Chapter 7

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After he left, I stood leaning on the door and replaying what had happened, the whole scenery portraying itself in my mind as if it were on replay. Not knowing what had hit me, I stared blankly ahead of myself, unable to process the reality that had taken its seat on my shoulders. I’m an exception and he likes the atmosphere and the feelings he gets from being together with me. I had no idea what to think of the whole ordeal, but there was only one decision I could make. I need to keep my distance as much as I can, or this job will turn into something else. It was a cruel settlement that had seemed like the only escape. After moments of mindlessly staring in space, I made my way towards the stairs that led to my room. As if it wasn’t enough for one night, when my feet reached the bottom of the staircase my ears were filled with voices that came from the narrow corridor. Remembering that it was the path to the waiting room I was in yesterday, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. When I finally realized whose voice was particularly filled with giggles, I was already halfway to the door. Curiosity spiked in me, my body now leaning forward to take a look what was playing out on the other side. The door was slightly ajar and my eyes caught the forms that fondled with their clothes and hands. Sebastian and Jamie. Holy shit.... Them? Originally knowing that Sebastian was like an emotionless statue, I was completely taken aback by the sight before me. His smiling face practically blew my mind and newly discovered fact had me gawking at the couple that shamelessly took their time in a waiting room. The adoration in his eyes was like cherry on top, but when things started to get heated, I decently pulled away from the door and gave them back their privacy. I wasn’t sure what to think of this, nor the things that had happened earlier on this day and so with my mind in pieces, I climbed up to my room and locked the door carefully behind me. I stripped off my evening clothes and folded them nicely so they wouldn’t be wrinkled, keeping myself as occupied as possible from the countless number of thoughts in my head. Sighing in exasperation, I lay down on the bed, tucking myself in comfortably. Not a minute later I fell asleep, my subconsciousness now roaming the lands of the dream realm and taking me far away. I woke up to the sound of someone's voice, my ears ringing from the closeness the other person was speaking from. There was pressure on my shoulder and someone shook me slightly, their small hand enveloping my shoulder. Even though the touch was foreign I didn’t feel the need to actually move away. My eyes fluttered open, the blurry image of the smiling girl showing up before me. "Anna wake up. You'll be late." Jamie’s gentle voice coaxed me out of the dizziness and finally I took in her gleaming appearance. Her clothes and hair were all fitting in, her cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling with happiness. The wide smile made her appear as though she could take on anything of this world. She looked beautiful. My lips slowly spread into a knowing smile, even though to her it appeared as a welcoming one. "What time is it?" My voice came out scratchy and immediately I regret not clearing my throat before speaking. Sitting up on the bed, I felt the weight of my muscles triple as though I had ran a marathon yesterday. Supposing that I actually overdid it with the stress a particular person had put on me, a small sigh left my parted lips. Though, my unawareness of time of the day was even more of a wonder. " It's half past 8, and breakfast is at nine." Crap. "But, young master has a meeting at nine so you'll be going early." Double crap. My body sprung from the bed and I quickly saunter over to the bathroom, rushing to fulfill my morning needs. Knowing that I won’t have time to be picky over my clothes, I quickly peek through the door with a toothbrush in my mouth. "Jamie, pick something from my dresser and put it on the bed." "What should I pick?" An amused smile made it to her lips even though I felt as though I was simply using her. " Anything you want." Once done with my teeth, I proceed to my hair, putting it up in a messy bun and quickly exiting the bathroom. Not having enough time, I quickly put on the clothes Jamie had carefully laid out for me and leave the room within minutes. At ten minutes until nine, I am downstairs with Eva standing at the entrance door. The gorgeous woman turned towards me with the same gentle smile and I immediately visibly relaxed. She had that affect, it seemed, to calm ones upset nerves and silently reassure them that it’ll be quite fine. "He's in the car." I mouthed a thank you, walking past her with a small nod and heading towards the car. Once I was in, my nose was filled with his strong, manly cologne and my body and heart lost itself in it. I looked at the well dressed, powerful man that was tightly gripping the wheel, genuinely wishing that I was still in my bed and not having to face my young, attractive boss. Shake it away Anna. "I'm sorry I'm late. I sle-" "Don't let it happen again." The stern tone almost made me flinch, making me aware that he was not pleased by my actions. Another sigh today left me as he put pressure on the gas and we drove away. The silence was more than suffocating. My very being was getting tired of it and I desperately wished to get out of the small space of the car. I thanked whatever natural force when Elijah pulled up and left the car in a hurry, me almost instantly behind him. His voice traveled through the air and into my small ears, skin prickling immediately at how incredibly sexy it was. "I want my coffee when I get back from the meeting. It will be around eleven" "Yes, s... Elijah. " My almost evident slip would have fueled his anger even more and I cursed under my breath for being so clumsy. The guilt of me sleeping in was rising up in my throat, just wanting to rot away through the ground and never appear before the man again. It was vile, this feeling, the continuous sighs leaving me becoming so obvious. Yet, the man didn’t even spare me a single glance as he sauntered off to the meeting room. Crap. The word played on in my mind as I made my way to his office. Before I could reach it, a tap on my shoulder stopped me in tracks and upon turning around, my face was met with a buff chest. "Easy there." The silky, manly voice made the blush on my cheeks come all to quickly and I pulled back with an embarrassed smile. "Sorry." A man of a decent height, charming blue eyes and bluish hair was what my eyes landed upon. He had a smile that could win over hundreds of girls, yet he wasn’t as gorgeous as Elijah. His attire was also decent as he appeared to be a worker here, one hand in his pocket and the other freely stretched out. "I saw you around yesterday, and I see you now again. Who are you?" The question made it sound as though he was confused by my presence, but his eyes spoke differently. He was prodding something that should be left be, but his curiosity and the soft, mischievous glint in his eyes gave him away. He was interested and wanted to know what a shady girl like me was doing in the building of an famous CEO who won over the world. Tedious. "I mean, it's not like for the boss to have someone coming in and out of his office." I’m his babysitter. The thought of speaking those words in such a way made me scrunch up my nose in thought. "I'm his... Well..." "New nutritionist perhaps?" "Oh no, I'm here to keep an eye on him. " The amusement flamed and his smile stretched far across his face, making him seem like a cat that had a plan or a joker card up his sleeve. He was without a doubt good at his job. "So you're the new babysitter." The laugh that bubbled up from his chest was contagious and I simply couldn’t help my own from escaping. The silent negotiation of our gazes was over and I had fallen to his friendly charm. "Yes if you put it like that." "Name is Nikolai. And what is yours beautiful lady? " I continued to observe the man who’s intrusion was appreciated on my part, finding a spectacular mix of a player and a charmer, with a small dose of pure friendly character in him. "Call me Anna." Before I had even planned out what to do for the time I had to wait for Elijah, I have found myself chattering with Nikolai in the building’s smoking and break area. He was pleasant to talk to, but our time together ran short when my curfew was around the corner. "I have to go. It was nice meeting you Nikolai. " "Oh sure. Maybe we can grab lunch later if you want?" His pearly white teeth peeked out again as he smiled at me, his eyes staring into mine hopefully. I couldn’t bring myself to refuse, the blush slowly spreading on my cheeks as I replied to his offer. "Sure." Once we parted, my thoughts were filled with the cold image of my boss. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t simply attracted to someone like Nikolai, why I couldn’t stay away from that stressful man. My feet quickly tapped on the tiled floor as I walked out of the building, regretting not refusing the man that slowly melted up my insides and my heart into a puddle with his every move. He was now the product of my fantasies which I would keep to myself and even if I push him back, he would somehow swim out of the back of my mind and fill up my mind while spreading like a very deadly disease. I found myself in the store across from the building, ordering a regular coffee and patiently waiting at the counter. The fact that I was so out of it while crossing the street had me slightly terrified. Shaking my head I inhaled deeply in order to clear up some of the tension. The moment was short lived as the sudden edginess took over, the overpowering emotion of someone ogling me washed over me and the sickness to my stomach almost made me double over. The room was closing in on me at a fast pace, my eyes darting around the store in search of the source. When I found it, I silently wished that I had ordered or made coffee in the building. It was him. The same man that followed me from the station was sitting three tables from me and watching me like a hawk. His dark eyes void of any emotion swallowed me up like a black hole. My throat went immediately dry, hands trembling until a boyish voice snapped me out of the deadly muddle I had fallen in. "Miss?" I scrambled with my wallet, quickly paying the boy and taking the coffee from his hand. His eyes questionably searched my terrified expression before I turned around and left the store. I didn’t even have to look to know, I felt him with my very being. He was right behind me. My heart was in my ears as I fastened my pace, hoping that I would get away before my stalker could do anything. But I was tricked as the traffic light turned red and the agonizingly long wait for the green color to show up began. He was uncomfortably close behind, keeping his distance but letting me know that he was able to do anything he wanted in this moment. Once my chance showed up, I sprinted down the crosswalk and towards my safety. The persistent man was right behind me, following with quick, long steps until I reached the parking lot of the building. Unauthorized personnel couldn’t access it, the safe zone making the suffocation all the more easier. I entered the building with my breaths coming out short and ragged. Turning around I saw that he was standing at the end of the parking lot with the same sinister smile that made me want to let out my insides from fear. I was now aware that from tomorrow on I could never return to that lovely shop, the danger screaming at me loudly. When I came to my senses I checked my clock to see if I was on time. The fear, adrenaline and the anxiousness strained my body and mind to no end. Once I was in his office, I set the coffee on the table safely and with shaky legs sat down on the couch. Sweat coated my forehead, my body softly trembling as my uneasy mind replayed the stage over and over again. I was being followed by a man who seemed to know every single detail about me, my deepest secrets and my untold stories. It was horrible, this anxiety that choked the breath out of me when I thought of him. In this peculiar moment when Elijah’s deep voice was heard from the other side of the door, my body completely relaxed and I let out a sigh of relief. "Andrea, that's enough. I'm not going to accept that proposition." He stormed inside the office, not once glancing my way even for a second. A pang of hurt stabbed at my heart, the strain from everything showing on my face. I bowed my head to chase away the urge to break down and looked up when a blonde, well dressed woman walked in after him. "But Elijah, you know this would make a great profit." Her disapproving look almost made me want to disappear, but the ringing of his name coming off her plump lips had me cringing uncontrollably. I wasn’t the only one and it was what I should have realized from the beginning. A girl who came from a poor family, an orphan at the age of 18 and most of all his caretaker that was reckless in her actions couldn’t possibly have a chance in his world. We were two different forces, our realms were too different for anything to even happen. My solemn expression was covered up when my head fell once again and I silently listened to their conversation. "No, and that is my last answer." "But we could-" "I said enough!" The slam of his fist against the hard wood made both of us jump in fright. He glared at Andrea who in return simply succumbed in fear of his next actions. The submissiveness of the woman showed just how much power this man had in this world. "Yes, sir." Her voice quivered and for the next ten minutes they discussed something I didn't understand. She left with a glare sent my way and a gentle slam of the door. Silence spread through the room, and I welcomed it with open arms. I was glad that he didn't speak to me, needing a moment to myself. When my desperate staring wasn’t returned by even a small glance, I sighed in defeat. Is he still pissed at me for being late? I hopped for the opposite, but that also didn’t seem to last long for a sudden urge to use the restroom appeared. Not finding it any use to speak to the man that was ignoring me, I stood up and with a light step tried to sneak out of the office. It didn’t go unnoticed by him and I felt my skin prickle as his voice rang through the silence. "Where are you going?" I turned to find the intense stare that I liked so much and the blank expression of the man that made butterflies turn into wasps within my stomach. "To the toilet." I replied and in return his eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Don't take too long." With his permission granted I left the office, not turning back to catch the small smile that danced on his beautiful lips. My toilet break wasn’t long and in a matter of minutes I was walking back to the office. My movement ceased when a cheerful, lustrous voice called out to me. "Hey Anna! In about an hour I was wondering if we could go to lunch." Nikolai came skipping towards me, the sweet charming smile never wavering. "Sure." "Great I'll see you then." He patted my shoulder gently and went in the opposite direction. I was somehow relieved that I had someone to converse with and it wasn’t mister all-too-intense. It was refreshing to have someone so full of energy on such a difficult day. All the while smiling, I entered Elijah's office only to find him leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful and his features took in a more boyish look instead of the stern and sharp one. I took the tube with his medicine and a bottle of water out of my purse, setting them on the table. My trance lived as I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. His long lashes gently kissed the skin of his cheeks, lips parted in a small pout. I longed to touch his face, feel the softness of his skin under my fingertips, to let my lips rest upon his and late him take away the virginity of mine. When I finally emerged from my daze, I turned to leave for the couch. A tight grip on my wrist stopped me, gasp escaping me as I was pulled back. "Who was that?" His voice came out raspy, laced with a small coat of irritation. "Who?" "Don't play stupid with me. Who was that man you were talking to?" This time his eyes opened fully, no longer half-lidded and hooded. "Oh, Nikolai. I met him this morning. He asked me out for lunch." "You can't." The instant reply made me double back from the sudden forbiddance. My eyebrows furrowed and sudden annoyance spread through my chest. "Why not?" "Because I said so." He replied coldly, standing up while his hand was still tightly gripping my fragile wrist. If he wanted to, he could without any problem snap it. "But I want to." I tried to wiggle my hand away, but his sudden action had my heart rate spiking up. He pulled me closer to his chest, my own gently touching his abdomen. His cologne enveloped me and I fell into the spell that he was slowly casting upon me. "You can't. I need you here with me." I looked into his eyes and they were pleading me to stay, glistening with the need for my presence in his surroundings. His arm sneaked around my waist and when he let my hand go, my own came up to his forearms. We were stupidly staring at each other, my palms feeling the fullness of his biceps as he pressed me against him. Boy, was he strong. His presence overwhelmed me, making me go dizzy from the proximity. My heart was racing with my cheeks flushed and my lips parted as soft pants left me. His other hand brushed the hair from my cheek, and I felt his peppermint breath on my lips. His eyes scanned my face, and I could see something swimming in them, something he hadn’t showed to me before. Desire. His thumb skimmed over my lower lip, skin sticking to skin in an almost erotic way. "So beautiful." He murmured quietly, but just enough for me to hear, enough for me to know that he indeed meant it. My hands slid up his strong chest and racing heart, his head dipping even more so that our faces were just millimeters away. His thumb was now cupping my chin and our lips accidentally grazed against one another. Our breaths hitched, the pull so strong that it had me wondering what kept our actions in control. Kiss me. The sudden loud knock on the door made us instantly pull away. As if we were slapped awake, we stared away from each other with wide eyes. I couldn’t deny the obvious anymore. There was something in me for this man, a desire so heavy that I felt it ripping me apart piece my piece.
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