Meeting the Gamma

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Lilliana's POV- I never even heard to door unlock or the man come into the room. All I felt was a hand gently shaking me awake. My eyes fluttered open in confusion until I looked around the room and confirmed that it hadn't been just a dream. Everything that happened was real and I was still trapped in this nightmare. I looked up at the man who woke me up, noticing it was not Alpha Carter. I trembled a little bit, unsure if this man was going to be cruel like Carter, after all I was in his pack now. He c****d his head to the side speaking with a much softer tone that matched his soft brown eyes. "Why on earth wouldn't you use the bed? How could the wall be more comfortable?" I just stared at him for a moment, trying to decide the best response, as I took in his confused demeanor. I took a deep breath before I answered. "It didn't seem right." I opened the curtain gently looking out to the garden below us. I wanted to be free so badly, to go back to my life, but I knew I never could, not now. He shifted uncomfortably for a moment before speaking again. "I am the packs Gamma, Ryker. I know this is all a bit of a shock, but you will be safe here. Alpha Carter had me whip you up some breakfast. Please come eat." I looked behind him to a little table by the bookshelf where a tray sat. I looked at him for a moment, his face seemingly pleading with me to eat. I wonder what the Alpha would do to both him and me if I refused. For now my best course of action was to comply and hope the Alpha didn't hurt me again. I got up and slowly made my way to the table, every muscle in my body sore now. I took a seat and began eating the eggs, bacon, and toast, every once and a while sipping the orange juice on the tray. I only took a few bites as I realized my appetite was almost non-existent. I watched as Ryker walked to the closet and pulled out some clean undergarments and a light blue t-shirt and grey sweats. From the hangers he took out a matching grey hoodie before grabbing some socks and grey and blue sneakers and laying them all in the bathroom. I heard him shuffling around the bathroom closet, trying to figure out why he was pulling everything out when I didn't even want a shower. "Oh god..." I managed to mutter out as I looked down. It had finally dawned on me that I was still wearing my torn dress and my chest had practically been staring him in the face this whole time. I clasped the fabric together for dear life while I waited for him to come out of the bathroom. When he finally emerged, he let out a chuckle before speaking in a more upbeat tone than earlier. "Oh don't worry! I promise I wasn't looking. I like my eyeballs in my head." I let out a soft chuckle and Ryker just smiled at me for a moment. How could someone so opposite Carter work for him? I was quickly brought out of my thoughts when I heard him speak again. "All your clothes and your towel are set up in the bathroom for you. Soap and shower items have already been set up. Come on, I'll show you how to turn it on and warm it up." I slowly followed him, watching him turn the shower on and adjust the water. I nodded my thanks and he left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I slowly undressed, throwing my dress in the wastebasket and my under clothes in the hamper. I tested the water one more time before stepping under the stream, feeling its heat wash over me. I stood for awhile letting the heat work into my sore muscles, trying to loosen them, before turning my attention to my hair. It was dirty from being pushed against the tree and later tackled to the ground. There was some lavender and eucalyptus shampoo and conditioner in the shower and after some careful reading of the bottle was deemed safe for my curls. I squeezed a generous amount of shampoo into my hands and gently lathered it through my hair. The smell was so relaxing as I worked my fingers through each curl and finally scrubbing my scalp. I felt the cascade of bubbles make their was down my back as I rinsed the soap and dirt away. Next was the conditioner that I worked through my hair before letting it sit. I took a few minutes to document the bruises I could see on me. I had some light ones on my wrists and I could see a few on my stomach from being tackled. I still heal faster than humans, but as I hadn't fully shifted I still heal slow. I had one that sat on my hip that was darker purple and figured I probably hit a rock there when I fell. I used the wash cloth to wash my body with a body wash I found on the side of the shower. After I was done I rinsed all the conditioner and body wash off before taking one final breath and shut the water off. I didn't know how long I had been in there, but I knew it was a while. I quickly dried off wrapping my hair in the towel to dry. When it was wet it fell to my butt, and when dry it fell to the small of my back. After pulling on all my clothes, I brought my socks and shoes out to the window nook, sitting on the bench to put them on. Ryker was sitting at the table, texting on his phone. I half expected him to have left by now, but also wasn't surprised he was still here. He looked up from his phone grinning. "I half thought you drowned in there. Feel better?" I nodded my head as I pulled the towel off, running my fingers through my hair to get any tangles out. Ryker's POV- Our Luna was a broken but welcomed sight. The sincerity in her voice when she said sleeping on the bed didn't feel right sat heavy in my heart. She would come to be the greatest beacon in our pack and hopefully save Carter, but she had so little confidence in herself. She was scared and I could see the loneliness in her eyes. Because she was my Luna but also my best friend's mate, I made it a personal mission to try to make her more comfortable here. It should have been her mate's job, but to be honest I wasn't sure that I trusted Equinox around her. He had become increasingly volatile as of late and with no solid reason I could only suspect that he still harbored a fair amount of trauma. Carter had healed well enough but Equinox was overly obsessed with control. If he didn't ease up with her, I had no doubt he would loose her before their bond really began. She was pure, her heart bled innocence into the room. Right here, I knew I would comfort her with all I had because the pack needed her, I needed her. The pack was strong but I knew they were concerned about the increasing outbursts that Carter had been having. He tried to hide it but ever since Equinox had found this girl he had become more ruthless, and that was saying something. We have recently captured a Rouge on our border and Equinox brutally eviscerated him and watched with a sadistic grin while the guy bled out. His death was merited when he attacked the patrol that spotted him but the vile way he was killed was over the top. I knew she was scared but I just had to hope she would find something worth staying for. She was the only hope we had to tame the beast before he became our down fall. She was taking a lot longer in the shower than I thought she would, but I merely kept closer to the door to listen to her. I could here shuffling around and let out a sigh of relief when I realized she hadn't run. I half expected her to be broken down in tears but she held strong, just what the pack and Carter needed. She would be a strong and compassionate Luna, as soon as she had faith in herself. I could see the burdens she held on her shoulders weighing her down, I just had to have hope that we could help her overcome them. I didn't want her to think I was creeping on her so I settled back in the chair and passed the time scrolling on my phone until she came back in the room.
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