Chapter 8

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Rest of the day passed by quickly, with the sky turning gray and soon black as the night fell over the city. It was cold at this time of the year, the winter still having to do its work upon the earth. I waited patiently in Elijah’s office, watching as the glass fogged up from the temperature difference on either sides, the city lighting up with building and street lights, cars passing by quickly as people ventured to their homes for warmth and much needed rest. Elijah had one more meeting before I found myself back in the comfort of his warm car, him driving slowly and carefully through the darkness of the evening. Our small talk on the way home was something that I hadn’t foreseen, the laid back atmosphere being welcomed in both our strained systems. We conversed about normal stuff, about his job and his life, his education and life outside of the country. I was taken aback by how little many new about him, especially me who had met him just two days ago. I felt slightly ashamed about the attraction I had for him, all the information sinking in and making me look like I was simply physically attracted to his dominance. It made me feel a bit disappointed in myself and I kept quiet most of the way. Nonetheless, I listened carefully and learned that he had problems with his behavior in high school, being transferred a couple of times through most elite . He was short tempered and would lose his cool for small things. The more he talked about his life, the more I noticed the character his father described. He was indeed like a child, getting angry if something didn't go his way and later on wouldn’t want to talk for a while. He was diagnosed with uncontrollable anger issues, that soon turned into fits of anger that wouldn't end well. That explained the night I was first here, the crashes and the loud screams. The meds he was given were for appeasement that he had to take exactly on schedule. He then continued onward, touching the subject of his former caretakers. Some were after the money, wanting to get under his skin and use him. Some didn’t last long out of fear when rumors spread about one of his incidents. He lashed out on the woman that took care of him for a couple of months and she ended up in the hospital with a broken arm. I shuddered visibly, trying to keep my own paranoia at bay. Truth be told, I was deathly scared of the outcome if he ever got triggered in front of me. How I would handle the situation, I didn’t know and was contemplating on searching up some things on anger management. Hanging onto his every word, my thoughts followed through all and the constant wonder wouldn’t die down. Would he hurt me like that? All the activities from the past days were bottling up in my system and I was simply mentally exhausted. Not only did I have to be careful with my rising attraction for my boss, but I had to pay attention to my surroundings when alone. That man wasn’t going to disappear any time soon, which became all too evident when he showed up where I work. I sat in my room thinking it all through and sighing continuously when no solution came up. The time I had left until dinner was a few hours and I was starving. Not having any lunch today was a bad decision, but I was preoccupied with the overwhelming man I worked for. Taking a shower relaxed me for a bit and after I kept myself occupied with preparing my clothes. I was in only my towel, cutting my nails, when I heard a knock on my door. Just a second after, Jamie entered with a tray of tea and some crackers as a snack. My lips stretched into a very grateful smile as I covered myself up to keep the bit of decency towards the girl. "Hi, I thought you'd be hungry. You didn't have breakfast this morning. " She smiled at me and sat beside me in the bed, reminding me that indeed today I didn’t bring any food into my stomach. "Thank you." "So how's work?" "It's going good. I'm not having a tough time. " I felt the hate towards myself bottle up as I lied into the girl’s face. I couldn’t possibly reveal even a small bit of today’s activities, let alone say that my boss had almost claimed my lips. I constantly kept telling myself that I would have to clear up the situation as soon as possible, but that decision brought a painful pang to my chest and I felt the tightening in my chest worsen each time. "That's good. So, I thought that tomorrow when you come back... We could go shopping? " The innocence that presented itself within her eyes made me take a step back each time. She was such a precious girl, always smiling and brightening up every depressing moment. We didn’t talk that much due to the shortness of time, but she would be so encouraging for this past hours that I have met her. Her suggestion seemed to be comforting news on this exacting day. "You know, do some girl things, get to know each other-" She drifted off, head falling down a bit as she stared at my amused, raised eyebrow. Biting her lip, she almost reminded me of a small, helpless puppy that was looking for a place to warm up. "Sure." "Really?!" Her sudden excitement had me double back. Her hands clasped mine as she smiled at me so happily, eyes sparkling with delight. The chuckle that left me felt like a first one in ages, the small reassurance of this happy moment taking over the gloominess of my thoughts, chasing away any doubt and fear that lingered on. "Yeah." The small giggle, dimples that showed on her cheeks made her all the more cute. Such a small bubble of sunshine was now my very first friend in a long time, my chest swelling the nostalgia of my past teenage years. She stood to leave the room, but before she disappeared behind the door, my voice stopped her in her tracks. "On one condition-" I wasn’t going to let his opportunity of having some inside intel of what was happening in this house along with the secret connections that they all had. "You have to tell me how you got under the skin of the stoic and emotionless Sebastian." The blush that adorned her cheeks made her skin look so beautifully flushed and fresh. Sebastian had a treasure in his hands and he would be one hell of a rotten person if he didn’t keep her safe. Once she was gone from my room, I returned to my previous residence and continued on with my small distraction. The smile that she had caused had held onto until mid evening, when I decided to look around the stunning castle like home. Not having the chance to bask in the beauty of it, I started from the hallways and the long corridors decorated by antiques and paintings by the same artist whose work I firstly saw in the waiting room. I found myself in the backyard, the dead roses taking in a beautiful, cropped shape all over the field. It was breathtaking, captivating and unique. I had seen many homes with designed yards, but none had so perfectly trimmed flowers in this time of the year. Everything here seemed to be vast, the walking around took some time off my hands and when I reached the back a very old like cottage fell into my view. The dead roots that spread across it gave it that obsolete look, spiking the interest in me so good that I couldn’t hold back from peeking inside. My eyes peered inside, the glass too musky and dirty to get a proper view of what was in there. I gave up as it was dark, but soon jumped at the sudden crashing sound that came from the street. My paranoid self swallowed thickly and I slowly ventured back into the house. I was right on time for the dinner, entering the dining room only to find it dreadfully quiet and empty. It was rather strange and after a fifteen minute wait, I gave up and slipped back into the comfort of my room. The maids were gone as it was evening, but it was worrisome for the fact that always one or two stayed to sleep over in case of an emergency. I reached the windows that looked at the street, my eyes adoring the streetlights that illuminated the road. The shifting of a very suspicious form made me squint my eyes. All too familiar dread washed over my whole being as the crooked smile that now haunted my dreams appeared from under the hood of the tall man in the shadows. It's him. I took a terrified step back away from the window. The stalking was going overboard, my arms coming around my body as I hugged myself. If I were to be careless, it was positive that he would strike without any thought. He is waiting for a chance. An opening. The horrible thoughts in my head were interrupted by intense gray eyes and the sharp features of the man that I was so sweetly attracted to. Surprisingly, the image of Elijah made me relax and I couldn’t help but wonder. Would he help me? I wasn’t entirely sure, but I had settled upon coming out to him with my problem in hope that he would offer some help. When I reached his room, I found the door locked and no lights in the hallway. There's seriously no one in the house? This fact only pointed to as to why the man was sneaking around. There was no one to interrupt his plans. Except for the King himself. "What are you doing?" I recognized him without even turning around, his presence rising with his closeness. " I just wanted to ask if you have any early meetings so that-" I was painfully aware that he was close, but not so much that my face was right in his strong chest. "-I could get ready." My sentence was left hanging in the air as our eyes locked for the millionth time today, his steel ones boring so intensely into mine. "No, I don't." He stated calmly and suddenly all my will to bring up my stalker issue flew out the window. Somehow, I was too overwhelmed by his sole presence that cocooned me sweetly. "Okay." The disappointment hit the goal again, my shoulders slumping dejectedly. What did I expect anyway? My intention to go around him and escape to my chambers was stopped by his rough hand on my forearm. Once again, his silky, deep voice tickled my ears as his hesitant sentence filled the air around us. My heart, that was already tired from being torn to various pieces, skipped a beat at his question. "Do you... want to come.. in?" Timidly I nodded my head, looking away from the fervent gaze that seeped through my very core. "Yeah." I followed him inside once he unlocked the door and let us into the darkness of his chambers. The interior of it looked much better than that night, everything back in its place. We sat in the sofas and our small talk turned to long conversations. "So tell me about yourself. When we talked I told you what happened in my life. Your turn." The sudden turn of our talk made me sigh softly. I hated revealing information about my life, rather talking about the past that left a very evident scar. "Well, I was born in Stratford, but I don't remember much of that place because we moved when I was 5. My father was an exhibitor. He painted for people and celebrities. He would often do some kind of sketches for construction companies and people who wanted to renovate their homes. My mother was a teacher in a high school. She taught mathematics, a very smart woman. But, when dad died she lost it. I don't really know what happened, I was out of town, but she was diagnosed and is now in a mentally disordered facility. I heard she was getting better. I wasn't allowed to visit her for some reason, and I never prodded deeper." The short summary was enough for me. Leaving the most important parts of the past was my tactic, I gave them all and nothing. What they did whit that information was not my problem. "I'm sorry." His eyes were kind of sad, mine gazing into those gorgeous gray irises. He seemed to be holding back on something, but he was nonetheless interrupted by his phone. In that moment, long gone was the relaxed and laid back Elijah that was listening to me patiently and in came the stone cold person that he presented at work. Jeez he's the same as his father. I was truly amazed how they could switch between emotions so fast. Respecting the little privacy, I stood from my seat and took a spot next to his window. It looked upon the other side of the street where the lights weren’t as prominent. It didn’t take long before I felt a hand sneak at the bottom of my hips, pressing me back to the warm chest of his. His heat enveloped me, my breath hitching as I felt his warmth behind my ear. Oh god. His other hand moved my hair revealing my neck, fingertips softly brushing my delicate skin there. His breath fanned over me and my skin flushed incredibly under his burning touch. "Such soft skin." He murmured and I felt his head dip to the crook of my neck, lips barely brushing the skin as he inhaled deeply through his nose. "You smell divine." He swallowed hard before his lips finally, after such long wait, attached themselves to the base of my neck. He kissed up, leaving wet trails all over as he reached my ear, lips ever so teasingly massaging the end of it. My body was burning up and I had to press my legs together from how much they were trembling, trying to not let them buckle under me. His front soon pressed to my backside, a shock of unexpected goosebumps running through my spine and into the pit of my stomach. I could feel him deliciously pressing against me, evidence that I wasn’t the only one who was getting excited my our little play. "What are you doing to me?" The question was without an answer and we both knew that. The same issue was torturing the both of us and this new experience was too addicting. As if on cue, my subconsciousness decided to interrupt this heated moment. He's your boss Anna! My eyes opened with a snap and before I processed my own actions, I was already spinning around and pushing him away from my body. I took a reasonable distance away from him, eyes going up to his desperate ones. "Anna." He reached for me, but darted my head down and I sprinted past him and out of the room. I couldn’t let the desire take over, make me succumb to him. Just that wasn’t enough to bring me down to my knees. Was it?
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