No More Secrets

1440 Words

Lilliana's POV- When I finally managed to calm down enough we went down to Carter's office to speak. After a quick synopsis of 15 years of secrets, I was floored to say the least. Set aside the fact that I apparently come from a family of Gifted Wolves, my guilt was now at an all time high. My mother and brother died protecting me, my father lost his pack, and I was stunted in my ability to control my gifts all because of who I was. Because of my ignorance to the situation I had hurt Ryker and Nyx, even though they assured me they've had it worse. Even still the guilt ate away at me slowly. I looked around Carter's office, taking in our band of misfits. Carter was sitting in his chair behind his desk, looking regal as always. I stood to his right, slightly behind him, trying to shield

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