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LOVEFUL I GRABBED THE woman's hand as she passed in front of me, running. She stopped and looked at me. "What's going on?" I asked her. Her eyes only widened. "WAAAAHHHH! He's here!" she responds with a very sharp voice. I even make face because of her reaction. "Who?" "Him! WAHHHHH!" I am getting pissed with her reactions. I am curious about what was happening yet her answers were only annoying yells. Tsk! "Who? Don't yell at me. Just answer right away." I said with full conviction. Her face blushed. "Luke! Luke Blastgen is here!" After she said that, I freed her hands and she immediately runs away, shouting continuously. Most of the girls were now running towards the entrance of the school. It must already be a class break. Luke Blastgen. The annoying man. What is he doing here? He's already a college student and their department is kilometers away from ours. Elementary, Highschool, and College departments were separated and if one of the students in a department wanted to visit the other department, they needed to travel a kilometer distance first before they would arrive. I don' know what he's doing here. Yes, I understand why the girls react that way after knowing he's here. He's the department crush back when he was just a high school student, and when he graduated, the girls who admired him getting sad knowing that they wouldn't see him always in this department. Really, huh. I avoided passing near the entrance of the school. I just walk straight towards the headquarter without minding the people. As I get there, they were all busy making the designs and such. Mrs. Ho on the side also busy writing something on her table. They all looked at me as I walked in the direction of my secretary. But after a while, they then focused on what they are doing. "What else that we need to do?" I asked Ms. Deh soon as I squat beside her. We are all squatting on the floor and the materials are just scattered everywhere. "We just finished the designs for the bulletin board. The next one is for the stage," she replied, gently cutting the traces on the art paper. "Give me some things to do," I told her. She nodded and then grabbed the gold foils and scissors. "Here. Fiona had already put some traces to it. All we have to do is to cut along with it." she said and I accepted it. I immediately follow what Ms. Deh said. The school is very prestigious. All the students who enrolled here were rich people. And if you are wondering why we are making designs instead of buying ready-to-put designs, well, I already told them that we better be the ones to do it. We would only give our best shot or order some grand designs in the upcoming yearly grand event, and aside from that, I don't want us to cost so much money. In fact, we are in need of funds. The door suddenly opened and Jessica, with her co-committees, comes in. She was holding a folder. "Good morning," she greeted. "Mrs. Ho, we are already done organizing the time of the players." They all went to Mrs. Ho's direction and handed the folder and the latter smiled while accepting it. "Thank you," Mrs. Ho muttered. "You may just stay here and rest." "No problem. And oh, we would like to help them." Jessica said. Mrs. Ho removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. "You sure?" she said and wore back the glasses. "Yes." "Okay, if that's what you want." They also immediately squat to the floor and grab some materials. I have already cut 5 gold foils that formed like sun rays. In the middle of our busyness, Mrs. Ho's chair created a sound as she stood up. "I shall go first to the dean's office to propose this. If the bell rang, you may take your lunch and be back at 1:30 PM, okay?" she said, showing the folder that Jessica gave and everyone, except me, replied to her. Soon after Mrs. Ho left the headquarter, Jessica suddenly spoke. "Hey guys, did you know that Luke Blastgen is here?!" she giggled. "Huh? Are you sure?!" reacted one of the girls here. I did not glance at them because I was busy with what I was doing right now. "Yes, girl. We saw him, and everyone was going wild a while ago. O.M.G!" Kelvin relented, he's the only gay member of the group. "Oh, my God! I wonder what he is doing here." said the other woman. I just shook my head upon listening to their conversation. See? Luke is the ultimate crush of this department. Well, not me. I wouldn't entertain such an idea. "Maybe our dean called him to congratulate him. He's the basketball MVP of the inter-school Olympics, right?" "Oh, right! It could be, but..." that woman suddenly lowered her voice. "...but maybe he visited someone here also." "Who?" "You did not know?" "Know what?" Then I heard whispers. I couldn't determine what they said to one another because they lowered their voices. Until... "Is it true, Curchi?" I immediately gazed at the woman who called me. It's Gemma, the Assistant Secretary of Finance of the supreme council. "Hey... what are you doing?" asked Jessica in a lower voice while nudging Gemma using her elbow. "What? I just want to ask." Gemma rebutted and then looked at me. "So, Curchi, is it true?" she suddenly giggled. My brows knitted. "True, what?" I asked in return. "That Luke Blastgen courted you!" she asked in a sharp voice causing everyone to look in her direction. She was giggling. I stopped from what I am doing. I did not answer her right away, instead, I just stared at her seriously and her reaction shifted from giggled one to a bothered one. "Was that question beneficial right now?" I asked her coldly and the surrounding fell silent. "U-Uh... I was j-just---" I cut her words short. "Focus on what is only beneficial right now. Focus on your task, focus on what you are doing---not on some unnecessary things." I said and I could feel the tension inside the headquarter. Silence occupied. "If I will answer that question, what benefits would it give?" "I told you..." whispered Jessica and Gemma just bit her lip. "We better finish our task," I said and everyone gets back to work. I don't really want that others would ask unnecessary things about me. I mean, who are they in my life? Would they really need to know all the things? We have different lives and with that, we have different businesses. No need to touch someone else's businesses because we have our own. And I don't want to entertain such a topic. I don't know if Luke really courted me. If what he always did to me was already courting. The thing that he always does to me was just giving me annoyance. I don't like it. It just pissed me off. The room stays silent until we heard the bell rings. That was only the moment that the silence broke. They stood up and talked about where they are going. Most of them will eat together. "Ms. President, we'll go ahead." Ms. Deh said, jerking her thumb towards the door after they kept the things that they used. I just nod at her. As usual, I will not join them with their lunch. Before they totally left, Lawrence suddenly glanced at me but it did not last for a while. Until I was left alone in the room. After a moment of staring inside the room, I then decided to leave and walked towards my classroom. While I was heading towards my classroom, I noticed that most of the students stare at me while they were passing beside me. What causes my forehead to fold was when I saw students standing beside the railings of the stair before the lobby towards my classroom, while staring at me, smiling. I just shook my head. What's wrong with them. Students were scattered in the lobby until I reached the door of my classroom. It was closed, which also confuses me. "What's the matter?" I asked one of the students. Most of them were lower grades. He just shook his head and run away, smiling. I looked at all of them but they all stepped back and avoided my gaze. They're weird! I just sigh and shrugged such confusing thoughts. I did not mind them. The only thing I wanted right now was to get inside the classroom because I have no other place where I could eat my lunch. After a while, I opened the door and I stopped when a bouquet of flowers greeted me. "Happy Valentine's day." ##
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