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LOVEFUL "HAPPY VALENTINE'S day," the man said suddenly and the students outside shouted, 'ayieeee', many times. He was smiling at me, displaying his thin eyes and dimples. I just stared at the flowers he handed. "It's still January if you don't have a calendar," I told him but he just smiled even more. "Excuse me---" "Every day's a Valentine's day, Love," Luke said and extended his arm to stop me from taking a step further. I looked at him and showed him my pissed look. He was still displaying his dimples. "I told you to stop calling me 'Love'," I said, coldly. "Leave me alone." "Ouch..." he muttered, acting like his chest was in pain. "You broke my heart, Love. Bring it back." he pretentiously said. "Suit yourself," I said and moved away from his hands. He's always like this. He a

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