New Home

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Third Person POV- Confusion swirled in Lilliana's mind as she followed the man who claimed to be her mate. She hadn't shifted fully yet so her pull to the mate bond wasn't as strong as Carter's. Carter was already having a hard time controlling himself with the state he found her in but with her scent surrounding him like a cloud it was even harder. The scent of fresh baked cinnamon rolls made his mouth water but not for the food. He had been watching his little wolf from afar for weeks, never getting close enough to reveal himself. Of course he had known about the two rouges living in the human town but he never had a reason to deal with them. They had moved there right after his parents died and never made waves. The few pack members who had come across them had been fond of the girl and her father. Honestly, it was just a fluke that he found her at the mall. He followed her from a distance watching her sift through clearance racks until she bought two dresses. After a little research, Carter came to infere that they were choices for her birthday dress. Using that he bought the jewelry set that would mark his first gift to her. Regret circled through his veins as he chastised himself for the way he treated her. It was obvious she had been assaulted in some form before Carter got to her tonight and he had stupidly lost his head. He never wanted to be the one to hurt his little mate but when Equinox, his wolf, felt she was rejecting him... He sighed heavily with the strain of the circumstances between him and his wolf. In the last two years, Equinox had become so much harder to control and now he had hurt the only ray of hope he had. There was a very good chance that she would ultimately end up rejecting him and that irritated him. Lilliana's POV- The tears had stopped now, and I was almost numb as I let him drag me through the forest. I should be out shopping or hanging out with Nicki, not traipsing through the woods with f*****g Alpha Carter. I still couldn't wrap my head around Carter saying he was my mate. I held my breath as we made our way out of the forest and to a large mansion, the sun just peaking over the top of the house. We had been walking for hours and the exhaustion was starting to take hold. I struggled to keep up with his long stride, but he didn't seem to notice, keeping his pace until we reached the front door. The door was a sleek white but still held the feel of comfort. He unlocked it with a key, pushing it open before pulling me inside, shutting off the alarm just inside the door. There was an ornate stair case in the foyer that lead up to what I can only assume were the living quarters. He pulled me in front of him and started urging me up the stairs. The pain was beginning to set in now, but he didn't seem like the type to let up, so I put one foot in front of the other and made my way up the stairs. When we reached the landing, he took my wrist again, dragging me to the end of the hall, unlocking another door. He ushered me inside, standing in the doorway. "This is your room. There's clothes in the closet, a bathroom to your right, and some books to occupy your time. I'll send someone up with breakfast later. I have work to do." With that, he shut the door before locking it. I stood there in shock for a few moments while I listened to his foot steps fade away. He just told me I was his mate, kidnapped me, and shoved me in a room, before dismissing me all together. With a sigh I turned and looked around the room, immediately eyeing a sitting nook in one of the windows. I closed the curtains and pulled myself on the bench, leaning against the wall. The tears started falling again leaving a trail of my pain. This is my life now and I was scared. I let myself cry, sobbing now, until I fell asleep. Carter's POV- I walked down the stairs and straight into my office. I flicked on the lights and started rummaging through the papers on my desk trying to restore some order to the chaos. I pulled out my phone dialing my Beta's number quickly. "Mac, I have her. Get over here as soon as possible and bring Ryker with you." I ended the call without waiting for a response, rubbing my temples gently. I could have mind-linked him, but if he was sleeping I'd have an easier time getting through on my phone. I was exhausted, having walked through the forest all night, dragging the girl behind me. I could have been home faster if I had shifted, but she hadn't yet, and there was no way she would have kept pace that way. The next full moon starts tomorrow, and it's almost guaranteed she will shift then. Freshly 18 and now having found her mate, her wolf wouldn't be able to wait. She couldn't feel it like I could, having the pull of my wolf, but I wanted her in the worst ways. But she can't be marked or mated until she shifts so all I can do now is make preparations. I know she is scared, but I need her scared so she will comply. Being my mate and the future Luna is dangerous. Especially at a time where inter-pack relations are so fragile and we are on the brink of war. She would need to follow my instructions so I could keep her safe. Deep in my thoughts I heard a knock on the front door. Getting up I could smell Mac and Ryker's scents hovering outside, waiting for me to let them in. It was barely 7 in the morning and since Ryker was much more of a night owl, I could imagine he was less than pleased about being here. I unlocked the door to reveal him leaning against the door frame half asleep and Mac trying to smack him into attention. I was used to their antics by now and they both bowed as I stepped aside to let them in the house. They knew the drill and walked straight into my office standing on either side of my desk waiting for me to sit. "Have a seat men. Ryker you look like death." Ryker groaned as he plopped himself into the seat. "I maaaay have been out late drinking last night. Now I feel like death." Mac rolled his eyes and I shook my head. My Gamma is a walking mess. Mac had now taken a seat and settled in waiting for me to talk. "Last night, Little Wolf wandered on to our territory. As you both know I've been watching her from a distance until she shifted, but that has changed. She's here in her room now, but still hasn't shifted. My bet is she will shift tomorrow for the first time. No one besides us can know she is here until she is marked and mated and has the full strength of a Luna. The staff have been told to take the next few days off, so you two will be helping me here." Ryker let out a frustrated sigh and I snapped my head to look at him. He immediately bowed his head and returned to silence. "Ryker I'm so glad you volunteered to take care of all our future Luna's needs! That starts with making her something to eat and making sure she eats it. I suspect by now she is sleeping, but when you are through preparing her food, wake her up. When she is done eating, make sure she showers and changes out of her torn dress." Mac's eyes darted to me, I could see the concern in his eyes. We had spoke extensively about the best way to handle Little Wolf. I still didn't know her name, but I wasn't planning on using force. "I didn't tear her dress. Apparently she was trying to escape a human ex that roughed her up. I did strike her and tackle her, only after she refused to cooperate." Mac nodded but I could see he didn't agree. Good thing I was Alpha and not him. Ryker stood slowly sensing the tension in the room. Mac was visibly holding himself in line which I found curious. All wolves naturally seemed to be protective of their Luna but this felt like more. "I'll go get her food started Alpha." And with that he was gone, surely relaxed to be out of the room. He left Mac and I to discuss the preparations for Little Wolf's first shift.
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