouted desperately. Tears began flowing over my cheeks and I cannot help but to just look at the ground. No... My gaze then shifted to Chelsea's and my mouth gaped open when I just saw what happened. Chelsea is lifting the body of an unconscious man. She used it as her shield whenever someone attacks her with a punch. The unconscious man was bombarded with many blows by his fellow because of what Chelsea did. After a while, she has thrown the man's body quickly as she is the one to do an attack. She is about to punch hard the man on the side yet the latter suddenly jumps to do a flying kick but in a swift move, Chelsea slid to the ground and when they met at some point, she lifted her right arm with full force and hit the man's private part above. "Ugh!" he groaned in pain. He is lying on the ground, trembling, while touching the part which Chelsea hit. I felt amazed by what I just saw. I looked around the area and the five men are already lying on the ground, groaning in pain. How on Earth did Chelsea manage to knock out all of them? "What now? Come on!" she said in a challenging tone but the men did not respond. She walked towards the men and kicked them one by one. Afterward, she looked at me, breathing. "C-Chelsea." My voice cracked a bit. I want to thank her but I can't utter a word. "Are you alright, Chi?" she worriedly asked and she leans closer to me. She then checked my whole body, looking if I got some wounds or whatsoever. "I saw you walking right here and I think you are not aware of the traffic scheme that is why right after I have done practicing, I followed you," she said, assisting me to stand up. I cannot manage to give her a response. My fear a while ago gives me a little trauma. If she did not come, surely I had been r***d. I disgusted myself to not be able to fight alone. "Can you manage to go to your house alone? I will accompany you to the main road," she said and we started to walk. I give a glimpse to the five men, they are now fixing themselves and immediately ran away from our direction. I looked back to Chelsea. "I-I can," I responded, still shaking. "T-Thank you." there I said it. A wide smile suddenly crept into her lips. "You're always welcome," she answered. From that moment, I felt a weird feeling. I remembered how I neglect her kind acts. I always ignored her, rejected her helps, treating her as a stranger, yet she still helped me right now. Why is she like this? Why is she so kind? I slowly appreciate her but--- Suddenly, my eyes widened. My knees are trembling, as well as my lips. Oh, my God. I repeatedly swallowed hard. "Oh, Chi. What's the matter?" she worriedly asked when she noticed I stopped walking. Few more steps, we will already reach the main road. I gulped again. "U-Uh..." I stuttered while looking at the thing on her finger and then mine. Tears began forming in my eyes. Seems like my heart has been twisted many times. "Why are you crying?" she asked and I cannot respond. "I should be the one to cry because finally, I managed to help you." she smiled. I suddenly sobbed and prevented my tear to come out into my eyes. "C-Chelsea, I-I'm so s-sorry..." I said sincerely. Damn! This feeling again. The moment that I hated the most. Seems like my grief of guilt will be back again. She doesn't deserve this... "Stop saying sorry. I am willing to always help you," she said calmly. Her ignorant words made me feel more guilty. I still wanted to say something to her but a car stops right in front of us. "Oh, there you go. You go ahead," she said without a single touch of worry. "Kindly drive her home, safe and sound," she said to the driver and then give a smile. "Get inside, my friend---" I did not let her finished her statement. She is obviously shocked at what I just did right now. I hugged her for a quiet while. Chelsea... Sorry. She's still in her shocked state when I immediately got inside the car. My heart seems so heavy. I wanted to shout but I prevented myself. The driver has already started the engine of the car and I saw Chelsea outside, waving her hands cheerfully. That wave of hers gives a pound on my chest. Here I go again with this feeling. I cannot help right now but cry hard especially after seeing the thing on her finger. I lift my right hand and sobbed hard. I kept on looking on my finger and to Chelsea's. Hoping that I was just hallucinating. Oh, please no! This can't be! I can see it clearly! It happened again. The red string... ##
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