The Marking

1648 Words

Carter's POV- I woke up from my pleasant slumber to find her slender fingers rubbing small circles on my chest. I let a smile run across my face as I stroked her fire red curls. This is the calmest Lilliana had been since she arrived here. She let out a soft gasp which made me chuckle. "Good morning, Little Wolf." My voice was low and laced with my amusement. Lilliana had not warmed up to me until now, but I could tell she was settling in here. Her angelic features softened when she heard my voice, turning to face me. "Good morning, Carter." I pulled myself up to hover over her. Her gorgeous green eyes swirled with admiration but there was a hint of something else. Her voice was small this morning and I could feel the tension she held in her body. "Little Wolf, what's wrong?" She t

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